UPDATE: the arrest count in Long Beach is now four people. Three associated with the AOccasions Infoshop, and one, Hassan Hassan, a math teacher with a political background. Meeting slated for THURSDAY (tonight) see article.
The Long Beach Infoshop, A-Occasions, needs to raise rent money. An article on RTF explains. Preserve autonomous spaces.
The IMC Community Voices Project is on the air at KPFK! They are looking for more people to get their voices heard on the radio. If you know anyone who has something to say, they should be on CVP. See the Community Voices for details.
Also, this coming Tuesday is the final night to catch National Corporate Radio.
And, the following day is May Day, International Worker's Day! There are big events planned in Orange County and Downtown LA. Don't miss out on the fun!
[ Rampage Arrested | Cartoon and Commentary ]