fix articles 101449, fort tiuna
From the XVI SYWF to the VI WSF: Chavez's shindig in Venezuela (tags)
* From El Libertario, # 44 September-October 2005, voice of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas, exposing the show of international mega-ceremonies the Chavez regime uses to try and acquire revolutionary legitimacy by means of petro-dollars and verbosity.
Venezuelan Group to file Court cases against U.S.Ambassador Charles Shapiro (tags)
CIA involvement in Venezuela
USA Bad Boys: Blackmail and US Intervention in latin America (tags)
US addictions haunt and terrorize world: OIL, WEAPONS, DRUGS. US BAD BOYS and friends in Latin America held power for decades. Now they are run out of town by Hugo Chavez, people of Bolivia and New Ideas. Guns and Money aren’t enough anymore–Hope lives –Struggle Consumes…
venezuala's press power (tags)
by maurice lemoine sept 11 2002
Venezuela's press power abuse (tags)
This is an outstanding and well-documented analysis of the role that the private corporate capitalist media played in orchestrating the April 2002 coup against the democratically- elected Venezuelan government which is led by Hugo Chavez.
Coup-making in Venezuela: the Bush and oil factors (tags)
As efforts to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez intensify, two facts are inescapable: the power elite in the United States has never been happy with democratically-elected Chávez, but it took the Bush administration, with its corporate oil and energy connections, to turn up the heat against him.