fix articles 1067, council Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : council


Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Defund homeless industrial complex (tags)

U.S. Supreme Court ruling that cities no longer need to offer shelter to homeless means taxpayers no longer need to pay for it.

'FBI Tracking, Questioning Muslims In US After Israeli Attack On Gaza' (tags)

Muslims in the US have been followed by the FBI for many years, but complaints have increased after Israeli attacks on Gaza on Oct. 7, Dina Chehata, civil rights managing attorney for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Los Angeles office, told Anadolu.

For an Immediate Ceasefire (tags)

We are facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system. The situation is fast deteriorating into a catastrophe with potentially irreversible implications for Palestinians as a whole and for peace and security in the region. Such an outcome must be avoided at all cost.

Asylum policy: how to create a permanent crisis (tags)

The principle of repression instead of adapting the asylum system to changing circumstances had long been established by this time. The discourse is being whipped up from the right. In its dispatch, the (German) Federal Council justifies its repressive package of measures with the dissatisfied mood among the population towards "delinquent asylum seekers."

Erdogan Turkey developed new Gerneration of UGV (tags)

Erdogan himself quite openly named "Hitler Germany" as an example of the presidential system he was striving for in a central state without corresponding checks and balances. Now they are owning U.S. like UGV Infantry...

Housing the Homeless: Austin, Texas (tags)

In a city as prosperous as Austin, no one should have to live on the streets, period. That became even more clear as we saw folks still sleeping out under bridges when we knew that zero-degree temperatures were coming—and sometimes there were hotels or lit-up buildings right across the streets.

Pomona Rally for Breonna Taylor and George Floyd Hits Police Association and Mayor's House (tags)

[TW! Sexual abuse mentioned in this post as part of the story of what happened yesterday, about four paragraphs in. Incidents of police violence discussed in some detail toward the end.] One photo, by Jesus Sanchez

Shir HaMa’alot: 15 Steps to Extending Israeli Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria (tags)

Policy Steps for integrating Judea and Samaria into the State of Israel

The US Tramples on International Law (tags)

The US surprise attack on Iraq in March 2003 was a primal catastrophe. International law was eliminated and replaced by the imperial dictatorship of the US. Those who destroyed a whole people and have a million casualties on their conscience are not punished in any way.

Sanctions and Double Standards (tags)

Sanctions are war with other means-and not an alternative to war. The civilian population pays the price with their bodies and their lives. Export restrictions on the most important revenues of a country cause immense suffering. That Iran has not attacked another country is unmentioned.

Venezuela and International Law (tags)

International law professors explain a US military incursion in Venezuela would violate the UN Charter. "All nations must desist from any threat or use of force in their international relations. The media and governments denounce violations of international law very selectively.

The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)

The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

Israeli Policy Prescription: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Annex Judea and Samaria Now! This Is How, a Policy Analytic Approach.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 42 (tags)

anne frank´s diary is a hoax

Independent Media Crackdown and Global Social Movements (tags)

Current efforts by social media companies and Atlanticist think tanks to remove various alternative media pages are part of a coordinated corporate attempt to disrupt and destroy a "global intifada" of social movements, according to documents and data examined by this writer

Chris Ballew beat up by Pasadena police (tags)

Police brutality, racial profiling and a potential police shooting - right on Fair Oaks just north of the border of Pasadena and Altadena... 21 year old African American pulled over for having overly-tinted windows, then gets beat up by Pasadena PD, still hobbling to this day in a cast with a broken leg. Could have been worse - he could have lost his life.

12/2-3 LA Binational Conference To Cancel NAFTA and Unite Workers Of Mexico and the US (tags)

A binational conference of US and Mexican workers will be held on Dec 2&3 on the fight to cancel NAFTA and for unity between US and Mexican workers

News Capsule 8/29/2007 (tags)

Elections are being organized in the Iraqi town of Kirkuk. The Iraqi Government opposes this but a significant Kurdish minority is supporting affiliation with the Kurdish Autonomous Region.Hurricane Harvey has threatened Houson refineries for 4 or 5 reasons

12 to 1 vote by anto homeless citizens by Atlanta City Council (tags)

several years ago the majority black-democratic Atlanta city Council voted 12-1 to outlaw supportive housing in residentail areas and require a permit in commercial or industrial zones

May 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

20 uni students occupied an uni admin building in solidarity with 3 other arrested students, they all got repressed and arrested as did a journalist who answered their call to accompany them and cover what was happening, who was also beaten and tortured by security guards and then by police. A journalist who covers local corruption and gives coverage to local protests against a hydroelectricity dam received a chain of threats, to add onto old threats and aggressions. And, as usual council officials, who illegally sold ancestral land of a Garífuna community gets away with it, while an community activist gets arrested and charged for usurping their own ancestral land. A cameraperson for a media outlet has 6 gunshots fired at his body on his way home from work and is gravely injured. This and other abuses, happened in May 2017 in Honduras, read here

Oakland Committee Voting On Ending Secretive Surveillance (tags)

Up For Consideration on Tuesday before the Oakland City Council's Public Safety Committee, a Transparency Ordinance Grants Community Control Over Spying Equipment Use.

This Week in Palestine, April 21, 2017 (tags)

Hundreds of Palestinian political detainees held by Israel announce this week an open ended hunger strike, meanwhile Israeli troops kill a Palestinian man during a West Bank attack.

The ABCs of Meaningless Economic Phrases (tags)

The most common myths start from the tax state that burdens the economy, the housework ordered by the state (save,save,save) to the Schwabian housewife prescribing the austerity creed. Politics must tend to every need of capital as a scared doe and therefore lower taxes.

San Jose city council elections finds criminal behavior acceptable for city leaders (tags)

another scandal brewing in San Jose city council elections


The White Citizen's Council was not the Klan, but only kinda not the Klan.

UCOLA student regrets anti-Israel words (tags)

"A University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) student whose angry outburst following the defeat of an anti-Israel vote went viral on the Internet has had a chance to educate herself better, she told The Algemeiner this week, after requesting an opportunity to express her change of heart. “I don’t believe Israel is evil,” Danielle Dimacali said. “In fact I think it’s a great progressive country that offers a lot of freedom for its citizens.” "One of the things she said she has learned about is antisemitism – “a negative perception of Jews that can be manifested physically or verbally toward Jewish individuals, property, religious facilities or their respective communities. Furthermore, I understand that antisemitism manifests itself with regard to the state of Israel. Criticism of Israel, demonizing Israel, blaming Israel for all inter-religious or political tensions, applying double standards towards Israel, or delegitimizing Israel are all forms of Jew-hatred. It is not only illegal but immoral to target a historically oppressed Jewish minority that has a collective right to self-determination and essential human rights.”

Eugene council OKs "Dusk to Dawn" pilot program for homeless people (tags)

In a temporary emergency measure, the Eugene city council is allowing homeless persons to camp "dusk to dawn" on city property until March 31, 2016. The strength of a society is measured in how it treats the weakest. LA, Portland and the rest of the US could learn from Eugene!

Berkeley Human Welfare Commission rejects BDS (tags)

"Divestment from the Israeli Occupation," the measure was defeated 5-2.

European Council Backs US Imperial Policy on Syria (tags)


Vladimir Putin: Peace Champion (tags)


Putin Was Always Right About Syria (tags)


Security Council Veto Power (tags)


Pressure Gets Iceland to Backtrack (tags)


US Zionist Organizations Blast Muted UN Criticism of Israeli Violence (tags)


Iceland Boycotts Israel (tags)


Iran to Get Upgraded Russian S-300 Missiles (tags)


Haiti's Sham Electoral Process (tags)


Russia Challenges America's Orwellian National Endowment for Democracy (tags)


Irresponsibly Bashing Russia Veto Against Establishing Kangaroo MH17 Tribunal (tags)


ECB May Deny Greek Banks More Emergency Funding (tags)


Jewish Voice for Peace – “Jew Washing” the anti-Israel movement (tags)

Giving cover “As A Jew” to the political war on Israel.

UN Human Rights Council Denounces Israeli War Crimes (tags)


US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)


Despotic Saudi Regime Lobbies to Chair Human Rights Council (tags)

police state

Obama to Recognize Palestinian Statehood? (tags)


US-Saudi Illegal Blockade Compounds Naked Aggression Against Yemen (tags)


Washington Blocks Security Council Action on Vital Yemeni Humanitarian Needs (tags)


US Council of Muslim Organizations statement on Armenian incident (tags)

Founding members of USCMO: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), The Mosque Cares (Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed).

US-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)


Russa Urges Ressolving Yemen's Conflict Diplomatically (tags)


The Muscogee (Creek) Nation has voted a no-confidence resolution on Chief George Tiger (tags)

- Muscogee (Creek) Nation tribal council member Thomas Yahola leads an emergency meeting of the National Council at which a vote of no-confidence on Chief George Tiger was taken in Okmulgee on Thursday evening.

Principal Chief Tiger of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation answers allocations (tags)

As Principal Chief of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation, I have always adhered to the unwavering principles and requirements in our Constitution

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation has voted a no-confidence resolution on Chief George Tiger (tags)

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation has voted a no-confidence resolution on Chief George Tiger as members of the tribe are launching a petition drive to oust the current Chief.

Principal Chief Tiger of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation answers allocations (tags)

My fellow Muscogee Citizens, I want to respond to you my position on recent actions taken by the National Council regarding my elected role as your Principal Chief

UCLA passes resolution condemning anti-Semitism (tags)

On Tuesday evening, UCLA’s student government’s legislative body unanimously passed a resolution condemning anti-Semitism on campus.

American Flag Banned from UC Irvine (tags)

A resolution adopted Thursday by the legislative council of the campus' Associated Students calls for removing all flags from the common lobby area of student government offices.

Kiev Junta Ascendancy to Power Big Lies (tags)


Lavrov in New York (tags)


Racism at UCLA (tags)

ANALYSIS: Blatant act of anti-Semitism shocks UCLA community.

Sketchy Crusader Against Poor Brandishes Dildo at Council (tags)

John Webby of Webby Candies waved a sex toy around despite objection from Mayor Helene Schneider of Santa Barbara, ranting about the homeless. Investigation implicates his business in questionable practices possibly implicated in child slave labor.

Charles W Freeman Jr Says the US Has Not Cauterized MidEast Problems But Metastasized Them (tags)

US policy toward Israeli leadership can be compared to giving car keys to a drunk.

Putin's Message to Washington on Ukraine (tags)


Marupol Shelling: Kiev's Latest False Flag? (tags)


Councilman calls out jewish Voice for Peace for blind naked anti-Semitism (tags)

‘What You Saw Here Today Was Naked, Blind Antisemitism:’ NYC Councilman Slams Palestine Activists Who Disrupted Auschwitz Commemoration

December 2014 Honduras coup news update (tags)

This December 2014 in Honduras, a journalist murdered, a radio community journalist stabbed at, lots of evictions, etc...

Comments on Palestine's UN Failure (tags)


US Vetoes Palestinian Statehood Resolution (tags)


Paalestine: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)


North Korea: Longstanding US Punching Bag (tags)

North Korea

PLO Security Council Statehood Bid (tags)


Venezuela Poised to Win Security Council Seat (tags)


Reactions to Obama's Naked Aggression Against Syria (tags)


Obama Launches Naked Aggression on Syria (tags)


Pro-Israeli Security Council Gaza Resolution (tags)


Lauren Kuby - Harry Mitchell - Tempe City Council (tags)

Anybody that's a friend of Congressman Harry Mitchell is an enemy of mine and that includes Lauren Kuby.

Tempe City Council bans homeless??? (tags)

Tempe City Council bans homeless???

Vancou9ver Coluncil opposes Tesoro oil terminal (tags)

Close to 700 people attended a Vancouver City Council meeting Monday, and a majority of speakers urged councilors to fight an oil-handling facility at the Port of Vancouver.

Disgraceful Security Council Resolution on Syria (tags)


Fire the Phoenix Police Officers on the "Brady List" (tags)

The Phoenix City Council should file the 250+ corrupt Phoenix Police Officers on the Brady List.

Right Sector Thugs Attack Odessa Activists (tags)


Tempe Orbit Bus Thefts (tags)

A really SMART way to prevent car thefts - Leave the key in the ignition????

Van Nuys Nuys Neighborhood Council Continues to Support Residents (tags)


Mixing Government and Religion in Tempe, Arizona (tags)

How do you spell "F*ck the First Amendment" - Tempe, Arizona a religious theocracy

Crushing defeat for BDS at San Diego State University (tags)

Bigoted #BDS resolution defeated at SDSU 16 no, 3 yes, 3 abstentions

Meet Obama's New HHS Chief (tags)


Eastern Ukrainian Resistance (tags)


One-Sided Human Rights Council Vote on Syria (tags)


NATO's Rape of Yugoslavia (tags)


Sanctions Wars (tags)


Putin Signs Crimean Reunification Treaty (tags)



RENT may not be Controlled in LA City out ! (tags)

Rent Control may be diluted and rents increased if CC Parks get's his strange way. He often acts as a dissenter but this time [maybe again] it is AGAINST the Renters of his city of LA. Ex-police chief wants to gouge renters so they pay for landowners' expenses for earthquake prevention, that should already be paid thru yearly Rental Increases every single year, regardless of individual improvements made on apartments. UNIFY and LEARN MORE to not allow this proposal to City Council to gain any momentum. [and see other good article w/info here @ Indy that lists City Council members' contact info to immediately start ACTING IN ALL OUR city residents' behalf. NOW !

The Damn Fool in the White House (tags)


Turmoil in Ukraine (tags)


Take Action Now to Stop Your Rent From Skyrocketing! (tags)

Repost of a CES email. Link goes to LA Times story.

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Supports Hundreds of Residents (tags)




Hamid Kahn: Discusses the LAPD SPYING SCANDAL and the LA Council's next move (tags)

The Los Angeles City Human Relations Commission (HRC) met on Thursday, October 10th at City Hall to vote on the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition’s demand to hold public hearings on the LAPD’s Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) program and Special Order 1.

Lavrov: Insurgents Have Chemical Weapons (tags)


Syrian Chemical Weapons Deal: What Follows? (tags)


Deal Reached on Syrian Chemical Weapons (tags)


Assad Fears US Aggression (tags)


Syria's Troubled Waters (tags)


UN Inspectors Gas Attack Report: A Manipulated Fraud (tags)


East/West Cracks on Syria (tags)


Undermining Russian/Syrian Peace Deal (tags)


Would Obama Open a Pandora's Box in a Strike on Syria? (tags)

"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" (Jeanette Rankin). "Every war has two losers (William Stafford). War is a horror and racket that has served as a profit-center and evasion. Orwell warned that war could become a domestic necessity to divert the people.


