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New Google algorithm restricts access to left-wing, progressive web sites
via sf.indymedia.org idVer:27f4a3b89c9634dc5f
2017-08-02 8:52 PM In the three months since Google implemented the changes to its search engine, fewer people have accessed left-wing and anti-war news sites. This is political censorship and constitutes an attack on free speech. (text/plain)
Tracking Twenty Years of Stockton Killings by Law Enforcement
police news idVer:32190746932c394a7af6185ab44
2017-08-02 8:27 PM This timeline mapping state violence in Stockton, CA was collectively generated as part of a larger ongoing convivial research effort to expose low intensity war across the Bay Area and state. The timeline was produced through a collaboration between the Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy (CCRA) and the efforts of families and grassroots groups in Stockton and beyond. (text/plain)
Garcetti Cronyism - Why and How to Ignore Your LA Dog License
City Watch idVer:be6997720adffaa5efce0616e4e8
2017-08-02 12:05 AM LAPD Commission Vice President Steve Soboroff, is the city’s biggest known dog licensing scofflaw. Jayne Englander, wife of City Councilmember Mitch Englander, owes late fees. (text/plain)
Nation's Worst Meltdown Was In LA
Michael Steinberg
2017-07-31 11:54 PM July 1959: The nation's worst nuclear meltdown happened 20 miles from downtown LA. (text/plain)
As RV towing resumes in LA, officials say program won't 'target homeless'
housing now idVer:cda8fe01ec89ade53e5a27fe916
2017-07-31 8:15 PM As RV towing resumes in LA, officials say program won't 'target homeless' (text/plain)
Class War on the Waterfront: Longshore Workers Under Attack
Jack Heyman
2017-07-21 5:18 PM
ILWU Local 10 retired longshoreman Jack Heyman talks about technology and the danger of a proposed 8 year contract. (image/jpeg)
Limits to Growth Published Forty Years Ago
Larry Rasmussen and eco-socialist pamphlets
2017-07-18 12:15 PM The MIT scholars under Dennis Meadows came to four core conclusions: 1) there are limits to economic growth on finite planet, 2) the economy and population are growing exponentially, 3) exceeding limits will lead to collapse and 4) collapse could be avoided by turning from growth (text/plain + 1 comment)
KPFK's Indy Media on Air Now on Wednesdays
2017-06-25 4:13 PM KPFK's schedule has been changed again. (text/plain)
Lessons From Portland’s Clashes With Fascists
Portland idVer:e5270560e4a9e7a446569ad0871046
2017-06-14 2:36 AM Lessons From Portland’s Clashes With Fascists (text/plain)
Dr. Maryse Narcisse of Haiti Visits Southern California
Ross Plesset
2017-05-21 12:55 AM
“Despite their overwhelming responsibilities, the women are always there. [Applause.] We are a very patriarchal society, but very matrifocal. [Laughter.] They call the women of Haiti 'the central pillar.' The women don't let themselves get discouraged by crisis situations, and despite the very difficult two years of electoral struggle they never got discouraged.They always maintained the torch of struggle for liberation. [Applause.] They are examples by their actions. . . . It is clear that the Haitian people are bent on the struggle. More than ever they are fighting for dignity, democracy, freedom, and the respect of their rights.” – Dr. Maryse Narcisse, April 24, 2017 (image/jpeg)
May Day March in Riverside
X 365057
2017-05-03 5:35 AM
2017 May Day march in Riverside (image/jpeg)
Nuclear Shutdown News: April 2017
Michael Steinberg
2017-05-02 11:38 PM
Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps
JDL idVer:ddc90977e5dda4aa8fac100cf2b0020b932
2017-04-07 6:13 PM The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies. (text/plain)
Nuke Shutdown News 3/17
Michael Steinberg
2017-04-01 11:13 PM Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our March 2017 report:
L.A. County Human Relations Commission idVer:
2017-03-22 10:22 PM
Elect a Green to Congress in Los Angeles
2017-03-15 9:18 AM
A Green Party candidate is on the cusp of breaking the two party system, and getting into the runoffs. (image/jpeg)
Prop. H Activists March on Hollywood to House and Help the Homeless
Ross Plesset Story /Robert S Lowden Photos
2017-03-01 9:46 PM
Photos are of the Yes on H March for the Homeless accompanied by shots of homeless people in downtown L.A by Robert Stuart Lowden. Measure H, if passed on March 7, would generate about $350 million, which would go to housing, “mental health, substance abuse treatment, health care, education, job training, rental subsidies, emergency and affordable housing, transportation, outreach, prevention, and supportive services for homeless children, families, foster youth, veterans, battered women, seniors, disabled individuals, and other homeless adults.” (Source: Monday Night Mission LA on Cloud9.) (image/jpeg)
Prop. H Activists March on Hollywood to House and Help the Homeless
Ross Plesset Story /Robert S Lowden Photos
2017-03-01 9:09 PM
Photos are of the Yes on H March for the Homeless accompanied by ones of homeless people in downtown L.A by Robert Stuart Lowden. Measure H, if passed on March 7, would generate about $350 million, which would go to housing, “mental health, substance abuse treatment, health care, education, job training, rental subsidies, emergency and affordable housing, transportation, outreach, prevention, and supportive services for homeless children, families, foster youth, veterans, battered women, seniors, disabled individuals, and other homeless adults.” (Source: Monday Night Mission LA on Cloud9.) (image/jpeg)
Prop. H Activists March on Hollywood to House and Help the Homeless
Ross Plesset Story /Robert S Lowden Photos
2017-03-01 8:19 PM
Photos are of the Yes on H March for the Homeless accompanied by shots of homeless people in Skid Row in downtown L.A by Robert Stuart Lowden.
