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KPFK is going topsy-turvy, still, with employees and unions
KPFK payor for too long
2015-09-14 11:46 PM KPFK is drowning in employee-union problems with emails flying from programmers affected and some untangling of what is actually occuring hard to comprehend. But here are excerpts from an informatory website that regularly offers some answers as no one else can, it seems. (text/plain)
Resistance to gentrification in San Francisco
Tibor Szamuely idVer:ac43329ca95b02f2e2064618
2015-09-14 3:06 PM Analysis from a long time opponent of what capitalism is doing to the city of San Francisco (text/plain)
KPFK programmer writes subscribers & updates info:
KPFK listener of old
2015-08-31 11:31 PM A long-term KPFK programmer sent out this msg with the weekly schedule, which was not the usual. Concerns about on-going programs continuity are noted. (text/plain)
KPFK is in double trouble, credit cards misused, and...
another tired KPFK payor
2015-08-24 10:48 PM Instead of copying the entire text of http://pacificainexile.org/archives/1093 that includes important revelations about KPFK and its financial dysfunctioning [s], it is best to just see the site directly. (text/plain)
WW Broad & The War On Public Education In LA
Pacifica WorkWeek
2015-08-19 3:05 PM
WorkWeek looks at three protests on the opening day at LAUSD and the war against public education led by the Eli Broad Foundation, Walton Foundation and other privatizers. (image/jpeg)
KPFK= more. Tired of the turmoil? we are too.
another tired KPFK payor
2015-08-18 11:22 PM KPFK programmer of important political interviews and one of the only-4 paid staff programmers on the station expresses his concerns and reveals his experiences with the new Gen'l Mgr. Recent changes to reduce staff work time may be the final 'shoe to drop' that will break whatever all stakeholders liked and paid for at Our Radio Station - paid for by listener-stakeholders. Excerpts of his latest revelations and plea is below. (text/plain)
KPFK Work Reductions ....signs of an ending now, so soon ?
a dismayed KPFK listener
2015-08-18 5:30 PM - KPFK has been on air radio 'plugging' begging pleading irritating and repeating for a whole month, to not enough avail. Results are maybe 1/2 of their [pre-set] goal. And who wants to listen to same-old infomercials repeated endlessly....instead of any 'regular programming'. Why pay forr this onslaught? Then notice of staffs being reduced hours, as program-staff work-times are also being reduced when some New-fangled ' gen'l mgr' decides she liles extreme & factually unsubstantiated views better....
and... more to come
kPFK under threatening duress - even to it's long-established staff by new Gen'l Mgr
a dedicated KPFK listener
2015-08-17 3:46 AM A staff member, Ian Masters, who hosts a regular newsworthy program 6 days/week [and also has a public forum at the Hammer musem too which promotes KPFK by ] , has written a clear letter indicating his concerns . He wrote a truthful explanation of what is happening to programming and what he said about this also on-air, and has been duly threatened.
Anyone concerned over such unreasonable acts at Our Radio Stattion should write to the current new GM at KPFK.org and state your views, concerns, and or willingness to continue pledging $$$.... or not. His emailed letter is below: (text/plain)
Secretive Glonvec weapons manufacturer in town
Simon Jenkins
2015-08-13 4:21 PM A high energy weapons development multinational corporation is visiting Southern California High Schools and Colleges, recruiting for mass murder and war crimes. (text/plain)
KPFK in MeltDown.NOW.
KPFK loyalist still
2015-08-11 6:31 PM KPFK seems to be sliding down....hill...into financial decay...so say the paid-staff-programmers, now, finally admitting what has not been on-air told before. Or changing owners maybe ? Wont know till After it all Fallllls away ? (text/plain)
KPFK RADIO is essential to Pacifica, who also umbrellas KPFA that may be falling away
KPFK loyalist
2015-08-08 2:26 AM KPFK is the prime radio station of 5 in Pacifica. KPFA in Berkeley seems to be acting illegally or secretly to separate OUT and away from Pacifica with 1 faction hiding their moves. This is here a repost to inform those who want KPFK in LA to continue and not fall prey to tactics used at it's sister station. Beware non-transparent games even within 'non-profit' corporations owned by stakeholders [ funders, pledge $ givers].this could be a warning of what may also be gamed with KPFKs existence. Learn more and share it too. (text/plain)
Latest Black Flag Newsletter Available
Free Association of Anarchists (F@@) idVer:a7
2015-07-21 3:05 AM
Announcing the release of the latest issue of Black Flag (vol. 14: Summer 2015). (image/jpeg)
Why The Actual Artists Keep Fleeing What Once Was The Los Angeles Arts District
Angry LA Artist
2015-07-16 11:15 PM
Why The Actual Artists Keep Fleeing What Once Was The Los Angeles Arts District (image/jpeg + 1 comment)
12 Peoples Of Rain To the People of California
Saiom Shriver
2015-07-16 10:36 PM
dance for rain, pray for rain, visualize rain (image/jpeg + 1 comment)
Dutchman Opens Limited Engagement at Edgemar Center for the Arts on July 15
Lori De Waal
2015-07-01 4:21 PM Tanna Frederick and Siaka Massaquoi star, Levy Lee Simons directs (text/plain)
KPFK in Pacifica's meeting - more descriptions
KPFK loyalist
2015-06-29 9:57 PM These are excerpts REPOSTED for local LA listeners of KPFK - as to what else happens [not on-air-only presentations that are the slick surface of it all ] - written by a long-time prior dedicated PNB member. (text/plain)
KPFK hosted PACIFICA's board in LA. Missed it? here's some for ya
KPFK donor
2015-06-29 9:16 PM More on PACIFICA FORUM in LA june 2015 - as observed and noted. Many KPFK public members - and staff - and programmers came for their brief 2-min comment to the 'parent' company- Pacifica PNB members present, The PNB spoke for hours disputing, conflicting, discussing and also shouting to each other - while the larger-size audience sat way in back behind their circle. (text/plain + 1 comment)
5 Reasons to Support RAC-LA This Month
Omar Hussein
2015-06-21 6:10 AM A call for funds and/or other support for the critical work Revolutionary Autonomous Communities, Los Angeles (RAC-LA) does to fight hunger and poverty by building anti-authoritarian people's power here in LA. (text/plain)
Viacom CBS' Sumner Redstone Promotes Brutal Treatment Of Pot Smokers
Speak Up
2015-06-19 8:20 PM Antipot enforcement is a racist, familybusting, economically stupid tactic of a fearmongering police state (text/plain)
Summer 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert!
