An Open Letter to Patrick J. Fitzgerald
a. area, acadian shopping mall, activists forum, an open letter, arlene johnson, assassination attempts, at wayne madsen, attempts, barbara boxer, bill douthit, black, black is expected, black ops, black ops chicago attorney, bush administration, car, charles schlund, control, costa mesa, deadly silence, dear patrick, dear readers, death threats perpetrated, dianne feinstein, dissidents, e. the, e. there, ed asner, electro magnetic, electro magnetic weapons, electromagnetic murders, feinsteins deadly silence, fox news, fred mc, full account, henry waxman, honda accord, if feinstein, insider editor, intelligence source, investigative reporter, janet phelan, jesus, jesus mendoza, jimmy walter, john mecca, john phillips, johnston street, juanita millender, kings park, labour prime minister harold wilson, lafayette police, leslie olivers, lethal weapons, microwave, middle eastern, mind, mind control, murder, murder inc, national security agency, ops, pacific palisades, palm desert, police, posted november, s. black ops, s. gestapo, s. gestapo government, s. however, s. secret gestapo police, saks fifth avenue, senator dianne feinstein, south coast college, special council, stephen de, stew webb, streamwood drive, tim rifat, tim white, united states government, united states intelligence, venezuelan embassy, w.
the, w. that, washington press club, wayne madsen, weapons, white house, whittier dr, with pat robinson, 1