The destruction of a hill in Echo Park would make way for four three-story homes. Both PLUM and City Council approved the project despite failure to meet all CEQA requirements (i.e., a threatened species, the black walnut tree, is on the premises) and objections of some 50 neighbors. Instead, a developer in San Jose, California is being favored.
The land in question has long been known by the community as Kite Hill and has been valued as one of the few remaining undeveloped spaces left in Los Angeles. Red tail hawks frequent the area often, and one neighbor saw the mountain lion P-22 there.
The case is expected to be heard in court in a few months. Meanwhile, the developer could choose to start demolition of the hill at any time depending on how confident he feels of the legal outcome.
Full story and photos: Echo Park Residents Sue LA Over Controversial Development by Friends of Kite Hill