LOS ANGELES - In the early morning hours on August 5th Arturo Velasquez' car was set on fire outside his home. Arturo is a leading member of the Campaign for Renters Rights. He has been organizing tenants in his building for two years. Arturo is popular with tenants for helping force the landlord, Alfredo Alverado, to make major repairs. Through his efforts Arturo has considerably improved the quality of the life for his family and all the tenants at his apartment building. The building is located in a low income neighborhood in East Hollywood, Los Angeles.
After Arturo helped lead the tenants campaign, the landlord took Arturo to court in an attempt to evict his family. The landlord lost this eviction attempt. But yet again, this year the landlord attempted to take Arturo's family to court on another charge. Once again, the courts sided with Arturo and his family. Last week the landlord turned down Arturo's attempts to get them to enter into mediation. Two days later his car was set on fire. Fellow activists and tenants are suspicious of the timing of the attack and are demanding a full investigation. From the Newswire: Arson Attack On Tenant Activist by DntMrn...Organize
Update: Tenants picket councilman’s office, demanding investigation: Small victory against arson attack by DntMrn