The Taco Bell Truth Tour is widing its way through the southland, and will culminate in a huge rally at the Taco Bell headquarters in Irvine California. A range of speakers and artists will present knowledge about the condition of agricultural workers in Florida, and why it is essential for regular people to support this boycott. It's the confluence of forces: privitization of campus food, virtual slavery in the fields, and globalization.
Daily reports are being filed to the CIW website.
JG, a Hatian-American performer with Over the Counter Intelligence, a band that will be peforming Friday at the rally, recently excoriated the leftist activist scene for being largely ignorant about Haiti, a nation that is in constant revolutionary uprising, impoverished, and immigrates to the US in large numbers. Read it.
Performers at the rally include Tom Morello of Audioslave, Boots Reilly of the Coup, and Lila Downs; speakers include Dolores Huerta and Eric Schlosser (author of Fast Food Nation).