Lee Siu Hin Immigrant Solidarity Network
2015-06-15 7:33 PM Life and Death in the Border, Mass Detention: Another U.S. violation of Human Rights (text/html)
Housing Board Member is an Evicter!
2015-06-12 6:37 AM
Got this from CES - get rid of Matthew Jacobs, who is supposed to help create affordable housing. He's a developer who has evicted people to demolish rent controlled housing in the Fairfax district. (image/jpeg)
KPFK loyalist
2015-06-12 12:45 AM June 12 - 15 2015 - Fri-Sat-Sun, here in LA are 3 full days of meetings by Pacifica PNB & KPFK's LSB...with brief public-comment times barely included. See website for agenda. (text/plain)
LA Times goes to bat for killer cops in Salinas
David Roknich
2015-06-11 5:34 AM
"Velasco suffered bruises and may have a broken leg", (Salinas Police Chief) McMillin said at the very end of an report defending the latest police aggression against an already restrained subject. The media experts at Tribune Corporation know that few people read past the headline, and save truth for the end. The truth is in the video just becoming viral, and Salinas police are in urgent need of damage control.
(image/jpeg + 1 comment)
Michael Steinberg
Los Angeles Uranium Film Festival
Marcia Gomes de Oliveira
2015-06-04 2:18 PM
The Brazilian born International Uranium Film Festival is a global festival dedicated to films about all aspects of nuclear power like uranium mining, nuclear power plants, atomic bombs, radioactive accidents, uranium weapons and atomic waste: Now we want to bring this unique atomic film festival to LA. (image/jpeg + 1 comment)
KPFK difficulties continue
KPFK donor
2015-06-01 11:22 PM repost info from other sources that are not available to KPFK donors in LA - why no transparency ever ? still..... (text/plain)
KPFK buys premiums to re-sell them for donations -so
KPFK donor
2015-06-01 11:00 PM so donations are paid for twice by radio station supporters? The donations are not just for station essential maintanence? But to buy-and-sell their donors bribes - called "gifts"?
The 'premiums'-gifts sometimes sent in return for $$$ to pay for Pacifica radio stations' maintenance are paid for by station donors too - while merchandisers are also gettiing so much Free Promotion, advertising, lauding by programmers and on-air-web exposure. Never ending chaos continues therein.
https://www.facebook.com/UnitedForCommunityRadio (text/plain)
Latest Long Beach Police Execution: Murder of Youth In Mental Distress
Jessica Lux idVer:c2c5ab7cae8270f1f3617641608
2015-06-01 3:19 PM
Long Beach Police murdered a young man who was in shock, injured from a second-story fall, and hallucinating on psychedelics on the evening of May 27, 2015. Moorpark College student Feras Morad, age 20, was twice shocked with a Taser before he was killed by four shots fired in quick succession at close range. LBPD have repeatedly labeled Feras a “suspect,” but have not revealed any crime he is suspected of. #Justice4Feras #StopKillerCops (image/jpeg + 1 comment)
How can california deal with this water crisis?
4 years of drought
2015-05-31 8:46 PM After 4 years of drought, California is asking what can be done? The answers are coming from an unlikely source (text/plain)
Four Winds of March Against Monsanto Los Angeles Take The Streets of Hollywood
Occupy Los Angeles OWS idVer:dd261c8961f7c87c
2015-05-27 9:49 PM
People of Los Angeles joined the global call to March Against Monsanto on Saturday, May 23, 2015, in solidarity with thousands of people spanning over 400 cities of the globe. In L.A. the march originated in four cardinal directions in the morning (North Hollywood/Valley, West L.A/Venice, South L.A., and downtown) and traveled via public transportation to the central rally in East Hollywood, followed by a march to Griffith Park for a non-GMO potluck and teach-in. Over five hundred people participated in #MAMLA #MAM2015 to say #HellNoGMO. (image/jpeg)
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