fix articles 105979, pregnant women
The Times sinks to new depths: "Assad's snipers target unborn babies in wombs" (tags)
Despite a worldwide awakening on the scale of the longstanding propaganda against the Syrian government, the British media is still peddling monstrous lies to the public.Despite a worldwide awakening on the scale of the longstanding propaganda against the Syrian government, the British media is still peddling monstrous lies to the public.
Will AB 2530 Unshackle Childbirth in California? -Interviewing Tina Reynolds and Vikki Law (tags)
A bill opposing the shackling of pregnant prisoners, AB 2530, has been passed unanimously by the California State Legislature and is now on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, with thirty days to either approve or veto it. Last year, a previous version of this bill was also passed unanimously by the Legislature, but it was ultimately vetoed by Brown. With Brown’s decision expected anytime, local activists are urgently mobilizing to stop him from vetoing this important bill once again. AB 2530 supporters have created a webpage for the public (not just California residents) to contact the Governor.
US Women Charged with Murder Following Miscarriage (tags)
In a growing number of US states, pregnant women who miscarry their babies are being criminalized, some charged with murder. Ultimately, the move by state prosecutors is more widely aimed at stripping women of the legal right to abortion sanctioned by the US Supreme Court in its 1973 ruling in Roe v. Wade (1973) 410 US 113 [Majority opinion by Nixon appointee Justice Blackmun; Dissenting opinion by Justice White, a Kennedy appointee, proving mass demonstrations are decisive].
The Real Cost of Prisons --An interview with Lois Ahrens (tags)
The racist sub-text of the neo-liberal political agenda succeeded in creating acceptance of mass incarceration while simultaneously creating the laws and industries to police, prosecute, cage and control millions of people?almost all poor people and people of color. Neo-liberal policies have been in place for more than thirty years. As a result many people are not aware that our current political and economic situation is not the result of a natural course of events, but rather, of a systemically created ideology that has pervaded every aspect of our daily lives.
Racist Video Game: Shooting Pregnant women with Children (tags)
Sick and Racist Video Game: Shooting Pregnant women with Children crossing the border
“I have a large population of people who have chosen not to take any anti-retrovirals. They’ve watched all of their friends go on the anti-viral bandwagon and die.” – Dr. Donald Abrams, MD, Director of AIDS Program, San Francisco General Hospital (“Lecture to Medical Students,” Synapse, 1996)