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Most disgruntled ex-employees don't have access to the corporate media. As much as they'd like to air their personal grievances in public with all the bias they can muster, they typically have to get by ranting and raving to friends and family. But for a few, like Marc Cooper and Mark Schubb, privilege lends a hand. The Ella Taylor (friend of the aforementioned duo) piece in the LA Weekly was flawed to the point of irresponsibility. That a sycophantic journalist trying to make friends would bend over backwards to please is understandable. That the Weekly would print such an unabashed smear is unconscionable.
At a point in history when the right is at its most powerful, for a paper that regards itself as left to stomp on a true attempt at democracy and "eat its own," as the author so aptly points out, brings politics and motives among the self-described intellectual elite into serious question.
Among the more egregious omissions was Ms. Taylor's neglect to mention that four lawsuits filed against the Pacifica National Board were settled in favor of the plaintiffs. The lawsuits were settled because of their merit, not because the plaintiffs had the loudest voices. In fact, the PNB spent millions on the loudest voices money could buy in the form of very high powered attorneys.
We could fill the center column with all the inaccuracies and outright lies contained in the article. Instead, we'd like to open a forum for discussion, rebuttal and debate. Please add your comments here.
[ Read the LA Weekly Article here. | David Adelson of KPFK LAB responds, discounts Schubb's audience claims | Pre-publication Letter to Weekly Editor from iGM Steven Starr ]