fix articles 101488, diverse
"If I don't hear the word 'oppressed people' for a while (on Pacifica), I'll be happy.... (tags)
Groups Picket Rick Warren's Saddelback Church (tags)
Diverse groups demonstrate to cite Church's homphobic policies
KPFK having a new Board, Join In ya all (tags)
COMMUNITY [that mean you and us all folks] ADVISORY BOARD, Representing various diverse parts of our community [ not just being a person from that group - that is not REPRESENTING but being and experiencing -not same thing] JOIN IN !!! Check out next meeting Thurs 6/26/08 @ 7 pm at KPFK radio station: 3729 Cahuenga West, No Hollywood....go there !!! be useful !!!
It rebounds speech of Fidel Castro in diverse latitudes (tags)
International press means credited in Cuba and others of the world grant wide diffusion to the President's speech Fidel Castro in Bayamo, while from diverse latitudes it is known of the celebration by the Day of the National Rebelliousness in Cuba, occasion of new actions of solidarity with the Island.
Against the Liberal Instrumentalization of Auschwitz (tags)
Auschwitz becomes the pretext for diverse atrocities, the incentive for preventing what is worse..Auschwitz has become an export-hit.. Language, truth, community and logic are threatened when offense becomes defense and ends justify means.
Freedom Fries Follies: Celebrating the Arts of Dissent (tags)
Freedom Fries Follies: Celebrating the Arts of Dissent will bring together a diverse group of artists to express their opposition to war, poverty, and injustice through music, poetry, spoken word, irreverent wit, and drama.
Peaceful Leaders or Dominators? (tags)
This is a call for revolution
5 Reasons ANSWER is not the answer (tags)
We can and should do bette than ANSWER!
U.S. Offensive in Latin America: Coups, Retreats, and Radicalization (tags)
The most powerful and organized challenge to the satellite building project of the empire is in Colombia.
SHIITAKE MUSHROOMS! Activist Surrealist Genre Bending Music! (tags)
A diverse colorblend cocktail of music, devoted to massive social, cultural, and political change. We seek an end to corporate fascism, and the destruction of all states. Currently seeking bandmates!