40 lies of Bush the Bastard
abu dhabi, administration, ahmed chalabi, air, american, american council, an international atomic energy agency, ariel sharon, as michael tomasky, as slate, ashcroft justice department, asia times, atlantic monthly, bush, bush wars, bushmen, but halliburton, but rumsfeld, cape cod, clare short, cold war, condi rice, cooperative research, cultural policy, david kelly, defense intelligence agency, defense planning guidance, despite u., dick cheney, donald rumsfeld, federal computer week, first dick cheney, flight, general jay garner, george tenet, gloria macapagal, government, gregory thielman, gulf war, hamid karzai, in april, intelligence, international atomic energy agency, iraq, iraq joseph wilson, iraqi, iraqi national congress, jack shafer, justice department, karl rove, kellogg brown root, l. paul bremer, london guardian, london independent, may, may riyadh, middle east, military, mohamed el baradei, moro islamic liberation front, naturally chalabi, new american century, new york city, new york times, norman podhoretz, oklahoma city, operation sidewinder, or iran, palestine hotel, patty gerstenblith, paul thompson, paul wolfowitz, pentagon, plan, president bush, prime minister tony blair, private jessica lynch, republican guard, robert david steele, robert dreyfuss, robert fisk, s. defense, s. special forces, s. toward, saddam, saddam hussein, sam tanenhaus, saudi arabia, security council, state department, sunday herald, tony blair, troops, united states, vanity fair, walter pincus, war, washington post, washington times, white house, william kristol, world, world trade center