Media Lies and Misinformation on Bin Laden
after obama, al jazeera, al qaeda, almighty allah, america, awaited news, barack obama, bin, bin laden, brian williams, david ray griffin, dead, democracy now, diane sawyer, eastern europe, enemy number one, eqbal ahmad, even before al qaeda lost its founder, evidence, george w. bush, greg miller, ground zero, headlined, helene cooper, huffington post, in july, katie couric, laden, laden dead, mark mazzetti, may, may 2, media, media lies, michael calderone, national public radio, network anchors head, new york, new york times, obama, palpable persistence, peter baker, peter hart, praising obama, progressive radio network, progressive radio news hour, public broadcasting, robert worth, scott shane, stephen lendman, steve benen, terror, times, united states, wall street journal, war, washington monthly, washington post, with osama