fix articles 104567, uhw
The NUHW or the National Union of Health Workers formed last week by leaders of the United healthcare Workers-West on Monday, asked state officials to conduct elections at 64 healthcare facilities represented by Oakland-based UHW who wanted to join the new group. More than 10,000 workers from UHW placed under the control of the SEIU International after the UHW leadership refused to sign over 65,000 of their members to be moved to a new local that will be formed to represent the health care workers in California.
This mob, thirty, maybe forty strong, mostly very nicely dressed white men for this side of struggling Oakland, was led by a young female lawyer – there were a couple of nasty ex-cops in tow, just in case. They used bolt-cutters to get through the parking-lot gates in back; they smashed their way through a second floor window, then pushed their way to the front, where they opened the doors, let in the rest of the mob in and then ended the occupation – evicting the (former) members of United Healthcare Workers-West (UHW) from their union hall, their house. “Who’s House, Our House!” No more.
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and the Coalition of Filipino American organizations of California (CFAOC) wholeheartedly support the united voice of the rank and file workers of the United Health Care Workers -West-UHW who called for a ote for disaffiliation from SEIU International.
More than 300 UHW workers and allies rallied and picketted the SEIU International mock elections at the Radisson LAX Hotel last night Dec. 11 in Los Angeles. World War II veterans and leaders from JFAV and other community advocates from the Filipino American community joined the UHW rally. UHW president Sal Roselli reported that the UHW submitted more than 80,000 signatures to protest the mock elections. He said less than 10% voted. More than 40,000 protest signatures was earlier submitted to SEIU International against the elections.
UHW-West Rally Against Moves to Divide The Union (tags)
" They Say Divide US, We Say Unite Us" More than 6,000 health care workers from the United Health Workers (UHW) -West and their community supportrs all-over the west coast rallied infront of the Marriot Manhattan Beach Hotel last Monday, July 14, 2008 fro 6:00 in the morning until 3:00 in the afternoon.
EPCC Supports UHW-West mass action in LA (tags)
The Echo PArk Community Coalition (EPCC) supports the mass action on July 14 is slated to be held at the Manhattan Beach Marriot Hotel by the United Health Care Workers (UHW) -West against the plan of the SEIU /International to divide the UHW-West. The mass action by the UHW-West was called for the hearing that could result in tearing apart the UHW based on a plan by the SEIU International to divide the UHW. The 150,000 UHW which has a large Filipino membership among its unionized workers is a member of the SEIU International which has 2 million members.
A Tribute to Ka Bel- Crispin Beltran (tags)
On behalf of the SEIU United Health Workers-West (UHW West), the largest workers union in the West Coast of the United States representing 150,000 health care workers in California, and the Circulo Panpangueno of Southern California Inc., an umbrella organization of 22 towns in Pampanga. Philippines extend our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family, friends and comrades of the working class hero- Ka Crispin “ Ka Bel” Beltran. Ka Bel and the UHW shared one thing in com
Message of Solidarity from the UHW-West (tags)
On behalf of the SEIU United Health Workers-West (UHW West), the largest workers union in the West Coast of the United States representing 150,000 health care workers in California, and the Circulo Panpangueno of Southern California Inc., an umbrella organization of 22 towns in Pampanga. Philippines extend our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family, friends and comrades of the working class hero- Ka Crispin “ Ka Bel” Beltran.