Measure H, if passed on March 7, would generate about $350 million, which would go to housing, “mental health, substance abuse treatment, health care, education, job training, rental subsidies, emergency and affordable housing, transportation, outreach, prevention, and supportive services for homeless children, families, foster youth, veterans, battered women, seniors, disabled individuals, and other homeless adults.” (Source: Monday Night Mission LA on Cloud9.) (image/jpeg)
Lori De Waal
2017-02-24 10:40 PM
The 24th Annual Los Angeles Women’s Theatre Festival will honor composer Megan Cavallari with the Integrity Award on Wednesday, March 23rd at 7 pm at Barnsdall Gallery Theatre. (image/jpeg)
Activists Mark 150 Years Since Chimney Rock Massacre
2017-02-22 3:00 AM
Sunday, February 12, 2017<br>
LUCERNE VALLEY - Nearly one hundred-fifty years after the tragedy, a group of activists gathered at the site of what is was likely the largest massacre in the recorded history of Southern California.
Visitors from the Pomona and San Bernardino Valleys joined High Desert locals for a quick visit to the dual monuments marking the location, and subsequently for lunch, conversation, and prayer for the dead nearer to the "Chimney" rock formation. (image/jpeg)
Indivisible local events
Indivisible idVer:96da74d088dac15e77830f73d7b
2017-02-17 12:07 AM Links to local events (text/plain)
Help Wanted: How You Can Act Locally To Stymie Trump’s Agenda
aclu repost idVer:2952a2e1ff70830abbb56dc62da
2017-02-16 7:24 PM Right now, local police forces almost uniformly have the unchecked ability to decide, in secret, when and under what terms they acquire and use surveillance technologies. Because local police have a hard time turning down offers to buy them free equipment, they are likely to continue to pursue these federal grants, even if they contain surveillance data sharing requirements. The only way to prevent the police from accepting these offers is to change the law.
That is what the Community Control Over Police Surveillance (CCOPS) effort is all about. (text/plain)
RACE RELAY - race relations dialogue
Candace Carnicelli -
2017-02-16 3:01 PM
Race Relay - monthly race relations dialogue @ the Common Peace office in The Peace Center in Culver City. 3 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. We believe that Story is Medicine and we come together using the Way of Council/Wisdom Circle format to create a safe space in which to listen, share and educate each other on issues of race - and to inspire each other in taking nonviolent action in the name of change. Anyone 15 years of age or more are welcome. This month's meeting will be followed by a potluck and a film screening at 7 p.m. of an inspirational documentary: Disturbing the Peace! (image/jpeg)
LA County Greens Oppose S
2017-02-10 4:52 AM Excerpt from their page. (text/plain)
Our Revolution L.A Organizing Meeting
Our Revolution idVer:062941e60fb528fa10af0494
2017-02-08 8:23 AM Please come to the first organizing meeting for Our Revolution LA. The national organization is hoping that local affiliates will self organize acoss the country. They received 1000 applications. (text/plain)
First We Marched. Now We Huddle
Women's March idVer:b789643d2b2bec90794e1
2017-02-07 6:54 AM First We Marched. Now We Huddle
Gather Your Community & Plan What's Next.
During the first 10 days of February, we will gather together in our neighborhoods all over the world to define our next steps, and envision how to transform the energy we saw at Women’s Marches into local and national action. (text/plain)
Indigenous, Sacred Lands Disrespected at L.A. Women's March
Ross Plesset
2017-01-24 9:52 PM
Gloria Arellanes of the Tongva (the original inhabitants of Los Angeles, originally known as Yangna) was unable to give an opening prayer as promised, and her needs as an elder were unmet. (image/jpeg)
Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go
Robert Stuart Lowden
2017-01-24 4:22 AM
750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats.
Set 10 of 10 Photo Sets (image/jpeg)
Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go
Robert Stuart lowden
2017-01-24 4:00 AM
750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats.
Set 9 of 10 Photo Sets (image/jpeg)
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