Pleading with Americans to arrest bush for the love of children
>, a, as, bush, \ \, air force, america, american, american patriot, american soldier, american bill, american freedom, american history, american justice, american patriot, american people, american soldiers, an iraqi, antichrist, arrest trent lott, art bell, art bell, bill hemmer, brave face belies administration, british military, bush, bush jr, bushite, central command, christ american, cluster bombs, code name, cosmic oceans, da da, defense secretary, demon, desert storm, donald rumsfeld, drop dead, evil, for god, freedom, freedom fighters, general ahmad, general ahmad, general franks, girl school, god, greatest traitor, halliburton taking, house nixes anti, how u., human will, humanitarian aid, humanitarian aid, humanitarian aid, i. yet, innocent, iraq, iraqi central, iron hammer, jesus christ, jim wilkinson, johnny wizard, justice, know when bush is lying, labor department, lianne seymour, middle east, mozam begg, national iraqi, nazi, new york city, new yorkers, not concerned, oil for food money, or human, our mr, our iraqi, our mr, panic over iraq, patriot act, patriot act, patriot americans, peter warren, presidential directive, profiteering penalties in iraq, r. scott lilly, s. look, s. spurned peace talks, s. under fire, saddam hussein, senate appropriations committee, senator trent lott, senators leahy, should saddam hussein, soldiers, some johnny, spending bill, spread death, steven russell, trent lott, united nations, universal justice, uses cluster bombs, war, war propaganda, when george bush, white house, white house, white house puts limits, without honor, world war, world trade center, your humanity, your america