On May 1st, 2007, hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, will stand up to the anti-migrant tide, against the raids and deportations, against punitive and terroristic "immigration reform." Migrants and those with recent migrant roots, will emerge from invisible communities and underground economies to demand dignity and justice from a government that is offering only a choice between which oppression it will unleash on them. And they have an answer: stop the raids and deportations, and legalization for all immigrants now.
The Migrant Trap, and the Migrants' Way Out: May 1, 2007 by Leslie Radford
LA IMC Calendar:
May 1 Immigrant Workers March-Rally In L.A.
Downtown and Mid-Town Los Angeles will be the focal points for two marches and rallies in support of the immigrant workers.
The first march will start at 12 noon. Immigration supporters will meet at Olympic and Broadway to march to Los Angeles City Hall.
The second march will start at Vermont and Third Street at 3 PM.