fix articles 101239, errico malatesta
JUNE 12, marking the independence of the Philippines from the Spanish empire, would not have been realized without the martyrdom of countless Filipinos foremost of whom is Jose Rizal. Andres Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan rebellion, honored Rizal's memory by using his name as a shibboleth. But the neocolonial politicians today have only fulfilled Rizal's nightmare that the slaves of yesterday will be the tyrants of today. This essay pays homage to Rizal on the 150th anniversary of his birth.
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All (tags)
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All
Anarchism is a political theory which aims to create anarchy, "the absence of a master, of a sovereign." [P-J Proudhon, What is Property , p. 264] In other words, anarchism is a political theory which aims to create a society within which individuals freely co-operate together as equals. As such anarchism opposes all forms of hierarchical control - be that control by the state or a capitalist - as harmful to the individual and their individuality as well as unnecessary.
What's New at - November 1, 2004 (tags)
Welcome to another update on and the Alternative Media Project! This update is meant to help you find new features on our website and keep you updated on the projects of the Alternative Media Project. As heads toward its tenth anniversary in January 2005, we are pleased to share with you all of the new things going on with our project.
Let's Build Liberation: A Conversation with Chris Crass (tags)
An interview with Chris Crass about anti-racism, anarchism, feminism and movement building
Disentangling the Antiwar Movement from the American Flag (tags)
(A downloadable PDF version of this essay is available at; feel free to copy and distribute this 8.5 x 11, 2- sided flyer)
Postanarchism Listserv Now Online (tags)