fix articles 102881, union fenosa
Privatization Behind Calderon's Attack on Electricians Union (tags)
"The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) architects had Mexico's energy industry in their sights when they negotiated the treaty. NAFTA's Chapter Six notes that "it is desirable to strengthen the important role that trade in energy and basic petrochemical goods plays in the free trade area and to enhance this role through sustained and gradual liberalization."??As such, in May 1993--just months before NAFTA went into effect--Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gotari modified the federal Electricity Law to allow the importation and exportation of Mexico's electricity, and to allow private and foreign companies to build and operate electrical plants in Mexico. Thanks to Salinas' NAFTA-inspired reform, today dozens of foreign companies operate in Mexico's energy sector. According to former SME Secretary General Manuel Fernandez Flores, private companies currently produce almost 40% of Mexico's electricity. These private companies include Enron (now Tractebel), Bechtel, Applied Energy Services, General Electric, Westinghouse, Hyundai, Mitsubishi, Siemens, Iberdrola, and Union Fenosa."
¡SME somos todos! México alzado (tags)
Poco antes de las 23:00 horas (hora de la Ciudad de México) del día sábado 10 de octubre fuerzas federales armadas asaltaron y ocuparon metralleta en mano las instalaciones y centros de trabajo de Luz y Fuerza del Centro.