In chatrooms and on blogs we may hear an argument like this: “Oh, I have friends in Syria, and I lived in Syria.” “I know that’s what the people want.” How does one address such an argument?

Global Opposition to Attacking Syria (tags)


Who Are The Chickenhawks and Henhawks Attempting to Draw the US into War With Syria? (tags)

The same war profiteers and agents of the Netanyahu-Sharon-Olmert campaign to involve the US in war against Iraq and Afghanistan, Libya and Yemen are now trying to drag the US people into another unconstitutional, criminally stupid and violent war against Syria

Nobel Peace Laureate Obama Plans War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Israeli Occupation Harshness Prevents Peace (tags)


Greatness or Mediocrity? Global ethical human rights or Neoliberal absolutism. (tags)

Do we want a great society based on ability and hardwork (often includes character) where people can reach their full potential or the prevailing mediocrity, with its descent-based 'bi-cultural' elite and, what I see as, 'arrested development' ?

Portland's Austerity Resistance Movement Sparks Changes to City (tags)

On June 20, Oregon’s Portland City Council unanimously voted to approve a budget that had been one of the most grassroots-contested examples of austerity in recent memory.

Corporate America Loves Jason Furman (tags)

class war

Los Angeles City Council Rejects BDS (tags)

BDS shot down in Los Angeles

Iran's June Presidential Election (tags)


UC Berkeley Divestment fails despite last grasp effort to save it (tags)

Judicial Council rules divestment bill violated ASUC bylaws Council: investment decisions must be made by ASUC Investment Committee

UC Berkeley Divestment Fails: NOT ASUC jurisdiction (tags)

Judicial Council rules divestment bill violated ASUC bylaws Council: investment decisions must be made by ASUC Investment Committee

SF Labor: Calls on Labor Movement to Mobilize in Washington, D.C. August 24 (tags)

In Support of the SCLC and King Center call for a March and Rally in Washington, DC on August 24, 2013 and in Support of the July 2 Northern California Demonstration to Demand a Massive Federally Funded Jobs-Creation Program and No Cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

Local Fights Against Austerity Are Growing Across the U.S. (tags)

Between sequestration, with its damaging impact on workers and the entire economy, and the billions of dollars in cuts to Social Security, Medicare and other necessary social programs that President Obama is pushing, it is evident that the economic policies of both major parties are not intended to promote a recovery for working people. You cannot lift up a nation’s economy while slashing away at its consumers’ pocketbooks. In order to justify their defiance of this elementary law, both Republicans and Democrats start talking the language of “austerity,” that is the notion that economic policy must be guided by reducing budgetary deficits first and foremost, and that workers exclusively must be made to pay the cost.

Opposition Grows Fierce to Austerity Cuts in Portland (tags)

On April 11 over 400 people packed the third public Portland Budget Hearing, which was organized by the City of Portland and which left many spilling out beyond the room where the hearing took place. More importantly, for the City Council there was an unexpected critical outpouring from the vast majority who attended. For the first time, the City Council and Mayor Charlie Hales began to lose control over their attempts to sell austerity.

UN Human Rights Council: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Radical Campaign Promises and John Carlos' Visit to LA (tags)

Hear the campaign promises of a radical activist running for LA city council and hear John Carlos, '68 Olympic Athlete, talk about endorsing this activist

Olympian John Carlos Comes to L.A. City Council District 9 (tags)

A good speech about reality and why it's critical to continue the struggle despite challenges.

South Central Activist Runs for City Council; Tells Radical Life Story (tags)

Ron Gochez: Life Story of a City Council Candidate from South Central, High School Teacher, and Community Organizer born to an undocumented mother who fled civil war in El Salvador. 33 Minutes Audio/Photography

Philippines: Where does the FOI campaign go from here? (tags)

Today, we close our people’s campaign for the passage of the Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill in the 15th Congress. We have, to the extent that our capacities and limited resources permitted, exhausted all avenues that we thought were open to us to get positive, decisive action from the leaders of the House of Representatives and from President Aquino no less.

North Korea video shows US city in flames after missile attack (tags)

It begins benignly enough, with an image of a sleeping young North Korean man, and a genteel piano version of the US feel-good pop anthem We Are the World providing the musical backdrop. But the YouTube video recently posted by Uriminzokkiri, North Korea's official website, quickly takes a more sinister turn as the man's dream continues into the realms of Stalinist fantasy.

Navi Pillay Targets Syria (tags)


Robert D. Skeels applauds Eric Garcetti's Efforts to Save The NVOC-Aviation Center (tags)

LAUSD Candidate Robert D. Skeels commends Los Angeles Mayor Candidate Eric Garcetti for standing up to Supt. John Deasy and Pres. Mónica García's cuts.

Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


PA Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Scrambling for Africa's Resources (tags)


Phoenix City Council member Sal DiCiccio - Phoney baloney Libertarian (tags)

Phoenix City Council member Sal DiCiccio likes to paint himself as a conservative Libertarian, but he isn't any more of a Libertarian then Hitler.

Odd Man Out (tags)


Mesa Mayor Scott Smith tries to justify a $42,000 raise for himself (tags)

Mesa Mayor Scott Smith tries to justify a $42,000 raise for himself. He thinks he deserves $80,000 for the part time job of being the Mesa Mayor.

Queer Democrats Celebrate Election Victories at Freedom Awards (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality celebrated recent election victories in San Diego County at their annual Freedom Awards November 17 at 1202 Club in HIllcrest. They also honored retiring State Senator Christine Kehoe, the first open Queer ever elected to office in San Diego County, for her19 years in elective office.

The U.S. Role in Israel's Attack on Gaza (tags)

As Obama tours Southeast Asia to strengthen his alliances against China, Gazans are being killed and maimed by the hundreds, with the possibility of an incredibly bloody Israeli invasion. The United States still wields tremendous power internationally; its actions and inactions have direct consequences in international conflicts.

Highest award granted to Nicaragua Sugar in occupational safety and health (tags)

Pellas Group companies, Nicaragua Sugar Estates, owner of Ingenio San Antonio, and Compañía Licorera, producer of Flor de Caña rum, received the highest award granted by the National Council for Occupational Health and Safety to companies that stand out for providing the best and safest working conditions.

Obama Rejects Palestinian Statehood (tags)


New South Wales recognizes the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (tags)

Historically Armenian territory in Caucasus region achieves recognition of independence.

Venice Beach Holocaust Denier runs for Venice Neighborhood Council (tags)

Homeless bashers maneuvering for position to further their anti-humanitarian agenda.

Immigrant Community Stand Up Against Checkpoints (tags)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
ONTARIO, California - Members of the immigrant community in Ontario protested the lack of police compliance with a state law designed to reduce the number of cars impounded at checkpoints, where drivers are detained without any probable cause. About 60 people marched through the city, and then presented their demands to the city council.

United Voices of Pomona Demands Mayor's Resignation (tags)

Monday, October 15, 2012
POMONA - The community organization United Voices of Pomona continued its protest against the approved waste transfer station, and added to its demands the mayor's resignation. The Los Angeles district attorney filed charges filed against one of Mayor Rothman's donors, alleging that Alfredo Solis, the owner of Western Recycling, had laundered $15,000 in contributions to Rothman's 2008 mayoral campaign through acquaintances.1 This latest scandal propelled the United Voices to demand Rothman's resignation, declaring, "we don't want trash money running our city."

Palestinian Authority to Hold Sham Elections (tags)


Pressure Building for More Middle East War (tags)


Pressure Builds for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)


Syria's Divided Opposition (tags)


Chalking & the Disruption of Business as Usual in DTLA: (tags)

Chalking & the Disruption of Business as Usual in DTLA: It has never been about the sidewalk chalk on the sidewalks, that's a simplified interpretation of a more sinister picture.

Democrats Throw Palestinians Under the Bus (tags)


War Without Mercy in Syria (tags)


Action Alert: Act now to stop the latest effort to legitimize Israeli Apartheid Terrorism! (tags)

Take Action...The City Council of Sacramento, California, is scheduled to vote on adopting Ashkelon, Israel as a Sister City on August 14th. Given Israel’s continued policy of killing and displacing Palestinians and illegally confiscating their land, the Capital of California, Sacramento, should not be used as a stamp of approval for these policies.

Pomona City Council Chooses Trash Over Residents (tags)

Monday, July 16, 2012

POMONA, California - A city council meeting to decide the fate of a proposed waste transfer station in the city's impoverished east end became contentious as various factions interacted at a pre-meeting rally. After a long corporate presentation and an even longer public comment period, the council voted against the vast majority of the community to approve the project. Protest, including some shoving involving police, ensued.

Security Council Showdown Afternath (tags)


Syria Roulette (tags)


Strategically Timed Syrian Massacre (tags)


International Law Revisionism (tags)


Clinton: Assad's Days Are Numbered (tags)


Egyptian President Morsi orders dissolved parliament to resume work (tags)

Egypt’s newly elected President Mohamed Morsi has ordered the country’s dissolved parliament to resume work.

Failure in Geneva (tags)


Stepped Up Media War on Syria (tags)


Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric Promotes War (tags)


Risking Global War (tags)


Venice Boardwalk Bathrooms yuk !! (tags)

Boardwalk Bathrooms -a shame for any city called Venice Having gone to Boardwalk this weekend, we were confronted with just how disgusting the bathrooms and their lack of availability actually is and has been for a while. It's Very UNSANITARY !

Anti-Syrian Propaganda Promotes War (tags)


Brookings: A Reliable Imperial Tool (tags)


NGOs Promote Wars for Profit (tags)


Security Council Authorizes 300 Syrian Monitors (tags)


Worrisome Security Council Syrian Resolution (tags)


Israel's Lawless Settlement Project (tags)


Friends of Syria Subvert Peaceful Resolution (tags)


City Council loans Berkeley Housing Authority $300,000 to privatize public housing units (tags)

On April 3, 2012, the Berkeley Housing Authority asked Berkeley's City Council for $400,000 in general funds from Berkeley's Housing Trust Fund (HTF), to cover the costs associated with the privatization and sale of Berkeley's 75 public housing units to some out of state billionaires!

ICC Absolves Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Friends of Syria Declare War on Assad (tags)

class war

The View from Istanbul (tags)


Worrisome Security Council Presidential Statement on Syria (tags)


Recognition of UAE divorce in the United States (tags)

In 2005, the UAE enacted Federal Law No. 28 to govern matrimonial issues. The provisions of the Law apply to all emirates and cover rules over marriage, divorce, guardianship, maintenance and inheritance. This article addresses recognition by U.S Court of divorce decrees obtained in the UAE.

Letter to Silver Lake NC Opposing Colocation of Micheltorena (tags)

Open Letter to Silver Lake NC Regarding motion opposing Prop 39 Colocation of Micheltorena Street ES

Venice Boardwalk has cleaned out commercial vendors ! (tags)

Take a walk down the Venice Boardwalk and be surprised ! the re-sale cheap commercial merchandise is not long proliferating and crowding the area with hawkers and flea-market-junk being the main things there. Now all sorts of art and artists are the west-sidewalk displays. What a change !

Soiling for War on Syria (tags)


BTL: Tensions Escalate as Israel and Iran Trade Charges in Embassy Bombings (tags)

Interview with Jamal Abdi, policy director with the National Iranian American Council, conducted by Scott Harris

Targeting Syria and Iran (tags)


Russia and China Veto Syria Resolution (tags)


Security Council Showdown on Syria (tags)


New York Times-Style Journalism (tags)


Washington's War on Syria (tags)


Violence Rages in Libya (tags)


Occupy 2.0 (tags)

Photos of the Occupy San Diego three-month anniversary march January 7 downtown and an interview with Occupy activist and former hunger striker John Kenney on his ideas for the future of the movement.

Marwan Barghouti: Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


Saudi Arabian State Terror (tags)

police state

Spoiling for a Fight with Syria and Iran (tags)


Urgent LA City Council Vote 12/6/11 (tags)

LA City Council to vote on Resolution calling for End Of Corporate Personhood 12/6/11.


L.A. council to debate whether to outlaw medical pot stores (tags)

Yes, these folks are evil government tyrants, but I don't think any of them are so bad that they couldn't be fixed with a gun. Of course the tyrants in the People's Republic of California have more or less flushed the 2nd Amendment down the toilet and banned guns in California.

Heading for War on Syria? (tags)


Report Back: City Council Unanimously Supports “Turning Land into Cash” (tags)

Various people said that Jan Perry was using the ancient "divide and conquer" strategy and that she succeeded in dividing the community in and around 41st and Alameda. Both Perry and Eric Garcetti (District 13), who presided over the meeting, are planning to run for mayor. It seems unlikely that LA will have a decent mayor within our lifetimes, but a Mayor Perry or a Mayor Garcetti would be one more major injustice.

BREAKING: City Council Votes Unanimously Against South Central Farmers (tags)

LOS ANGELES - November 15, 2011 – The Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously today to drop the 2.5 acre open space requirement for development at the former site of the South Central Farm

Arab League Pro-Western Despots (tags)


Editorial: Jan Perry's Latest Offensive Against the South Central Farm Land (41st & Alameda) (tags)

Tomorrow morning, October 15, City Council is scheduled to vote on Jan Perry's proposal that would release developer Ralph Horowitz of the 2.6-acre green space requirement and make it easier for him to sell the property. And so the future of the 14-acre plot of land, at 41st and Alameda is once again under dispute. Previously the site of the famous South Central Farm, once known as the largest urban farm in the country, if the not world, the land has become the most disputed plot of real-estate in the city. (At the time of its demolition circa 2006, there was a massive community mobilization to save it, and the goal of the farmers to reclaim the land has not died.)

When Goliath Wins: The Triumph of Redevelopment in Los Angeles (tags)

On Tuesday at 8:00 a.m., the South Central Farmers, their supporters, and the residents of the Central-Alameda neighborhood will confront the Los Angeles City Council in its chambers one more time to try to save the Farm and save the neighborhood. in the unlikely event they succeed, they might save the City.

Update - Riverside Occupy encampment broken broken up (tags)

This is an update of an earlier e-mail.

Labor Rallies in Support of Occupy San Diego Oct. 28 (tags)

Despite a pre-dawn police raid on both Occupy San Diego sites — the Civic Center Plaza near City Hall and the Children's Park across from the Convention Center — a rally sponsored by organized labor in support of the occupation went ahead as scheduled October 28. At this time, the occupiers are still there.

