fix articles 100644, can god
Meditations on God, Faith and the Enlightenment (tags)
Christmas should be a time for the poor, for restructuring the economy so it does not only benefit a few and so public necessities like education, health care and housing are rights and not privileges. We are living in a dark age when financiers deny their responsibility.
The Dangerous Doctrine of Justification (tags)
While religion can make people happier by giving connection to a larger whole, it can also make them blind and neurotic. Self-righteousness is the grand delusion distorting life in the church and outside the church (cf. Eberhard Juengel).
Jeremiah: True Prophets and False Prophets (tags)
Jesus says to us: there is something greater than your heart and your head. I call it: God's reign. Happiness and fulfillment can be found beyond the borders of your life. The word of God comforts hearts without shattering rocks. Jorg Zink has been a German pastor for 50 years.
The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)
Remembering an antiwar Vietnam veteran -- digging deeper into a painful memory that won't go away. This is a rewrite of an article I posted on IMC some time ago
The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)
Are Iraq veterans going to be treated the way Vietnam veterans were?