Woman says she was harassed by family man Schwarzenegger for two days to have sex
affairs, arnold schwarzenegger, associated press, bill clinton, bob barr, bob packwood, bush, but arnold, california, california state democratic party, campaign, clinton, colorado republican, darrell issa, days, democrats, dick cheney, dont, florida gov, florida rep, george w. bush, gerry parsky, henry hyde, house majority leader tom de, i might, if bush, if schwarzenegger, jackson thoreau, jay leno, jeb bush, joe scarborough, katherine harris, kenneth starr, laura bush, legitimate government, legitimate white house, los angeles times, mega, might, mount rushmore, national enquirer, new york post, newt gingrich, noelia rodriguez, perhaps, pete wilson, petition, really, recall, republican, republicans, richard riordan, rick perry, robot man, san jose mercury news, schwarzenegger, starr report, story, texas gov, tony blair, we will not get over it, white house, woman