fix articles 103007, democrat gray davis
Walker Wins, Wisconsinites (tags)
Cal General Strike Needed to Tax Rich (tags)
Millionaire Nazi Schwarzenegger, the Republican California governor married to Democrat Maria Shriver, wants to lower 200,000 state workers' wages to the state minimum of $6.75 per hour and fire all temporary and part-time employees to balance the budget, instead of raising the progressive income tax on those who make over $200,000 from all sources. Labor must respond with a statewide general strike of all state workers, In one day, the rich will be taxed and the budget will be passed.
11/8 Labor Election Victory (tags)
Nazi Schwarzenegger got the defeat his $70 million special election deserved, and his defeat was led by labor, as it must be. The anger was so great at this unnecessary, viciously anti-labor special election that the voters defeated all of the state propositions with a Bingo NO!
Terror Threats To Be Used for 2004 Election Tampering (tags)
How a "terror threat" might be used to throw the 2004 elections.
Recall of Gov Davis Guaranteed on Oct 7 (tags)
With the California Supreme Court's rejection on 8/7/03 of all the lawsuits attacking the recall election of 10/7/03, the recall of the worst governor in California history, Gray Davis, and the effective demise of one capitalist party in California, the Democrats, is guaranteed.
Harvey Rosenfeld v. Gov Davis on Davis' Anti-Consumer Law (tags)
Harvey Rosenfeld, the author of the pro-consumer Prop 103 re auto insurance, may run for governor on the Recall Gray Davis ballot, because Davis just signed a pro-insurance auto bill that effectively violates Prop. 103.
Over 1 Million Sigs to Recall Gov (tags)
On this day, 6/30/03, that Green Party candidate for governor, Pete Camejo, announced his intention to run on the recall ballot for governor, there are 1,074,430 signatures for the Recall, enough to qualify if most are valid.
Gov Davis' Thugs Terrorize Democracy (tags)
Gov Davis' organized crime thugs are busy terrorizing recall petitioners, who are enabling us to exercise our democratic right to sign a recall petition. The Recall procedure was won by progressives about 100 years ago, and we cannot let any fascist attack it for any reason whatsoever, regardless of who is paying for the recall.
Anti-Women Gov Davis Faces Certain Recall (tags)
The latest act of anti-women Gray Davis is to have his lackeys hold rallies for him, claiming he is pro-choice and for that reason alone, he should stay in office. Not to be outdone, the 6/11/03 SF Bay Guardian has an editorial cartoon condemning the recall of pro-PG&E Gray Davis. The Recall campaign is clearly succeeding in spite of this stupidity.
6/15 Cal Budget Deadline, Junk Bonds & Prison Industry (tags)
As California's June 15 budget deadline approaches, the reality of the Democrat-Republican debacle, promoted by the worst governor in California's history, Democrat Gray Davis, becomes more apparent.
So. Central Green Lt. Gov. Candidate Donna Warren Silenced by LA Times Poll!! Write them! (tags)
This is not a democracy!!
2002 Cal Gov race: Bye Gray Davis! (tags)
Happy New Year! The 2002 California Governor's race is starting its engines now that the year has finally arrived when we can and will make the worst governor in California's history, Democrat Gray Davis, a one-term governor, and in so doing, finally cast the twin party of capitalism with the Republicans, namely the California Democratic Party, into the dustbin of history, hopefully soon followed by the Republican Party
April Fools' Rate Hikes (tags)
The Disneyland Democrats had their state convention in Anaheim, California this April Fools' weekend and still insist on following their PG&E whore, Gov Gray Davis, like the blind fools they are, as he leads their party to sure oblivion into the gubernatorial campaign of 2002