Anti-Imperial Voices (tags)


Jan Perry's Attempt to Remove Green Space Requirement Gains Steam (tags)

After 90+ minutes of open discussion, City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee unanimously approved Councilwoman Jan Perry's proposal and made the announcement quickly and quietly. Perry was not present herself but filled the room with residents of the low-income housing project Pueblo Del Rio (who were bused in and treated to a free lunch) and employees of PIMA, the company which hopes to develop the entire property. The measure will now be reintroduced to the full City Council, probably in mid-November. The South Central Farm is calling on Angelinos to contact their City Council members (contact info. at the bottom of this article).

Israeli Settlement Construction Jeopardizes Palestinian Statehood Plans (tags)


U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Occupy Wall Street Could Extend Past 2015 (tags)

To clearly define the needs of working people and to establish a new social and economic order, Stewart Alexander says he would commission an Occupy Wall Street Council. The OWS Council would be comprised of thousands of working people from local communities, states and throughout the nation. Alexander emphasized his choice to head this national council would be peace activist Cindy Sheehan. Alexander says, ?It is my hope that the Occupy Wall Street movement and the OWS Council will help establish true democracy in America.?

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander Says Occupy Wall Street Could Extend Past 2015 (tags)

To clearly define the needs of working people and to establish a new social and economic order, Stewart Alexander says he would commission an Occupy Wall Street Council. The OWS Council would be comprised of thousands of working people from local communities, states and throughout the nation. Alexander emphasized his choice to head this national council would be peace activist Cindy Sheehan. Alexander says, ?It is my hope that the Occupy Wall Street movement and the OWS Council will help establish true democracy in America.?

Abbas, UN Membership and Peace Talks (tags)


Making Sense of Syria (tags)


Anti-Defamation League Assails Palestinian UN Membership (tags)


City Councilmen Garcetti & Rosendahl Express Support for Occupy LA (tags)

LOS ANGELES October 4, 2011 - Day 4 of the encampment at city hall ? Los Angeles City Councilmen Eric Garcetti and Bill Rosendahl visited the encampment today and expressed their support for Occupy LA. They announced to the crowd gathered around them that they plan to introduce a resolution to the city council tomorrow declaring the council's support for Occupy LA.

Queer Democrats Host Incumbent City Councilmembers (tags)

Thanks to a member who asked that all so-called "friendly incumbent" endorsements be pulled for further discussion, the three incumbent San Diego City Councilmembers who attended the September 22 meeting of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democrats for Equality (formerly the San Diego Democratic Club) ? Todd Gloria, Marti Emerald and Sherri Lightner ? found themselves on the spot. Instead of just showing up to receive their endorsements and thank the club, they spoke to the group on such controversial issues like the city's budget and pension problems, historical preservation and the influence of wealthy people like Qualcomm founder Irwin Jacobs on plans for Balboa Park.

Israeli West Bank Annexation Bill (tags)


Obstructing Palestinian Statehood Begins (tags)


The Irvine 11: Guilty of Being Muslims in America (tags)


No Peace or Justice in Our Time with Netanyahu (tags)


Palestinian Statehood: If not Now, When? (tags)


Full Court Press to Deny Palestinians Statehood (tags)


Obama and Netanyahu to Palestinians on Statehood: Go to Hell (tags)


Face-Off: Palestine v. Washington/Israel on Statehood (tags)


Implications of Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Los Angeles City Council Passes Resolution to Support AB 199 and AJR 6 for Filipino WWII V (tags)

The Los Angeles City Council today unanimously approved the resolution in support of California AB 199 and AJR 6 in a legislative effort to recognize the presence and contribution of Filipino World War II veterans in our history books, To support Asssemblyperson Fiona Ma?s effort City Coouncil member Richard Alarcon introduced the resolution. It was seconded by Councilmen Tom Lebonge, Eric Garcetti, Jose Huizar,Ed Reyes and Bill Rosendhal, a Vietnam War veteran. All of them spoke to support the resolution to the delight of the crowd.

BTL:House Republicans Attempt to Hold 2012 Budget Hostage to Repeal of Environmental Regul (tags)

Interview with David Goldston, director of government affairs with the Natural Resources Defense Council, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

General Assembly Palestinian Statehood Vote (tags)


Palestinian Right of Self-Defense (tags)


Fullerton City Council Votes to Develop Coyote Hills (tags)

Fullerton City Council votes (under fear of lawsuit by Chevron?) to allow Chevron to develop West Coyote Hills with more suburban sprawl. However, the last bit of ecosystem in northern Orange County can still be saved, Friends of Coyote Hills have a referendum to oppose the city council vote and needs your signature!

Venice Boardwalk ordinance draft looks like it's going to fail it's duties (tags)

Venice Boardwalk has been a big loss to the City- how it is seen by Los Angeles' tourist crowds, and to LA's own image as an artistic or art-supportive environment. Commercial vending of cheap re-sale-mdse. bought at any local wholesaler while using City sidewalk free spaces ruins any art scene. City Council doing a draft that looks bad so far.

New York Times Opposition to Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Farmers Fighting for South Central Again (tags)

The Farmers defend the last vestige of the Farm against City and development. Join them Thursday morning, 8:00 a.m., at the Port of Los Angeles Administration Building, 425 S. Palos Verdes St., San Pedro, CA 90731

Santa Barbara's War on the Poor: Report from the Front (tags)

Activist/ rights advocate crusades against "obstructionism" and Republican chicanery as Santa Barbara City attempt to disrupt County's South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee.

Fullerton-7/12; Council Re-Vote on Chevron Development (tags)

Coyote Hills is the last remaining wilderness region between La Habra and Fullerton in the surrounding suburban sprawl of northern Orange County is threatened with development. Please visit Fullerton City Council and speak up for saving the last few open spaces before they are forever lost to development!

Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


Communique from the Communal Autnomous Council of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico (tags)

Communique from the Communal Autnomous Council of San Juan Copala, Oaxaca, Mexico

The Maya Grand Elders uncover the meaning 2012 and warn about future (tags)

The Maya have taken center stage because many fear the supposed end date of their calendar marks the end of the world. Most of this information comes from non-Mayans and it is not accurate. Because of this the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna recently addressed the world. Their message is simple: ?Our actions have created a world out of balance that must be rebalanced immediately in order for us to avoid more suffering?for humans and for all life.?

San Diego Queers Split Over City Redistricting (tags)

San Diego?s Queer community has split over their response to the redrawing of district lines for the City Council. On one side are the members of the self-styled ?LGBT Redistricting Task Force,? who are pushing a major redesign of the city?s Queer-influenced District 3, pushing out the people of color and less affluent Queers in City Heights and adding more upscale neighborhoods like Mission Hills and Bankers? Hill to the Hillcrest/North Park core of the district. On the other side are Queer residents of the City Heights community of Azalea Park, who bought there because gentrification had priced them out of Hillcrest and North Park and now find themselves threatened that they will no longer be represented by a Queer Councilmember. The current District 3 is San Diego?s most ethnically diverse; the district proposed by the LGBT Redistricting Task Force and the Hillcrest Town Council will be 70 percent white.

Senseless Killings of Activists in the Philippines must be Stopped (tags)

Florita "Nang Flor" Caya, Elpidio "Jojo" Malinao, Noriel Salazar - some of the recent slain activists in the Philippines.

Pakistani Islamic Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

Pakistani men residing in the U.S. travel to their homeland to get divorce decrees from Pakistan. They return back to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Pakistani Islamic divorce decree in a state court. This article deals with the issues related to Pakistani Islamic divorce in U.S. courts.

Planned Libya Invasion (tags)


Controversy Comes to Villa Park (tags)

Protesters demonstrate against Anti-Muslim statements made by Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly.

San Diego Hammers Down on Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Despite Public Support (tags)

Despite overwhelming public input asking for a looser ordinance that would allow medical marijuana dispensaries to locate in commercial areas throughout San Diego and remain open while they pursued permits, the San Diego City Council voted 5-2 on Monday, March 26 for an ordinance that will close down all dispensaries for at least a year and force them to locate only in industrial zones — inconveniently far from the patients they serve. Even most of the Councilmembers who voted for the ordinance, which was tweaked at the last minute to make it slightly less restrictive, made it clear that they regard medical marijuana patients and the institutions that serve them as a detriment, not an asset, to the city.

Military actions against Libya/Libyan resistance must rely on own strength (tags)

By applauding the Western military actions against Libya, the Libyan resistance doesn't rely on their own strength, but will be bound to either a Western occupation, or a far going Western influence, when Gaddafi is defeated

Remember Saddam Hussain? (tags)

"The capture of numerous British military and intelligence operatives—six SAS men and an MI5 agent—by rebel forces in Benghazi made clear that the powers that be are already hard at work to this end. It has since been revealed by the Daily Mail that ministers have approved “a presence on the ground” of the SAS and MI6, who “will link up with Special Forces already in Libya to provide protection and give informal military advice to the Libyan opposition.”

Assemblymember Atkins Warns Queer Democrats on State Budget Cuts (tags)

California State Assemblymember Toni Atkins spoke to the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club February 24 and warned of two approaching deadlines coming up in the state legislature's budget deliberations: March 6, the ending of the special budget session called by former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; and March 10, the last day the legislature can vote to call a special election to extend the current state sales tax rates and vehicle licensing fees so that current Governor Jerry Brown's budget, which calls for $12.5 billion in spending cuts, can be enacted. Without that — and so far the Republican minority in the legislature has held firm to block any vote on the tax issue, which requires support from 2/3 of both houses of the legislature even to make it to the ballot — Brown and the Democratic majority will have to make $12.5 billion more in spending cuts, which will virtually end California state spending on health and welfare and eviscerate the state's already underfunded education system.

Obama's New Chief of Staff and Economic Team (tags)

Wall Street dominated

Press Conference: LAPD Christmas Checkpoints/Neighborhood Council Resolution (tags)

PRESS CONFERENCE: Neighborhood Council and Southern California Immigration Coalition to denounce the Los Angeles Police Department and Mayor Villaraigosa for stealing cars from Immigrants; especially during Christmas

Haiti's Electoral Council Tries Alternate Ways to Legitimize Fraud (tags)

Haitians again denied democracy

Stonewalling Goldstone (tags)

trying to buy the findings

Openly Gay Fort Worth City Councilmember Headlines Queer Democrats' Freedom Awards (tags)

As a boy, openly Gay Fort Worth City Councilmember Joel Burns was bullied by schoolmates and driven to thoughts of suicide. One of his friends, a boy from Oklahoma, actually did kill himself. As an elected official, Burns spoke October 12 in the Fort Worth City Council chambers and talked about his past in a speech that was heard 'round the world through YouTube and the power of the Internet. On November 13 Burns came to San Diego as the keynote speaker for the 35th Annual Freedom Awards of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club and talked about teen suicide and the need for renewed commitment on the part of Queer Democrats and progressives to elect officials whose actions will make Queer teens safer.

Get Out the Vote for Stephen Whitburn! (tags)

Openly Gay County Supervisor candidate Stephen Whitburn made an impassioned plea for help in the last five days before the election at the October 28 meeting of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, of which he used to be president. Whitburn talked about the barrage of nasty hit-mail pieces Republican campaign groups are sending out against him at the last minute but also said that's an indication that they don't have a grass-roots campaign. Whitburn is seeking to become the first Democrat to serve on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors in 16 years.

VENICE BOARDWALK OCEAN FRONT WALK Task Force Meeting 10/6/10 (tags)

this 1x/month meeting facilitated by LA City Council is a place for sharing information...or contentious arguments..

Palestinian Authority Recommends Whitewashing Gaza War Crimes (tags)

PA complicit with Israel

Endorse: Labor Activists Condemn FBI Repression (tags)

Like Dr. King before us, we will not be silenced.

Two Openly Gay Councilmembers Debate Sales-Tax Increase (tags)

Rival City Councilmembers Todd Gloria and Carl DeMaio — the first two openly Gay men elected to the San Diego City Council — spoke at the Hillcrest Town Council September 14 and debated Proposition D on the November 2 ballot. This would allow the city to raise its sales tax one-half cent for five years to plug the $72 billion hole in its current budget — but only after the city implements 10 “reforms” reducing its pension obligations to workers and making it easier to privatize city jobs. But even in Gloria’s relatively liberal district, the polite but hostile response from the audience made it clear the measure will be a tough sell to city voters.

From Goldstone to Uribe (tags)

The fix is in.

LA People's Campaign Kick-off Sat 8-7-0 (tags)

Kick-off Campaign to run working-class candidates for public office in LA.

BTL:Obama's Policy on Post-Coup Honduras Follows Same Old Washington Script Toward Latin A (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

San Diego’s Queer Democrats Discuss Election Aftermath (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club heard from three local experts — San Diego County Democratic Party chair Jess Durfee, San Diego CityBeat editor David Rolland and political consultant Jennifer Tierney — on the aftermath of the June 8 primary election at their regular meeting June 24. The discussion centered mainly on how Democratic candidates like state gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown and local City Council candidate Howard Wayne can overcome the vast advantage of Republican money — and, in Brown's case, the multi-billion dollar personal fortune of his opponent, Meg Whitman. The club also took a position against SB 1070, the controversial anti-immigrant law recently passed by the Arizona state legislature.

LA Housing and Community Activists Protest Eric Garcetti (tags)

June 17th march and protest about the LA rent freeze.

Employers and Labor Leaders Pressure Muni Drivers to Reverse Vote (tags)

The collaboration between employers and the heads of organized Labor is forced more in to the open as the polarization between the classes grows. There is no room for pretense anymore.

Complete Interview Transcript with Richard Falk from May 31st 2010 (tags)

DB "The Israelis say that these commandos who they say were armed with hand guns and paint guns were only defending themselves from armed and dangerous attacks by people on the boat. Your response to that? RF: There are two lines of response, and this is an area where the facts are contested and difficult to disentangle at this stage. The witnesses on the boats themselves, particularly the Turkish boats where most of the violence took place, claim that the commandos landed shooting, and that it was only after the initiation of that violence that there was some attempt at defense on the basis of very contrived and primitive weapons, as opposed to the kind of weaponry that the Israeli commandos were carrying. Beyond that, it’s fairly clear if unlawful attack of a vessel on the high seas is occurring, the passengers on that ship have some sort of right to self defense. So that’s one aspect of it. The second aspect is that even if there was some kind of defensive violence on the ship, that’s no excuse for an unprovoked attack carried out in this manner. If Israel didn’t want the ships to go to Gaza, they could have diverted them, and if they did what the other boats did in the Freedom Flotilla, except for the larger Turkish one, it seems pretty clear that this was a deliberate attack designed, I suppose, to punish the effort to carry out this humanitarian mission, which would obviously have disclosed the brutality of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has gone on now for almost three years. The Israeli arguments are not really seriously plausible. Given the overall circumstances it’s very difficult to give them any kind of serious credibility, and this seems to me to be as clear a violation of international humanitarian law, international law of the seas, and international criminal law, as we’re likely to see in the early part of the twenty-first century." RF


Brazilians want more journalism and less Israeli propaganda.

