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For coverage of events in Oslo and Calgary, check out the global Indymedia.
Thursday: The Intl. Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) contract with the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA), covering over 10,000 workers, expires on July 1. PMA is seeking rollbacks that would impeded union organizing, including a shutdown of the hiring hall; a strike looms imminent. Additionally, truckers, some of the lowest paid port workers, are trying to organize with the Teamsters, and in Oakland, the contract with the janitors' union (SEIU 790) is also up, and they may use this opportunity for solidarity strikes. Because of the "War on Terrorism" this could lead to an activation of the Taft-Hartley Act which makes illegal a strike that might threaten national security, including any solidarity strike between the ILWU and the Teamsters. On Thursday, a massive rally will occur at the Port of Oakland (with live coverage by San Francisco Indymedia). Solidarity rallies in LA/LB, Portland, Tacoma, and Seattle are also occurring. longshore demo info
For an overview of the business at the ports, and logistics in LA, read this paper (pdf).
Friday afternoon, the Taco Bell Boycott by the CIW and POWER are having a rally at Taco Bell Headquarters. This is an educational experience for youth activists! Details...
Friday in Los Angeles, ANSWER is calling for a national demo against new repressive FBI measures at the Downtown Federal Building.
Saturday, the Southern Cal. Criminal Justice Consortium is having a rally in support of hunger strikers at Pelican Bay protesting conditions in the Special Housing Unit. Report at Politics in the Zeros. Sign a petition.
Sunday, the Forever 21 demonstrations continue, this time at the corner of 8th and Oxford.
For more events, see the Calendar.