Speakers: Ali Kiani, Iranian Marxist writer and translator Sam S., Iranian-American reader in Marx and Marxism When our loved ones suffer from recessions, war, bosses, and all the dehumanizing prejudice felt in the workplace and beyond, we have to wonder, is this all there is to life? When well meaning people like Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn speak of Democratic Socialism, does this go far enough in restoring our full humanity? Here we will explore how Karl Marx speaks to what a true and beautiful democracy looks like, the democracy beyond slogans that we deserve. Marx’s early thought led the way to his communism that seeks the fulfillment of what democracy ought to stand for, a human freedom that prospers in all parts of our lives, not just a ballot box every four years. We will also see the differences between his philosophy and the state socialists and anarchists. What humanity has come to need is a future worlds away from the liberalism and pessimism we have grown accustomed to in modern politics. Together let’s learn about Marxist- Humanism and defeat capitalism!
Suggested Reading: Peter Hudis "What is democratic socialism? What is socialist democracy?" (2019) https://www.imhojournal.org/articles/what-is-democratic-socialism-what-is-socialist-democracy/
Save this date: November 17, Marx's Critique of the Gotha program vs State Socialism from and for Real Communism from below
Sponsored by West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization
More information: arise@internationalmarxisthumanist.org http://www.imhojournal.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/imhorg/ https://www.facebook.com/LAMarxists/