Keep Venice Streets Free for All (tags)

Prevent Venice parking permit and vehicle height restrictions proposed implementation on public streets. Keep Venice free for all members of our community. Current settlement of anti-homeless group does not represent the majority of Venice. Venice is love. Love is free. Keep Venice Free.

RP rebels use child soldiers—UN (tags)

MANILA, Philippines—Three of the country’s rebel groups—Muslim extremist Abu Sayyaf, communist New People’s Army, and secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front—are among the world’s “persistent violators of children in armed conflicts,” the United Nations said.

Los Angeles Right to Housing Collective Fights for Tenant Rights (tags)

City Council made tenants wait over five hours before declining to vote on a moratorium against rent increases.When tenants voiced their anger, frustration and disappointment by chanting loudly in Council Chambers, Acting President Dennis Zine ordered Los Angeles Police Department to remove tenants from council. About 30 LAPD officers began roughly forcing tenants out of Council chambers.

BREAKING: (3:25pm 5/21/10) Protesters halt LA City Council proceedings (tags)

Protesters forced the LA City Council into recess for about 15 minutes. Councilman Zine ordered the police to clear the chamber. Then the live feed was cut.

City Council to Look At Weak Moratorium to Prevent Rent Increase (tags)

It's good something was decided, but the moratorium will not cover much LA rental housing.

Queer Democrats Oppose Strong-Mayor Proposition (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club overwhelmingly opposed continuing San Diego's experiment with strong-mayor government. At their April 22 meeting they voted to oppose Proposition D on the June 8 ballot, which would make strong-mayor permanent, add a ninth seat to the City Councll and raise the threshold to override a mayoral veto of a Council action from a simple majority to two-thirds. City Councilmember Donna Frye led the debate against strong-mayor; having served under both strong-mayor and San Diego's previous city-manager system, she said it's been harder for her as a Councilmember to hold the mayor accountable and get information she needs to make responsible decisions, to the point where she's had to sue the city, or threaten to, to get needed data from the mayor's office.

Find your own NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL (tags)

The short arms of the LA City Council are the 90 local Neighborhood Councils. Here are 2 on the westside. Find your own and get involved in any way you want. Now.

Over 50 Attend Whitburn Fundraiser in Hillcrest March 28 (tags)

Stephen Whitburn, openly Gay candidate for the Fourth Supervisorial District in San Diego County, held a fundraiser for his campaign Sunday, March 28 at the Bamboo Lounge in Hillcrest. Despite vicious attacks from supposedly “progressive” media outlets in both the straight and Queer communities, the event was a success, drawing more than 50 people who roared their support for Whitburn's opposition to the proposed Merriam Mountains development — a plan to blast off the tops of mountains to build houses on them — and the practice of Supervisors to accept gifts from individuals, organizations and corporations who directly benefit from the Board's decisions.


The Los Angeles City Council has offered a $50,000 reward for the suspect’s arrest and conviction.

San Diego Common Cause Debates Strong-Mayor Government (tags)

On June 8 voters in San Diego will decide whether to make the city's experiment in a strong-mayor form of government permanent. The ballot measure will also increase the size of the City Council from eight to nine (at a cost of $1 to $1.5 million per year) and increase the threshold for sustaining a mayor's veto of a Council action from five votes to six. San Diego's branch of Common Cause debated the issue February 13 and questioned whether the strong mayor has made local government more or less accountable, and whether the real purpose of strong-mayor is to increase the already massive influence of business and developers over local government.

Berkeley public housing residents demand resignations (tags)

Berkeley's Public Housing Residents Say "Hell No" To The Privatization Of Their Housing & Demand Resignation Of Housing Director!

Ben Carnes on the film "Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier" (tags)

In advance of his appearance this week at an L.A. screening of "Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier," Ben Carnes of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee discussed that film, Leonard Peltier, and a variety of other Native American issues.

Israel has created a monster on the West Bank with their settlers and Yesha council. (tags)

Israel may have thought it was creating “facts on the ground” but now it discovers that it has a terrorist organization, outside the law, on its hands.

Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit Against Costa Mesa Mayor Goes to Trial on Wednesday (tags)

A federal civil rights lawsuit filed in March 2006 by an Orange County immigrant rights activist accusing Costa Mesa Mayor Alan Mansoor of violating his constitutional right to free speech is scheduled to go on trial on the morning of Wednesday, December 2nd at 8:30 a.m. in Santa Ana.

The Pharaoh's Den has been temporarily closed down. (tags)

A Surge in Demands on Government for Jobs (tags)

Thanks to the government bailout, bankers and brokers are now self-righteously pocketing their record bonuses, reassured by Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein that they are doing “God’s work” (The New York Times, November 17, 2009). There is no humility in these quarters. Yet working people continue to be battered by relentlessly rising unemployment, caused by an economic crisis they had no part in creating. Officially the rate stands at 10.2 percent with the unofficial rate hovering around 17.5 percent, since it also includes part-time workers wanting full-time work and those who are discouraged and no longer looking for work. Both statistics are on the verge of rising.

The Israelis should have made peace (tags)

while they had the complaint Abbas in charge

Settlement Puts an End to Controversial Elephant Hill Development in Los Angeles (tags)

Settlement between City of LA and Monterey Hills Investors LLC puts an end to the controversial residential development of 24 luxury homes on Elephant Hill in the community of El Sereno in Los Angeles.

Queer Democrats Endorse Alvarez, Wayne for City Council (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club took two different tacks in its endorsements in City Council races at its regular meeting October 22. In District 6 they endorsed veteran politician Howard Wayne over Steve Hadley, chief of staff to incumbent Councilmember Donna Frye. In District 8 they endorsed the grass-roots Latino candidate, David Alvarez, over two better connected candidates from established local Latino political families: Felipe Hueso, older brother of incumbent Councilmember Ben Hueso; and Nick Inzunza, uncle of former Councilmember Ralph Inzunza.

Israel accused of war crimes by UN body (tags)

Netanyahu decides to cut his losses and hang Barak and Livni after a quick investigation and fair trial.

URGENT to KPFK Members (tags)

Election in jeopardy! Ballots not sent. See this to get yours--BY TOMORROW!

Goldstone is a terrorist (tags)

And his report is a terrorist report that endangers peace

prediction for 2010 (tags)

Community Walk in Historic Filipinotown, Sept.26 (tags)

On Saturday, September 26, Council President Eric Garcetti and team conducted a neighborhood walk just south of Historic Filipinotown in central Los Angeles. Teams from different community organizations like LA Conservation Corp.,People’s CORE, GEPNC and from personnel from the Council member offices knocked on door to door, asking the neighbors what their local government can do for them.

Honduran Coup Regime Mocks UN Security Council with Embassy Attacks (tags)

"These evidences and the eye-witness testimonies, including that of the doctor and the priest, demonstrate convincingly that while the Honduran coup regime issues emphatic denials of such attacks on the sovereign embassy of Brazil, it is clearly engaging in them nonetheless. The UN Security Council should not need any high tech apparatus of its own to be able to see and hear what is really going on at ground level, and respond accordingly to the coup regime's mockery of it."

Israel wants US cover-up (tags)

of Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

Long Beach Colation Sues City of Long Beach (tags)

On Friday, August 21, the Long Beach Coalition for Good Jobs and a Healthy Community filed suit against the City of Long Beach claiming the development of the 125-room Hotel Sierra at the Pike needs a new Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to assess the possible impact the hotel development will have on the environment and local communities. “A few weeks ago, we spoke to City Council about this project with regard to the environmental, social, and economic impacts on our community. In response, a majority of the Council voted to postpone the vote to provide an opportunity for the community to voice its support for responsible development,” said CSULB Sociology Professor Gary Hytrek and Coalition Steering Committee Member.

Clueless at City Hall: Foreclosures and Tenants (tags)

Ordinances designed to protect tenants when a house enters foreclosure can have ramifications for the property owner, neighbors and taxpayer.

Long Beach City Council postpones vote on Pike Hotel (tags)

Another victory for Hotel workers and Coalition in South Bay! Led by dozens of members of the Long Beach Coalition for Good Jobs and a Healthy Community (LBC) who were in the crowd, with their concerns on whether the hotel would provide decent wages for its employees, they told the council to work for workers interests. Urged on by a crowd of hotel worker's-rights supporters, the City Council on Tuesday voted 7-1 to continue for one week a vote that would move a proposed hotel at the Pike one step closer to approval.

BTL:U.S. and Russia Move Toward Reducing Number of Nuclear Weapons (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Wanted for conspiracy (tags)

Obama meets Ben-Ami and the forty thieves at the White House.

Hold the MSG: It’s Not Risk-Free (tags)

MSG is a secret saboteur of health; the food industry tricks consumers into buying products with free glutamic acid (or MSG) by listing it under any one of 43 innocent-sounding names, such as natural flavoring, seasonings, yeast extract, spices, pectin or citric acid.

Despite police abuse, mobile home park community pursues redress (tags)

In response to an explosive-ridden seige of their community, residents of the Woodlawn Mobile Home Park attended the Pomona City Council meeting on Monday, June 15. During the public comment period, one by one, approximately thirty residents, representing adults, the elderly, and children, explained what happened to them. Some became so emotionally overwhelmed that they were unable to continue.

Celebrating Philippine Independence Day (tags)

The Philippine flag acquires added prominence these days on the occasion of the observance of the Declacration of Philippine Independence.

WILDCAT! Carpenters Union (tags)

This is the 10th anniversary of the Carpenters Wildcat strike. In 1999 in sites all around the state the Carpenters rejected a contract which would have sold them out! Labors Militant Voice played a leading role in the strike and now a comrade running for President of the Local.

Milwaukee Common Council Approves Near South Side Area Plan (tags)

Development plan considered discriminatory towards new immigrants, low-income residents, and Latino businesses along the Historic Mitchell, W. National and W. Lincoln Ave. corridors

Yet another blatant betrayal by heads of organized Labor in San Francisco (tags)

SEIU 1021 members voted down a concessionary contract because they were "confused". The higher up the Union ladder you go the more contemptuous of workers you become.

More Highland Park Community Garden (tags)

Grand Opening of Milagro Allegro Community Garden in Highland Park Long-Vacant Yard Transformed into Urban Farm, Art and Education Center HIGHLAND PARK (Los Angeles)-

City Plan Commission Approves South Side Comprehensive Plan (tags)

Menomonee Valley proposed development would not provide enough jobs needed for the district, according to Carolyn Seboe, HNTB Consulting

Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

evidence of Israeli war crimes

KPFA's manager attends a board meeting (tags)

KPFA is the Pacifica sister station in the Bay Area of Northern California

Controversial Senate elections planned in Haiti (tags)

The apparent decision to green light the contentious ballot by Obama comes on the heels of a ruling by Haiti's Provisional Election Council or CEP to exclude the Fanmi Lavalas party of former president Jean-Bertrand Aristide on procedural grounds.

Investigation into Oakland non profit housing organization underway (tags)

Activists are pleased that an investigation into Oakland Community Housing, Inc. (OCHI) is underway, but are deeply disappointed that their demands to have more oversight instituted over the way non profit housing organizations are spending millions in tax payer dollars on their housing projects, has been rejected by Oakland City officials!

Obama can't appoint the best (tags)

If the AIPAC objects

Next the Venice NIMBYs Vote to Exterminate Homeless People? (tags)

Big Election in Venice is Biggest Fiasco!

JOIN W.E.R.C Today ! (tags)

In recent months, we have witnessed billions of dollars pumped into the financial institutions WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Reckless behavior and greed have been graced with the most extravagant rewards, allowing the rich to get even richer. After receiving their bailout, A.I.G. executives resumed their plans for a retreat at a lavish resort. Meanwhile, foreclosures have risen, unemployment has soared, and misery has spread with virtually nothing being done for the millions of workers suffering from these afflictions. We cannot sit back and simply hope that things will get better. The financial executives have organized themselves and lobbied for bailouts. We must now do the same. We must organize ourselves and mount a campaign, insisting that government programs benefit the majority of the population first and foremost, not the super wealthy small minority.

Clean Money: Better Elections (tags)

Clean money means accountability to voters, not special interests. It gives the ordinary citizen access to candidates. It levels the playing field and increases voter participation.

Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign (tags)

Below is the introduction, ten point program, and partial list of endorsers for the Workers Emergency Recovery Campaign

Zionist Running for LA City Council Seat. (tags)

The Los Angeles director of AIPAC, Aneena Bleich is running for the 5th council District seat. The 5th district is home to the largest concentration of Zionists outside Israel and New York. They constitute a powerful voting block in the 5th district and typically install whoever they want to the council. It appears they have again chosen one of their own, Aneena Bleich of AIPAC.

Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (pictures) (tags)

Here are some pictures of the activists--and the Minutemen--addressing the city council.

Juan Santos: Im Memorium (tags)

To Walk in Beauty More than just a Dream: The South Central Farm is Everywhere The Declaration of the Leadership Council of the South Central Farm Movement The Spirit cannot be uprooted. That’s the most fundamental truth of the matter. It was heart breaking to have the Farm stolen from us, to be driven away from it by a small army of police like chattel slaves being driven to the slave ships; to have to re-live what our ancestors faced, what indigenous peoples have always faced at the hands of this system. But we know that it is not the tragedies of our lives, but, rather, the choices we make in response to them, that have to power to shape who and what we become, and that shape what we are able to realize in our futures. No one but each of us, individually and collectively, has that power, it is not the tragedies and oppressions that are scripted into the system that are decisive, but the choices we make about our lives as we encounter them that ultimately decide the matter.

Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (tags)

UPLAND, California - January 26, 2008 Supporters of the human rights of immigrants and workers filled the Upland City Council chambers tonight to support speakers decrying injustices against Upland day laborers. The Minutemen, who are themselves responsible for many of these injustices, also arrived to address the council. And while the council may have been more receptive to their racist rhetoric than to our pleas for justice, we maintained the moral high ground and refused to retreat.

