fix articles 106291, naylor
Fending off university-attacking zombies (tags)
Last week, David Naylor, the president of the University of Toronto, made a speech to Empire Club of Canada members about what he describes as educational zombies — government and industry calls for more job-specific education at universities...
Vermont Independence Convention: Confronting the Empire (tags)
On October 28 a statewide convention on state secession and running on the theme “Vermont Independence: An Impossible Dream or a Vision of the Future?” was held in the State House in Montpelier, VT. The last time a convention similar to this was held took place in North Carolina in 1861 when the state decided to secede from the US.
Affluenza - The Consumer Virus: The Market is our God (tags)
We fear meaninglessness and uselessness. Therefore we spend our whole life persuading ourselves we are invincible. One of the tricks for assuring ourselves of eternal life is consumption..The world econo-my is an altar for consumers and investors..