fix articles 101382, qassam brigades Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : qassam brigades

qassam brigades

UN Criminal Court: "Regardless of any military targets, Israel's means are criminal!" (tags)

Now, more than ever, we must prove together that international humanitarian law, the fundamental basis for human behavior in conflict, applies to all people and in all situations that my office and the Court deal with. In this way, we will concretely prove that the lives of all people are of equal value.

This Week in Palestine, April 21, 2017 (tags)

Hundreds of Palestinian political detainees held by Israel announce this week an open ended hunger strike, meanwhile Israeli troops kill a Palestinian man during a West Bank attack.

UN Report Accuses Israel of Crimes Against Children (tags)


Blaming Victims: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Pro-Israeli Security Council Gaza Resolution (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War Continues (tags)


Failure in Cairo (tags)


Cold-Blooded Israeli Murder (tags)


Israel's Likely Coalition Partner Government Threatens Humanity (tags)


Netanyahu Mocks Legitimate Governance (tags)


Gaza Still Boils (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 5 (tags)


Straight Talk on Gaza (tags)


Ahmed Jabari (1960 - 2012 (tags)


Israel Terror Bombs Gaza (tags)


Netanyahu Rejects Peace (tags)


Allegedly Foiling Jerusalem Terrorist Attacks (tags)

state terror

Arab Street Celebrates Mubarak's Ouster (tags)

liberating struggles

Israel Hardens Repression as Palestinian Recognition Increases (tags)

holiday season state terrorism

Fatah: Collaborationist Israeli Ally (tags)

Fatah betrays Palestinians

Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks (tags)

economic decline

Recent Israeli Provocations (tags)

recent Israeli violence

Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza (tags)

Israel's crimes of war and against humanity

Olmert Offers Phony Remourse (tags)

For international consumption.

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)

The current Gaza crisis reviewed.

Annapolis Hypocrisy Hides Occupied Palestine Reality (tags)

Sham peace process denies Palestinians what they want most.

Annapolis A Charade-Israel Plans Massive Aggression (tags)

The meeting is designed to give the impression that Israel is interested in peace, while they're actually plotting against the Palestinians. The media's silence suggests complicity.

"Demonstration" Government in Palestine (tags)

IS-Israeli led coup against the democratically elected Hamas government

Shaikh Ahamed Yassin Assassination, The Three-Year Anniversary (tags)

In Brussels, the European Union condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killing" as illegal and likely to further inflame violence.

Israel continues Deadly Assault (tags)

BEIT HANUN, Gaza Strip — In what was called by Washington as "self-defense," Israel continued on Saturday, November4 , its campaign of deadly air strikes in the Gaza Strip, killing four more Palestinians, taking to 39 those killed since its latest operation began four days ago.

Twenty-eight Palestinians killed this week in OPT (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

For Fresca (tags)

Israeli Army Jeep Crushes Palestinian Boy to Death

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful (tags)

16 February 2002 With the grace of Allah the Qassam Brigades declare responsibility for the missile bombing with Qassam-2 missiles of the Zionist settlement complex in Palestinian lands occupied since 1948 to the east of steadfast Gaza city on Saturday 4th Thul Hijja 1422H – 16/2/2002Ad at 6.15 am. Our Palestinian people … our Arab and Islamic Ummah:

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