12/28: Israel launches new wave of Gaza attacks, facing international condemnation (tags)

12/28: Israel launches new wave of Gaza attacks, facing international condemnation, UN call to halt attack


The LA City Council is threatening to seize and shutdown the community access channels in Los Angeles

Obama Mania (tags)

A reality check.

Vote Green! Piera-Avila for Council (tags)

For 3 decades, LINDA PIERA-AVILA has been a passionate environmental, social justice, electoral reform and peace activist. Now she is putting herself on the line and running for Santa Monica City Council to put the public back into public service!

San Diego Queer Democrats Endorse Beach Booze Ban (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club voted September 25 to endorse Proposition 4 on the November 4 ballot in the city of San Diego, which would make the temporary ban on alcohol consumption at city beaches permanent. Opponents have argued that the ban is an attack on individual freedom, but the club rejected that argument and instead supported beach-area residents who say the ban has improved their quality of life.

Stephen Whitburn: Progressive San Diego City Council Candidate (tags)

Zenger’s-endorsed District 3 City Council candidate STEPHEN WHITBURN is the real deal: an experienced journalist and progressive who’s seen more of the world than San Diego and knows from government in other cities what works and what doesn’t. Don’t be fooled by an opponent who offers nothing but charm, geography and experience at taking orders.


“Jail the greedy capitalist crooks, No to the federal bail-out to embezzlers, No burden to honest tax-payers!” This is the stand of the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC in central Los Angeles as the Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the City Council on Tuesday denounced the $700-billion rescue plan for the nation's financial institutions, saying the deal provides too much power to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson.

Progressive San Diego Council Candidate Takes On Developer (tags)

Progressive San Diego City Council candidate Stephen Whitburn held a press conference September 7 to protest a new development proposal for the Hillcrest area that would erect two high-rise towers in a small-scale, intimate neighborhood, adding to traffic congestion and destroying the community's atmosphere. Developer Bruce Lightenberger, also interviewed, said he couldn't care less; he claims that as long as it meets existing zoning, he has an absolute right to build his project and neither the city nor the community can stop him.

San Diego City Council Candidates Debate (tags)

San Diego City Council candidates Stephen Whitburn and Todd Gloria debated at the Hillcrest Town Council September 9. Both are openly Gay men and the debate was held in the center of San Diego's Queer community, but the candidates are otherwise quite different. Gloria emphasized his roots in San Diego and his extensive experience working as a staff member for elected officials, while Whitburn criticized Gloria's support from developers and said his own experience in journalism and the nonprofit sector would make him a better Councilmember.

Minutemen, off-duty cops disrupt community forum on checkpoints (tags)

Community members met to express themselves on the topic of police "DUI" checkpoints, which really target immigrants. Minutemen and police hecklers disrupted the meeting.

South Central Farmers Demand Ethics Investigation of Local Officials (tags)

Citing an apparent conflict of interest, the South Central Farmers are demanding that California's State Attorney General investigate the sale of the site of the South Central Farm by Los Angeles city officials to local developer Ralph Horowitz for a trucking center for women's clothing manufacturer and retailer Forever 21.

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

Underground workers movement vs. DCWD, Franklin Baker (tags)

Queer Democrats Endorse Aguirre for San Diego City Attorney (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, which had endorsed moderate Democrat Scott Peters over progressive incumbent Mike Aguirre for city attorney in the primary campaign, reversed itself and voted to endorse Aguirre over Republican Jan Goldsmith at its June 26 meeting — but not before an intense debate in which the club president threatened to eject two members to keep the meeting orderly.

City Hall Scandal Hits Baltimore After “The Wire” Exits (tags)

There is never a dull moment in Baltimore, Maryland. It seems as soon as HBO’s “The Wire” program left town, our Mayor, Sheila Dixon, became the subject of a state corruption probe. It’s all mostly about two fur coats and some travel trips with an ex-boyfriend. At the time, he was a developer doing business with the city. Does it add up to bribery or is it a tempest in a teapot? The Grand Jury holds the answer to that question. Stay tuned.

NDFP commends IADL for exposing violations of human rights of Filipinos in the Netherlands (tags)

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Negotiating Panel commends the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) for exposing before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva the violations of human rights of Filipinos in The Netherlands. The IADL, through Atty. Edre U. Olalia, Deputy Secretary General of the National Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL), an affiliate of the IADL, delivered its intervention on June 11, 2008 at the 8th Session of the UN HR Council during the Universal Periodic Review of the human rights record of The Netherlands

Philippine Human Rights Group Stands by Concerns (tags)

On this supposed “independence day” of the Philippines, the Philippine Human Rights Watch delegation in attendance at the UN Human Rights Council 8th Session confirms its support to the joint statement delivered by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) during the “interactive dialogue” yesterday on the consideration of the report of the Working Group on the Netherlands Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

Zenger's Newsmagazine Election Endorsements (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine endorses in local, state and federal offices in the June 3 primary, including "revolutionary" candidate Eric Bidwell for Mayor and incumbent Mike Aguirre for City Attorney.

San Diego Queer Democrats Endorse Morrow for Mayor (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club endorsed former City Councilmember Floyd Morrow for Mayor at thier April 24 meeting — but Morrow was upstaged by City Councilmember and former mayoral candidate Donna Frye, who brought a volunteer in a fox costume to dramatize her contention that Proposition "C," a ballot proposal to allow the mayor to appoint the city's auditor, is "putting the fox in charge of the henhouse."

San Diego Earth Day Hosts Local Candidates (tags)

Though poorly attended, the candidates' debates at San Diego's Earth Day in Balboa Park April 20 offered useful insights into how the aspirants for mayor, third district city councilmember and city attorney might use their jobs to help protect the city's environment — or not.

Water Wars (tags)

The U.S. Patriot Act and other legislation authorizes a "culling of the herds."


Yesterday, April 9, 2008, thirteen (13) City Council members voted to amend LAMC 42.15 that regulates Venice Boardwalk. Noticeably missing from the text of the new ordinance were the words "FREE SPEECH ZONE". What does that mean to US?

“¡Aguirre Si, Labor No!” (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine announces its endorsement of progressive Democrat Mike Aguirre for re-election as San Diego city attorney, despite the opposition of reactionary city employee unions more concerned with preserving the pensions of current city workers than protecting the salaries and benefits of future ones.

San Diego Queer Democrats Reject Progressive City Attorney (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club supported the city's corrupt political establishment and its handmaidens in organized labor and refused to support progressive Democrat Mike Aguirre for re-election as city attorney. Instead they endorsed moderate Democrat City Councilemmber Scott Peters even though Peters voted to renew the Boy Scouts of America's sweetheart lease on city land in 2001 and refused to commit to backing Aguirre in a general election against a Republican.

ALL OUT: March 15 Mass Protest in LA (tags)

Join Thousands to Protest the War on its 5th Anniversary - Stop the War NOW!

Cuba: Freedom, Dignity and Solidarity (tags)

Cuba: Freedom, Dignity and Solidarity

Fidel Castro: What I wrote on Tuesday 19 (tags)

That Tuesday, there was no fresh international news. My modest message to the people of Monday, February 18 had no problem being widely circulated. I began to receive news from 11:00 a.m. The previous night I slept like never before. My conscience was at rest and I had promised myself a vacation. The days of tension, with the proximity of February 24, left me exhausted...

Fidel Castro will neither aspire to nor accept reelection (tags)

Cuban President Fidel Castro announced he will not aspires to nor accepts the positions of President of the State Council and Commander in Chief at the Parliament session scheduled for February 24th.

Why the leniency for pedophiles in Israel? (tags)

According to data disclosed at this week's Beersheba Conference on Child Welfare, some 2,500 complaints are filed annually in Israel regarding sexual assaults against minors under 14. Dr. Yitzhak Kadman, executive director of the National Council for the Child, paints a darker picture yet, estimating that over the past several years no fewer than 100,000 of this country's children have suffered some degree of sexual molestation.


No Justice, No Peace! The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) veterans council composed of different Filipino World War II veterans groups held a meeting to prepare for the 62nd year of the Rescission Act on February 18, 2008. Prominent veteran leaders attended the council meeting last February 9. Among those who attended were Franco Arcebal of ACFV; Jack Vergara of Society of Guerillas and Scout Inc.(SGSI); Ramon Lladoc of Veterans Center of the Philippines; Eugene Mondok of United Filipino American veterans(UFAV); Peping Baclig and Nick Gadia of JFAV and Arturo Garcia of People’s CORE.

San Diego's Controversial City Attorney 'Speaks (tags)

To his supporters, San Diego city attorney Mike Aguirre is an activist and truth-teller who'sone of the few local elected officials dealing seriously with the city's budget crises. To his opponents, ranging from the Right-wing San Diego Union-Tribune to the city employee unions, he's a loud-mouthed obstructionist who's dividing the city and costing it money. The controversy was on display January 24, when Aguirre and two of his election oppoennts debated at the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club.

Attorney General Investigating Acting O.C. Sheriff Anderson (tags)

The inquiry by the state attorney general is investigating whether acting Orange County Sheriff Jack Anderson broke state law by appearing in uniform while trying to discourage the San Clemente City Council members from endorsing former sheriff's lieutenant and former candidate Bill Hunt

Property Owners protest Eminent Domain - To Burn City Eviction Notices (tags)

Property Owners protest Eminent Domain - To Burn City Eviction Notices Baldwin Park, CA – While city council members publicly claimed for weeks that there were no immediate plans to seize over 500 homes and businesses by eminent domain to benefit the wealthy and politically connected Bisno Development Company, over the Christmas Holiday over 100 of the 500 threatened property owners received notices from the city informing them that they stand to lose their homes and jobs by eminent domain. The city has also been criticized for sending English only letters to Spanish speaking property owners.

Peter Camejo & Nativo Lopez Support Donna Warren & John Wegner for KPFK Board (tags)

It is regretable that some Greens have attempted to bring internal Green Party conflicts into the KPFK election. It is unfortunate enough that our party has such problems, without having Green Party members bringing our internal disputes into an election as important as the election to the KPFK board.


Supporters of Donna Warren and John Wenger for KPFK Board Reply to Swiftboating Attack on their Candidacies


Home and Business Owners to protest at wine tasting event hosted by Century City based Bisno Development. Residents are concerned by the public comments made by Councilwoman Marlen Garcia who stated at the Council meeting of September 19, 2007, that anyone who was not in agreement could “go to TJ (Tijuana).” Councilman Anthony Bejarano, when asked at the same meeting where the current occupants of the area would go, he replied “they can go to East Los Angeles."

Baldwin Park Citizens Against Eminent Domain Protest at BP City Hall (tags)

Homeowners and Business owners have united against the proposed demolition of 125 acres which will make way for a mixed use development proposed by Century City based Bisno Development. Mayor Lozano has stated that they do not have a plan for the proposed project and that the development may take up to 15+years. City records indicate the contrary, in a letter dated January 5, 2007 Bisno Development cites “the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association initiative” as a threat and urges the city to move quickly. Councilwoman Marlen Garcia stated at a the Council meeting of September 19, 2007 that anyone who was not in agreement could go to TJ (Tijuana). Councilman Anthony Bejarano at the same meeting when asked were will the current occupants of the area would go? Bejarano stated “they can go to East Los Angeles”.

Los Angeles Becomes The Largest City in the Country to oppose the Iraq War (tags)

End The War LA, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War and others, call for a mass convergence at city hall at 9:15AM, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16TH at Los Angeles City hall to put pressure on our elected officials to pass an historic anti-war resolution.

Simi Valley Mayor asks DHS head Chertoff to Raid Sanctuary Church - Oxnard Responds (tags)

March in defense of human rights, in response to the raids carried out on a scale meant to terrorize the workers and immigrants of Southern California. On Tuesday, 1,300 people were detained and in many cases torn from their childrens' arms.

Judge drops charges against SoCal immigration rights (tags)

The city's charges against an immigration rights activist alleging he disrupted a city council meeting were dismissed Monday after a judge found that an attorney representing Costa Mesa was not a public prosecutor.

Judge dismisses case against Coyotl Tezcatlipoca (tags)

Costa Mesa's case against Benito Acosta for disrupting a City Council meeting has been dismissed

Benito Acosta, Costa Mesa council trial starts today (tags)

The criminal trial of Acosta, accused of disrupting a City Council meeting in 2006, starts with testimony from Mayor Allan Mansoor

Criminal Trial for Costa Mesa Activist (tags)

The charges of “disrupting” a city council proceeding stem from a free-for-all that broke out during a public comments session of the Jan. 3, 2006, Costa Mesa city council meeting after police, acting on Mayor Allan Mansoor’s orders to take an early recess, pulled Acosta away from the speaker’s podium and pushed him outside the council chambers before his three minute speaking limit had expired.

America Used UN Veto to Protect Israeli War Crimes – 24 Times! (tags)

Since the sixties, Israeli Jews have ruthlessly raped, butchered and murdered their way through large chunks of Palestine and the Lebanon; have acquired thousands of weapons of mass destruction, and openly shown their utter contempt for international law, by openly bragging about the “New Israel” planned to stretch eastwards to the Euphrates and thus encompass Iraq’s oilfields. Because of immunity from international prosecution afforded by perpetual American vetos at the United Nations Security Council, Israeli Jewish terrorists have become emboldened in their attacks, to the point where their excesses have sickened most of the civilized world.

Ruby De Vera won Her Discrimination Case in the Los Angeles City Council (tags)

It’s a victory for Ruby ( De Vera), a Filipina, It is a victory for the Filipino Community!” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) Peping Baclig and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Jack Vergara today express elation that De Vera was vindicated. JFAV and EPCC also hailed the decision of the Los Angeles City Council to award De Vera a settlement of $ 125,000 for her lawsuit against discrimination and injustice. De Vera run for District 14 council office and came out 3rd place among 12 candidates in 2005. She later was fired as an office manager boss for “embarrassing his boss, Council Member Ed Reyes”, was awarded $ `125,000,00 settlement last week by the City of Los Angeles. The Philippine News correspondent Yong Chavez reported this event in this US wide weekly paper for August 22-28.

San Fernando Valley City Council passes Bush Impeachment Resolution with unanimous vote (tags)

The San Fernando Valley City Council passed an impeachment resolution for President Bush with a unanimous vote on August 20, 2007.

Talking Impeachment to Los Angeles City Council (tags)

LANIC (Los Angeles National Impeachment Center) & PDLA (Progressive Dems of LA) strike again @ High Noon in Los Angeles. On Aug 17th a contingent of approximately 45 concerned citizens of LA went to the Los Angeles City Hall.

Venezuela: Workers control under attack-Struggle at Sanitarios Maracay (tags)

workers control

Friday 8/17 L.A. City Council to Address Resolution to Impeach Bush and Cheney (tags)

Bill Rosendahl of the city council has proposed a resolution calling for the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Activists plan attend to demonstrate support for impeachment.

Attorney requests delay for Acosta case (tags)

They're trying to criminalize Mr. Acosta's speech," said Belinda Escobosa Helzer, an ACLU attorney representing him. "It's very unusual that they would decide to bring criminal charges for a person exercising their 1st Amendment right at an open City Council meeting."

The Daily Pilot (tags)

"They're trying to criminalize Mr. Acosta's speech," said Belinda Escobosa Helzer, an ACLU attorney representing him. "It's very unusual that they would decide to bring criminal charges for a person exercising their 1st Amendment right at an open City Council meeting."

Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)

Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation

WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)

WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation

Defend free speech! Attend Coyotl Tezcatlipoca's trial, Aug 15th (tags)

Defend the right of free speech, assembly, and fair and equal treatment in the criminal justice system! Show your solidarity with Tezcatlipoca by attending his upcoming criminal trial!


Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The August 4-5 activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Dony Joaquin. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the fiish line.


Reposted from LAAMN list

Reds reject peace overture (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) yesterday rejected a ceasefire offered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. in a bid to revive stalled peace talks. CPP founder Jose Maria Sison, in a statement from the Netherlands, where he is in self-exile, said the group will only return to the negotiating table when the Philippine government moves to have it removed from a terrorist blacklisting in the United States and Europe. He stressed the Arroyo administration must also show it is sincere about stopping the military from carrying out political killings, while also indemnifying victims of human rights violations.

Joma wants terror tag lifted (tags)

xiled communist leader Jose Maria Sison hit the Dutch embassy in Manila and the Philippine government for defying a European Union Court order, which has ruled that his rights were violated when he was included in list of terrorists by the European Union. Sison said the European Union’s Court of Justice has ruled in his favor but the Dutch embassy in Manila and Philippine government have insisted that he remains in the terrorist watch list.


In its judgment issued in Luxembourg yesterday, in Case T-47/03 of Jose Maria Sison versus Council of the European Union, the European Court of First Instance (ECFI) in Luxembourg annulled the Council of the European Union (EU) decision blacklisting Prof. Sison as a “terrorist”. The ECFI ruled that the Council of the EU violated the rights of Prof. Sison to defense, the obligation to state reasons and the right to effective judicial protection. There had never been any competent judicial authority calling him to a criminal investigation or any court hearing regarding any terrorist act. The ECFI also ordered the Council of the EU to bear the costs of the litigation incurred by Prof. Sison and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) which acted as an intervener in his favor.

ICE raid detains 30 in Santa Barbara (tags)

Article summarizes reports about raids in Santa Barbara.

Model American Citizen Faces Deportation, Brings Idiots out of Woodwork (tags)

Model American Citizen, Former City Councilmember of Adelanto, Faces Deportation, Brings Idiots out of Woodwork

Westside Citizens Groups Move to Recall City Councilman Jack Weiss (tags)

Fed up with a corrupt a city council owned by developers, citizen groups are targeting Councilman Jack Weiss. The backlash against over development and the congestion it brings has started and all city council persons are beginning to feel the heat.

Video: Santa Monica Impeachment Rally, June 19 (tags)

A growing coalition of Los Angeles Peace Groups including the Green Party of Caifornia and Progressive Democrats came together on June 19, 2007 to call on the Santa Monica City Council to pass an impeachment resolution. Over 90 people participated in the pro-Impeachment rally.

Hanging from the brush... (tags)

"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...

LA City Council Honors Ferd Eggan (tags)

You are invited to join the Los Angeles City Council in honoring HIV/AIDS Prevention Leader, Ferd Eggan.

LA City Council reaffirms Special Order 40 (tags)

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles City Council took a moment to address a "small" matter buried on its agenda. It reaffirmed the City's commitment to Special Order 40.

The South Central Farmers: No derrotados! (tags)

The Farm, the Farmers, their supporters and a new promise.

JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass: SGS Inducted in LA (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) commemorates the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang last June 12, 2007 at the Los Angeles City Hall. As a part of the commemorative events, Council Member Herb J. Wesson Jr. of the 10th Council District inducted the newly elected officers of the SGSI at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

Gentrification or Development? (tags)

New infrastructure projects from both the public and the private sectors is prepping up Historic Filipinotown district. City Council President and Council 13 District Member Eric Garcetti made the announcements during the get-together breakfast meeting ?held at Remy’s on Temple Art Gallery last May 25. But still EPCC want to see more affordable and low-cost housing in central Los Angeles that will help the newly arrived immigrants and the low-paid workers living in Echo Park area.”?

NDFP verifies that Prof. Sison is NDFP chief political consultant and belies GRP claims (tags)

The National Council of the National Democrat Front of the Philippines hereby verifies that Prof. Jose Maria Sison is the NDFP chief political consultant and belies the claim of the Manila government that he is chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and head of the New People’s Army (NPA).

Senator Joker Arroyo hits NSC over HR bill (tags)

Re-electionist Sen. Joker Arroyo has slammed the National Security Council and the military for their last-minute attempt to block the human rights compensation bill just as it was about to be ratified by the House of Representatives. In a privilege speech Monday, Arroyo said the situation “demeans and mocks the legislative process” because it shows that the “military can throw a monkey wrench even at the tail-end of congressional work.”

Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Supports Immigrant Rights Campaign (tags)

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Council held its annual meeting last May 30 held at the Manila Terrace Social Hall, 2328 W. Temple St, Los Angeles and unanimously passed a resolution that will commit the EPCC to support the current immigrant rights campaign of the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) and the April 7th Coalition, The EPCC decided to mobilize for the upcoming June 24 March and Rally in Los Angeles to demand for full rights for all immigrants. The April 7 Coalition including Latino Movement USA, Herman dad Mexican National, the ANSWER Coalition is leading this march rally on Sunday, June 24 at 12:00 noon at Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood.


An open letter with some thoughts on what the City Council's Special Task Force should consider.

Cuba Protests at UN over Washington’s Terror Policy (tags)

Cuba accused the United States of maintaining a double standard policy on the fight against terrorism, in a letter sent Thursday to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

l.a. city news service wire betrays lapd/miwon lie (tags)

city news service wire announcement of council task force public hearing yesterday still contains original lapd version "demonstrators responded by throwing..."

Special Task Force Hold 1st Public Hearing Tonight on May Day Mini-Riots (tags)

If you oppose the LAPD extending its power over not just those human beings who do not qualify as citizens under the notion of the state, then this is the time to come out. Because if the police feel that they can brutalize geographically displaced human beings, reporters, the youth, and its progressive community then they will have no fear to come for those that remain. This is the time to act to protect your own self. LOS ANGELES, CA (CNS) -- A City Council task force charged with monitoring the police probe of the May Day melee at an immigration rally at MacArthur Park is scheduled to hold its first meeting today, Councilman Ed Reyes announced.

Globalization - Christian Life in the One World (tags)

In the Bible, justice is always measured in the well-being of the weakest. Freedom could be understood as bond to community, not egomania. People are not commodities or a mass. There are no superfluous persons or superfluous continents. Ms Kassmann is a Lutheran bishop.

Lying Religiously (a report on the Hindu Students Council) (tags)

The Campaign to Stop Funding Hate announces the launch of our new report on the Hindu Students Council (HSC): Lying Religiously: The Hindu Students Council and the Politics of Deception . The report brings together evidence from multiple sources to demonstrate a web of connections between the HSC and the violent, ultra-right Sangh family (the RSS family of organizations, also referred to as the Sangh Parivar), and exposes the deliberate efforts of the HSC leadership to conceal its links with the Sangh family in order to deceive Hindu-American college students. The report provides the first comprehensive documentation of the origins, methods and practices of the HSC.

Maywood Community Exposes Police and City Corruption (tags)

Maywood, CA -- A prime example of how the police, government officials, and local capitalists are working together in this police state to exploit and oppress our people.

Harassment of South Central Farmers Continues (tags)

Eleven months after local authorities evict the South Central Farmers from the largest urban garden in the United States, harassment by the City continues.

Open Letter to Mayor Villaraigosa (tags)

We, the undersigned, demand the immediate resignation of Mark Brown from the office of the City Attorney. Mark Brown (Bar # 60683), during the course of the last three years, has taken a central role in writing ordinances that unfairly oppress and harass hardworking people of the city of Los Angeles.

Locals Protest Vulture Capitalists and the Iraqi War (tags)

On March 19, 2007, the Baltimore City Council unanimously approved a Resolution condemning the Iraqi War, the lies that got us into it, George W. Bush’s insane “Surge,” and demanded the troops be “safely” withdrawn from that conflict. On that same night, a Peace Rally was held at St. Vincent de Paul RC Church. The Rev. Heber Brown III said: “It’s time for us to raise hell for peace in our churches.” The event was sponsored by the local UPJ group.

AIPAC army council meet (tags)

4 members of the AIPAC's executive met as the Army Council

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

African, Muslim members block action on Darfur (tags)

The U.N. Human Rights Council will begin a three-week session in Geneva on Monday amid expressions of frustration from rights advocates at its early performance and alarm over proposals that might weaken it further.

Maywood Community and Putting the Maywood PD on Blast (tags)

In a Maywood City Council Meeting on Tuesday February 27, 2007 a youth whom the police had brutalized and who had missing teeth due to police brutality. His only crime was being witness to his neighbor being beat by cops, and was himself beat after he asked the cops for their badge numbers. He spoke out: "I'm not scared of gang members, I'm scared of the cops, they are the biggest gang."

Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)

The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude

Update on the Southwest Museum (report and photos) (tags)

Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition recently presented three alternative plans for preserving the facility as a complete museum with additional uses. The Autry National Center, which owns the property, wants to change its use to a cultural center and scale down the exhibition of the Southwest Museum Collection to just a fraction of space, with much of the collection relocated to a yet-to-be-built building in Griffith Park. Among the new features proposed by the Coalition are a scenic restaurant that is being likened to Castaways in Burbank, expanded parking, new space for exhibition of the collection, and a cultural and education center. Council person Huizar said he would oppose Autry’s plan to downsize the original museum.


A Call for Compassion and Reason

Livermore Pro-Nukers Move to Kill More in San Francisco Area (tags)

Livermore Lab has continuously contaminated the region for decades. San Francisco residents are reporting the presence of cancer causing uranium in hair samples.

Police chief pleads guilty to drunken driving (tags)

The police chief in Centerville, Nolan Clark, 26, has pleaded guilty to a charge of drunken driving.

BTL:US Iran Tensions Arise as Second American Aircraft Carrier Heads to... (tags)

...Persian Gulf~Interview with Trita Parsi, president of the National Iranian- American Council, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Winter Harvest of the South Central Farmers (tags)

The Farmers open a new center and a new farm, ready to bring their organic produce to South Central. The rest of us might get a taste, too.

L.A. Area Organizations Issue Declaration For Human Rights For Immigrants (tags)

Los Angeles, CA…..December 13, 2006 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) led a coalition of 18 human rights, defense and religious organizations that have signed the "Declaration of Los Angeles," approved by the Los Angeles City Council today.

Lies and deceit behind condo-conversion scheme (tags)

Lies and deceit have been a driving force behind the latest proposals to weaken Oakland's condo-conversion protections!

The Farmers' Promise (tags)

The South Central Farmers opened their new community center today, across the street from the bulldozed site of the South Central Farm

Sudanese interferring with aid to darfur (tags)

The top U.N. humanitarian official accused Sudan on Wednesday of deliberately hindering relief aid in Darfur, attacking villages and arming brutal militia to combat rebels and bandits.

LA Greens support City Council vote on living wage (tags)

Los Angeles Greens support City Council vote on living wage for LAX area hotels, urge expansion of living wage ordinance and further support for unions


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th The Lynwood City Council will vote this Tuesday on a proposal to build an NFL stadium. Homes and Businesses along Atlantic Blvd, Imperial HWY, Fernwood Ave, and Wright Rd would be demolished if this project is approved. Many property owners of the affected area are still not informed about this issue. Those who do know only found out recently. This decision would destroy a huge chunk of a city that is only 4.9 square miles. The newly constructed Firebaugh High School and Vista Continuation School will be torn down. This is a racist move by an already currupt city council.

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R (tags)

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R

Evangelical College Student Walks Across Country To Protest War (tags)

Real Christians Don't Choose War

Federal Judge blocks Hazelton PA’s Illegal Immigration Relief Act. (tags)

Federal Judge, James Munley, of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania has barred the implantation of the law passed last June by the Hazelton, PA City Council designed to prevent illegal immigrants from living in Hazelton, PA.

Philippines: AKBAYAN holds successful 3rd Congress (tags)

Amidst escalating repression and political crisis, the Akbayan Citizens Action Party recently held its Third Regular Congress last October 14 and 15, 2006, at the Riverbend Hotel in Marikina City. With the theme "Ipaglaban ang Dangal ng Pilipino, Ipaglaban ang Kinabukasan Ngayon" (Claim the Future Now), Akbayan marked its more than eight years existence as an alternative national political party in the Philippines.

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R (tags)

Stop LA City Council Power Grab: Vote NO Measure R

The Taliban Aren't Gone, Women Haven't Been Liberated: Afghanistan Reconsidered (tags)

The October 7 anniversary of the war on Afghanistan passed virtually unnoticed on U.S. soil. Mainstream news outlets spared the Bush administration the embarrassment of accounting for the subsequent fate of Afghanistan's 30 million people five years after the U.S. launched the first "regime change" in its never-ending war on terror.

The Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)

The Call that started it all

Law against renting to illegal migrants ready for Escondido council vote (tags)

Law against renting to illegal migrants ready for Escondido council vote.

Welcome to Costa Migra (tags)

New progressive newspaper starts in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. A small newspaper, but packed with hard news about important social and environmental issues. Here's a sample.

Welcome to Costa Migra (tags)

New progressive newspaper starts in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. A small newspaper, but packed with hard news about important social and environmental issues. Here's a sample.

President Bush is "the devil" and a "world dictator" (tags)

Something many Americans have known for a long time - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez came to the United Nations and denounced President Bush as "the devil" and a "world dictator"

Rosemead City Council Sneaks Wal-Mart In (tags)

This letter was sent out a few days ago. It shows the contempt the Rosemead City Council has for its residents, to sneak a controversial proposal onto the agenda, after the opponents have left. Authored by Zebra.

Counter-resolution Ddefends Rue Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Following last week's visit from Julia Wright and other French delegates in defense of Rue Mumia, Pam Africa and other supporters wrote their own Philadelphia City Council Resolution to counter the previous one condemning French support for Mumia and presented it at the Philadelphia City Council opening session on Thursday, September 14.

Cabua, not Palparan to the NSA (tags)

The World Council of Churches has condemned the killings and called on the government to disband the death squads, private militias, and paramilitary forces operating in the country. The church group also asked the United Nations Human Rights Council, wherein the Philippines is a member, to take up the issue of extra-judicial killings in the country. Danilo Ramos, secretary general of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, said Palparan should be punished not commended. "His appointment (to a new government post) is like unleashing the butcher on the whole nation to carry out a bloodbath."

You don't need a Weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing. (tags)

And you don't need The UN to impose sanctions.

An Interview with Noam Chomsky: The Strong Do as They Can (tags)

The maxim of Thucydides again. But it is worth bearing in mind that Israel can go just as far as its protector in Washington permits and supports.

South Central Farmers and Supporters Back In Action! (tags)

The media and the politicians would have you believe that the struggle of the South Central Farmers has gone and disappeared! We have re-organized and are back on the scene to fight injustice and the lack of consideration for the South Central Farmers by the City of Los Angeles and its Politicians.



Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 2 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

L.A. City Council limits Free Speech (repost) (tags)

L.A. City Council To Abide By 'Rules Of Decorum' People addressing the Los Angeles City Council will have to speak their mind without using profanity, being too loud or making offensive comments, according to "rules of decorum" approved Tuesday.

LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)

Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.

South Central Farmers Respond to Crack Down on Free Speech by Los Angeles City Council (tags)

We should not be under any illusions that we live in an open and democratic society, at least not in the 9th district or South Central Los Angeles. Let us strip away the mythology, the propaganda, and the "decorum". Its tough to survive in South Central Los Angeles, even if you call it something else..

Lebanese towns desolated by the bombings of Israel. (tags)

I THROW, 28 of julio..La Israeli aviation bombarded 130 targets in the dawn of this Friday, while the night it was marked by the attacks of the marine one and the Zionist artillery, in a destruction combination and death that it desolated whole towns.

Hostages and history (tags)

Soon after the start of the second Palestinian intifada in September 2000, Hizbullah abducted a former Israeli colonel from inside Israel. Following tortuous negotiations, in January 2004 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon exchanged 436 Lebanese prisoners and 59 corpses of Lebanese soldiers for one Israeli hostage and three corpses of Israeli soldiers. At the last minute Sharon held back three prominent Lebanese detainees. Since then Hizbullah has talked about getting them released by abducting Israeli soldiers. A recent poll showed that more Lebanese were interested in their release than settling the dispute about the Shebaa Farm with Israel.

National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)

Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!

Israel War Crimes. (tags)

Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, July 6, 2006 Human Rights Watch written statement

Using the force of government to put your competitors out of business. (tags)

The City Council will be asked to approve a restriction that would "effectively kill" popular country stores in many east Mesa mobile-home and RV parks, says a manager of the weekly marketplaces.

Hazleton codifies racism (tags)

Home-grown bigots are nothing new in America or Pennsylvania. Every city of any size has its particular variety spewing its brand of ignorance-based poison and racist nonsense. Then there's Hazleton, Pa., where last night they made hate official city policy.

Seeds of Hope, Seeds of War: Race, Class and the Battle for the South Central Farm (Final) (tags)

The world is literally watching. Media worldwide have covered the case of the South Central Farm, the largest urban garden in the United States, the efforts of the city's elites to drive the farmers from the land, and the farmer's remarkable resistance. On June 13th, the County moved to evict, concentrating a massive police presence in the area to uproot the resistor's encampment on the land. The South Central Farm arose from the ashes of the 1992 Los Angeles rebellion, and stands as a symbol of hope to millions. Despite the eviction, the struggle continues, with a court hearing this week challenging the City's sale of the land to a private developer. When the Los Angeles City Council sold the 14 acre plot called the South Central Farm to developer Ralph Horowitz, they sold land they didn’t own.

CM Protest Against Three Little Pigs: Silly, Garbage & Baloney (tags)

The Minuteman Junta that controls the Costa Mesa City Council (Mayor Allan Mansoor, Eric Bever and Gary Monahan) call allegations that they pander to extremists the equivelent of the Three Little Pigs fairy tale and "silly garbage baloney," but local residents who marched through Costa Mesa July 8 feel otherwise.

BTL:Mexico's Presidential Election Outcome in Dispute as... (tags)

...Leftist Party Cries 'Foul' ~ Interview with Michael Lettieri, Council of Hemispheric Affairs research fellow, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Arrest update from the farm (tags)

Ten people arrested at the South Central Farm today.

Encampment at South Central Farm Persists Steadily (tags)

Spirits are high South Central Farm. Encampment persists, and strategies in play to win back the farm~

South Central Farm: A community Outreach (tags)

An essay regarding the South Central Farm and how it is helping to ease gang and inter-ethnic tensions. Also addresses the farm's ability to allow the community to interact with Chicano and Mexican culure, despite the fact that the farm is not anywhere near Mexico.

Horowitz Unleashes Sheriff (tags)

South Central Farmers learn bittler lesson of the role of the courts and politicians.

Farmers call for protest @ City Council NOW (tags)

Farmers are calling for supporters to go to today's city council meeting at city to protest the evictions


Hizbullah draws massive crowd to mark Israeli withdrawal (tags)

A quarter of a million Hizbullah supporters packed a square in the southern port city of Tyre Friday to mark the anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon in 2000. A day earlier, the Islamic resistance group had launched a 10-day campaign to collect funds for Palestine, which is facing a crippling Western aid boycott after the election of Hamas.

RED ALERT!! Encampment and tree sit to resist the eviction and save the South Central Farm (tags)

RED ALERT!! Encampment and tree sit to resist the eviction and save the South Central Farm...

San Francisco Labor Council on Immigrant Rights (tags)

Open World Conference of Workers >May 23, 2006


On Tuesday 30 May 2006 from 9 :30 a.m. onward, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities will examine the legality of the antiterrorist list adopted by the Council of the European Union in the case of Filipino professor Jose Maria Sison. Can the Ministers of the 25 European countries qualify a person as a terrorist and exclude him from economic life with neither evidence nor due process? The stake is crucial for all the defenders of fundamental rights in Europe.

S. Central Farmers' Actions this Week (tags)

The South Central Farmers and their supporters are gearing up for busy week of actions to 'save the farm' . The South Central Farm, at 14-acres, is believed to be the largest urban farm in the U.S., and thrives in one of the poorest areas of the country.

San Bernardino City Council Turns Down Racist Petition (tags)

In a too-close vote, the San Bernardino City Council voted against the Illegal Immigration Relief Act Ordinance, and turned it over to the voters.

Muslim Americans to join May 1st immigration marches nationwide (tags)

Upload in two parts is a phone interview with Edina Lekovic of the Muslim Public Affairs Council

The Gran Boicott is on, and the troqueros are in (tags)

Update on the Gran Boicott locally and the latest word from the Port of Aztlan.

No Nuclear Attack on Iran! (tags)

Wars are waged against people and not for social justice..There are more than two alter-natives: friend or enemy, victim or murderer.. All member states are obliged to a strict pro-hibition of force.

Lucerne, Switzerland Becomes GATS-Free (tags)

Over 80 communities in Switzerland have insisted on stopping GATS-liberalization for social, ecological and democratic reasons.. In Europe, over 1000 communities have declared themselves GATS-free zones.

Drive-By Councilman Dennis P. Zine 3rd District (tags)

Dennis P. Zine drunk with police power decides to do a drive by on the South Central Farmers.

Community Response to Mr. Zine (tags)

Community response to the "Angelino of Retribution"

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

An update on the situation due to the late night harassment of the South Central Farm by the Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine.

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine does a drive-by in South Central (tags)

This is a rebuttal to Mr. Zine's Press Release.

Councilman Zine’s Unexpected Visit to South Central Farm Provokes Angry Exchange. (tags)

Uploaded is an MP3 file of the farmers comments in council chambers today and Council member Zine's response

Los Angeles City Council Member Dennis P. Zine terrorizes South Central Farmers. (tags)

Immigration Forum Thursday @ East LA College (tags)

East LA College Immigration Forum Thursday March 30, 2006 @ 7:00pm In the Student Center East LA College is on Cesar Chavez & Atlantic in Monterrey Park

The neo-Nazi influence in Costa Mesa. Why the city is falling apart. (tags)

Costa Mesa is a microcosm of California. This coastal city has become the epicenter of an immigration issue that threatens to divide our local communities and the nation. Costa Mesa also depicts a vivid portrayal of how radical anti-immigrant groups politicize local governments. Humberto Caspa writes for La Opinion and is an adjunct professor at CSULB.

Minutemen Retreat In Costa Mesa Immigration Battle, Community Organizes (tags)

Jim Gilchrist and his Minutemen proved that they can retreat from battle on a minute's notice by withdrawing Friday night from the front lines of Costa Mesa's immigration war started by Minuteman Mayor, Allan Mansoor.

How the Weekly Brews a Tempest in a Teapot (tags)

Let me be clear that I know nothing more about the internal workings of the South Central Farm than the L.A. Weekly reported in its March 15 muckraking article, "Bushel of Complaints" by Daniel Hernandez. So I've borrowed those facts and added a somewhat different spin. Here's my version.

Directors of Animal Welfare: Helping Los Angeles Communities and the Animals (tags)

Appointed to be the eyes and ears of those who can not speak for themselves, The Directors of Animal Welfare (DAWs) work with their Neighborhood Councils to tackle problems, initiate proposals and hold events aimed at solving problems or creating awareness on issues that help humans and animals live together harmoniously.

MP3 Audio: South Central Farmers address City Council. (tags)


Why the Farmers Must Win (tags)

In its Saturday editorial, the Los Angeles Times reduced virtually all the civic concerns of the historically neglected South Central to “niceties” and condemned a swath of the district to being a “concrete-and-asphalt” wasteland,“ "a seemingly endless sweep” of “industrial warehouses, packing plants, and junkyards.” It proclaimed that developer Ralph Horowitz must triumph, and the South Central Farm must be razed. The Times was wrong.

Minuteman Mayor's ICE Cracks In Costa Mesa Immigration War (tags)

Reeling from pointed public comments and revealing testimony from police Chief John Hensley, Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor tried but failed to silence fellow City Council member Katrina Foley as she attacked his proposal to use police as immigration law eLooking upnforcers under the auspices of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Farmers Fight To Win (tags)

Community pressure moves the Farmers cause forward step by step.

Iran and the US: A Fictional Dialogue (tags)

Who threatens who is clear. In 1953, the CIA overthrew our democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh only because he dared to nationalize the oil industry.

Ralph Horowitz, sues 350 poor families from South Central Los Angeles for $729,745.72 (tags)

Brentwood Real Estate Developer, Ralph Horowitz, sues 350 poor families from South Central Los Angeles for $729,745.72.  In an ironic turn, the plaintiff claims the South Central Farmers have abused the legal system.

How To Save the Farm (tags)

With the moment of crisis at hand, the South Central Farmers call on supporters to save the Farm.

The South Central Farmers Push, and City Hall Budges (tags)

City Council proves fallow, but the Mayor's office has initiated negotiations to save South Central Farm. The Farmers still have a long row to hoe--they need to raise $7.35M to save the Farm.

Costa Mesa Resident Sues City After His Arrest During Costa Mesa Council Meeting (tags)

ACLU/SC Files Suit After Arrest, Beating of Speaker at Costa Mesa Council Meeting

Sanctuary Movement Spreads East (tags)

Please attend the Pomona council meeting Monday night, and or pass the this information along to anyone and everyone that may be affected, including clergy, law enforcement, teachers, mailmen, storeowners, bus drivers, clerks, phone operators, etc.

ACLU files suit against Costa Mesa (tags)

REPOST...The suit was filed by the ACLU of Southern California on behalf of Benito Acosta, a 24-year-old Costa Mesa resident and Orange Coast College student who also uses the name Coyotl Tezcatlipoca. It claims city officials violated Acosta's rights to free speech, equal protection and due process by silencing him and by using force to restrain him, eject him from the council meeting, and arrest him.

Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor slammed with federal civil rights lawsuit (tags)

“We filed this lawsuit to help ensure that the Costa Mesa government maintains a forum for all types of discussion and debate and that residents do not fear that if they are opposed to something they will be arrested and beaten for speaking their mind.”

"What have you done to Costa Mesa?" Minuteman Mayor Allan Mansoor turns city u (tags)

Costa Mesa’s Minuteman Junta has brought terror, racism, incompetence and shame to the city.

Coalition calls for Costa Mesa boycotts and mass protest (tags)

This article describes the press conference held February 2 by Citizens for Constitutional Rights and contains information not in mainstream press accounts, in particular about charges of a Neo-Nazi influence on the Costa Mesa City Council majority. There are also video clips of various members of the CCR speaking.

Protest The ICE Man! (tags)

Protest and Boycott Costa Mesa city council member who voted for Neo-Nazi on a citizens' committee, voted to close the Day Labor Center and who created the city's new ICE propose against immigrants.

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

The Farmers Hold Their Ground (tags)

and tell the Mayor and City Council, "Thanks, but no thanks" to private buyers

Pro-Migrant Activists Turn the Tables (tags)

Costa Mesan residents hit their anti-migrant counci member in his pocketbook

South Central Farmers to address City Council this Friday (tags)

Join the delegation of the South Central Farmers for Public Comments at:

UN to consider sanctions on Israel. (tags)

Israel has a shed load of Nuclear Bombs.

Costa Mesa City Prosecutor: Mayor Allan Mansoor "under investigation" (tags)

Dan Peelman, an attorney with Jones and Mayer, a Fullerton-based law firm, and an "independent prosecutor" on contract with the City of Costa Mesa, opened up an investigation Friday into allegations contained within a "letter of complaint" that was filed against Mayor Allan Mansoor with Kimberly Hall Barlow, the City Attorney, on Tuesday, January 17th.

LA City Council to Minutemen: Go Home! (tags)

In a stinging denunciation, the L.A. City Council goes on record against the Minutemen and Save Our State, but ices out the farmers.

DA declines to file criminal charges against Coyotl Tezcatlipoca! (tags)

Asked why no charges are being filed, Schroeder said, "We refused it [the charges] in the interests of justice," but she would not elaborate.

Council minutes show Coyotl was cut off two minutes before 7 pm (tags)

The minutes of the January 3rd meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council were recently posted online by the City Clerk. Not only do they state the meeting began at 6:00 pm, but they record that Mayor Allan Mansoor declared a "recess" at 6:58 pm. This confirms what investigative journalist John Earl, myself, and others have been saying all along: that Mansoor abruptly cut off Coyotl Tezcatlipoca about 40 seconds before his time was up and he did it roughly two minutes before the 7:00 pm "deadline."

When is a War Justified? (tags)

What is the future of the United Nations when its most powerful member treats it with contempt? The law is still the law even when it is broken.. The conflict over anticipatory self-defense is the real reason for the crisis of the UN, not the skirmish over reform.

1/20: Please Sign the Petitions to Oppose Anti-Immigrant Bills! (tags)

We are asking you for your help in collecting signatures for a petition addressed to the Los Angeles City Council requesting they adopt a resolution in favor of the immigrant community.

BTL:Washington and Europe Increase Pressure on Iran to Halt Nuclear Research (tags)

Interview with Dr. James Jennings, president of Conscience International, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

View past Costa Mesa City Council meetings online (tags)

Want to see what went on at past Costa Mesa City Council meetings?

OC police clamp down on immigrant-rights activists (tags)

Whether posing as protesters or cutting off speeches, OC police clamp down on immigrant-rights activists

Letter to the editor about Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

"Before Tezcalipoca's speaking time expired, the mayor suspended the meeting and said or did things that by prearrangement caused the police to move in on Tezcalipoca. While Tezcalipoca was telling the officers who had surrounded him that he would leave on his own and that he did not want them to touch him, they grabbed him around the neck and forcibly removed him from the council chambers." -- Chris Blank

Letter of complaint filed against Costa Mesa Mayor (tags)

The following "letter of complaint" was delivered during the public comments section of the Tuesday, January 17, 2006 meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council. It was filed on behalf of the Tonantzin Collective.

Costa mesa City council hears protests of The community (tags)

A week after protestors watch an activist arrested and hurt by police they return to tell the mayor it should have been him that was arrested.

SOS Coming to Burbank Saturday (1/21) (tags)

All pro-worker, pro-human rights activists are encouraged to come to the event on Saturday, January 21 to oppose the scape-goating, knee-jerk xenophobes Save Our State.

CM Mayor Puts Choke-hold On First Amendment During Immigration Crackdown (tags)

Mayor Allan Mansoor of Costa Mesa lets lets Minuteman followers have there say, but cuts off immigrant rights activists.

Protest Costa Mesa City Council 1/17 (tags)

see above

Costa Mesa Mayor Mansoor Enforces Immigration Law But Trashes First Amendment (tags)

Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor believes that America is “a nation of laws.” That’s why, he says, the city’s police should be first in the nation to directly help deport “illegal aliens.” But conduct by Monsoor at two recent Costa Mesa city council meetings–-revealed on video logs from two separate sources–-raises questions about his ability to correctly and impartially uphold the law, including respecting basic First Amendment rights. Recent incidents also demand an examination of the constitutionality of Costa Mesa Municipal Codes related to public speech.

Speak Out at Cypress City Council Meeting-TONIGHT (tags)

see below

Immigrant Right Supporters Challenge Costa Mesa City Council (tags)

In the picture below, taken from video footage shot by a Minuteman supporter at the Tuesday, January 3, 2006 meeting of the Costa Mesa City Council, Police Chief John Hensley is ordering his men to arrest Coyotl Tezcalipoca for allegedly disrupting a public meeting. The only problem, however, is that a few moments before he made this order, Mayor Allan Mansoor declared twice over the microphones that the meeting was in recess. Did Hensley order his men to make an illegal arrest?

Extensive statement from Jim Gilchrist about Cliff May (tags)

Jim Gilchrist awards Cliff May aka Jammer CC the first annual "Benedict Arnold Award."


Collectivo Tonantzin and supporters will hold a press conference to address concerns about the arrest of Coyotl Tezcalipoca and state of affairs in Costa Mesa.

Poor Hardworking Immigrants Not Represented At Lake Forest City Council Meeting (tags)

SHAMEFUL! Poor Hardworking Immigrants Not Represented At Lake Forest City Council Meeting

Report, photos of Costa Mesa city council protest (tags)

As people of various views and backgrounds protest the mayor of Costa Mesa, people from SOS(Save Our State), Gilchrist, and Minuteman people show support.

Mexican Activist is Beaten & Brutalized by Costa Mesa PD (tags)

TV Cameras catpure and broadcast footage of Costa Mesa PD beating, dragging, and brutalizing Mexica Activst while speaking out against anti-immigrant policies

Protest against Costa Mesa's Decision to Deputize (tags)

Protest against Costa Mesa's Decision to Deputize Police Officers

Speak Out Against Costa Mesa City Council (tags)

see below

Costa Mesa's March to Justice (tags)

Costa Mesans marched and rallied in opposition to the city council's vote to turn the police department into border patrol agents.

Protest Merger of Costa Mesa PD and DHS TODAY (tags)

please see below

March/Protest Against Costa Mesa's Decision to Deputize Police Officers (tags)

See below

US Taxdollar Aid to Israel (tags)

United States diplomats like to say that when it comes to the conflict between Israel and Palestinians the US plays the role of "an honest broker." But the US' massive financial and military support for Israel means that, in fact, the US is taking sides. Israel is the largest recipient of US foreign aid, receiving more than $3 billion annually [1] -- or about $8 million every day. If a level diplomatic playing field is to be created, the US' unfair and biased support of Israel must end. Until the US stops lending its weight to Israel, a truly just peace will remain elusive

Sacramento says, ‘Bring the troops home!’ (tags)

The Sacramento City Council, by an 8-1 vote on Nov. 1, called for “a humane, orderly, rapid and comprehensive withdrawal of United States military personnel and bases from Iraq.”


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.

Syria resolution will be ready for UN vote on Monday (tags)

A revised Franco-US draft resolution demanding full cooperation from Damascus with the probe into the murder of Lebanon's ex-premier is likely to be readied for a vote by the UN Security Council on Monday, diplomats said.


GENEVA (15 0CTOBER 2005)- trade activists numbering over 3,000 massed up in front of the WTO headquarters here this afternoon to open the weeklong activities centered around the upcoming WTO General Council Meeting.

what corporations are behind animal testing? (tags)

How do pharmaceutical corporations profit from animal testing and their "investment business with disease"? Some ideas on why the American Chemistry Council and pharmaceutical corporations continue to endorse unreliable animal research as a fast track to the commercial market.

A History of Concealment and Deception (tags)

Washington hasn't the faintest idea about the kind of adversary it faces.. If Iran makes the Euro the oil trade currency, a greater flight from the dollar to the Euro and a catastrophe for the US could occur. The dollar will be weakened and imports more expensive.

Chicago City Council Votes 29-to9 for Iraq Pullout (tags)

[Come On, LA, don't let Chicago leave you in the dust...] .

"Billion Dollar Company vs. the people of Sunland/Tujunga" (tags)

"12 Hours To Save Our Town" Sunland- Tujunga Residents will be out in force tomorrow at a sidewalk picket demonstration to show support for Council member Wendy Greuel, who has stated her unity with the community against the opening of a Home Depot at 8040 Foothill Blvd. in Tujunga.

Help Keep Venice Progressive! (tags)

Vote for Progressive Independent Candidates for the Venice Neighborhood Council

War of BIG words: Anti-War activist attacked (tags)

Anti-war activist Ford Greene faces opposition from right-wing extremists

San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)

Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.

SOS-Nazi Alliance Exposed (tags)

Save Our State stood proud with swastika flag waving white supremacists at a rally yesterday in Laguna Beach. The group claims not to be racist, but nazi skinheads made up the majority of their contigency at the protest. Please bear that in mind as you read the article below. I will post pictures of the rally within the next few days.

1ST AMENDMENT VIOLATIONS ON VENICE BOARDWALK (final updated & corrected version) (tags)

Complaints Filed with L. A. City Ethics Commission Venice activists Re: City Council's Free Speech Violations on Venice Boardwalk.

Clash of Cultures: Wal-Mart in Flagstaff (tags)

"A scandal occurred at the flashpoint of the campaign. Wal-Mart placed an advertisement that showed the 1933 book burning at the Berlin opera plaza. Whoever prohibits Wal-Mart prohibits freedom of thought. Wal-Mart apologized for its bad taste.."


Last night, Board of Neighborhood Commissioners (BONC) voted unanimously to give the go ahead for the next Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council election, which will be held September 10 and 11th. The Board's decision came more than nine months after the last GRVNC election was invalidated by the City's Human Relations Commission, leaving the neighborhood council without a quorum, ability to function, or funding.

Voices of Resistance: Bloomington, Indiana (tags)

How many resolutions were passed against the invasion of Iraq? 100 or more? In times like these when neoconservatives and the extreme right dominate the legislature, execu-tive and judiciary, it is very important for the community to make a local comment.

1st Amendemtn Violations on Venice Boardwalk (tags)

A Complaint Filed with the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission on Wednsday, June 15, 2005 re: Cindy Miscikowski's Breaches

Black trade unionists urge labor unity (tags)

PHOENIX — “There are no more common allies than the broad community and organized labor, and there are no more natural allies than organized labor and the African American community,” Coalition of Black Trade Unionists President Bill Lucy told the estimated 1,500 delegates at the 34th annual CBTU convention here May 26.

Jedi declared "ENEMIES OF THE REPUBLIC!" (tags)

Breaking news from Coruscant.

What path toward an independent workers movement? (re Million Workers March) (tags)

A leaflet of the Communist Voice Organization presented at the Detroit Conference of the Million Workers March held May 14-5. The leaflet opposes the alliance with certain Detroit city council members and union bureaucrats that has developed within the Detroit organization of MWM and opposes the same policy nationally.

Baldwin Park counter-demo (tags)

Photos from the counter-demo

Riverside Council Member disses community police commission (tags)

A Riverside City Council member calls the Police Commission a piece of trash, yet no one will put his comment in the written record... Why?

11th annual Eco Maya Festival   (tags)

Sat. April 23 & Sun. April 24, 2005        10 am - 7 pm   11th annual Eco Maya Festival       at L.A. Eco-Village   FREE ADMISSION          Celebrating our culture and protecting our Mother Earth,               Connecting the Environment, Culture and Heritage

Hell on wheels: pocket bikes face new regs in LA (tags)

Members of the Los Angeles Police Department praised Councilman Dennis Zine as his motion regulating the sale of mini motorcycles - commonly known as “pocket bikes” - gained the final approval of the city council.

Block this Man! Protest against John Bolton (tags)

John Bolton said repeatedly that the United Nations only has value when it serves the interests of the US and that the most effective Security Council would be one in which only the US would be a permanent member.


History is unlikely to treat the legacy of Pope John Paul II as kindly as his contemporaries and his mourners.

Grand Council of Guardians (tags)

Manhattan Borough Presidents Candidate Forum

America's Preventive War as Ultimate Risk (tags)

Never before has a democratic state threatened so openly to repudiate the basic norm of all law, the prohibition of violence.. Apart from self-defense, no war is legal.. The American government does not feel bound to the fundamental norms of law and ethics.

BTL:Failure of Bush Administration's Clear Skies Initiative Activates... (tags)

...Regulations to Weaken Environmental Enforcement ~ Interview with John Walke, director of the Natural Resources Defense Council's clean air program, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

LA City Council Candidate Endorses Gov's Recall (tags)

Sign the Petition to Recall “Terminator” Gov. A. Schwarzenegger at:

City Departments Plotted to Paralyze the Venice Neighborhood Council (tags)

Leaders of the Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council (GRVNC) have learned, through the release of public records, that several Los Angeles city departments were secretly monitoring their activities. Ultimately, members of a working group within the city government succeeded in overturning the neighborhood council’s election and rendering the GRVNC unable to function.

Santa Ana: Oct. 22ndProtester Faces $1000 Fine (tags)

Next City council mtg is this JANUARY 3RD. Please come out and support, since this tireless group of demonstrators could use some support and inspiration from fellow anti-racist, anti-fascist activists.

Santa Ana: Oct. 22ndProtester Faces $1000 Fine (tags)

Next City council mtg is this JANUARY 3RD. Please come out and support, since this tireless group of demonstrators could use some support and inspiration from fellow anti-racist, anti-fascist activists.

Ledge Sit and Hunger Strike in DC Government Building Needs Support (tags)

Help Support DC fight for shelter. A homeless activist is currently doing a hunger strike while sitting on a 5-story ledge in the Wilson Building (city hall and mayor's offices), until there is shelter in SW DC. Join the fight

Mass Protest Called Of Injured and Disable Workers In Sacramento (tags)

The San Francisco Labor Council and other injured workers and health and safety groups have called for a mass protest on Workers Memorial Day April 28, 2005 in Sacramento to protest the attack on injured and disabled workers and to demand single payer healthcare.

Rosemead Wal-Mart (tags)

This is a request for coverage, as well as an update on the events.



PowerNomics: Plan for Economic Power for Blacks (tags)

Dr. Claud Anderson will be in Los Angeles, California on Tuesday, December 14, 2004, at the Power of Love Hall, which is located at 1430 West Manchester, Los Angeles, CA, at 7:00 p.m. Please attend. This is a VERY important conference concerning the creation of economic wealth for Black America...PowerNomics.

PowerNomics, The Economic Plan for Empowerment for Black America (tags)

Dr. Claud Anderson, Ed.D, PowerNomics, The Economic Plan to Empower Black America

Hotel Workers Boycott (tags)

Los Angeles. Local 11 members--housekeepers, cooks, servers, dishwashers, bellmen, front desk and PBX workers—announced a boycott this week of the nine luxury hotels of the Hotel Employers' Council after six months of threats and intimidation, the fear of an employer lockout, and termination of the workers' union contract. Elected officials, community groups, and clergy vow to honor the request “to avoid eating, meeting or sleeping” at hotels involved in the labor dispute to put financial pressure on the Hotel Council. Below find pictures of the picket line in front of the Wilshire Grand Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, November 18th at 7:30 PM.

Writing L.A.'s Wrongs with a "No Kill" Shelter Proposal (tags)

Los Angeles kills 30,000 – 50,000 of our dogs and cats at our city shelters each year for an annual cost of $14 million dollars. Not only does this turn our city's animal "shelters" into death houses, at great expense, it is entirely unnecessary.

Venezuela's election: defeat for opposition, advance for the Bolivarian movement (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

San Francisco Union Leaders Plead With Corporate Politicians to Help Them Win Hotel Strike (tags)

Let's be honest. The hotel workers strike will not be successful unless the Union leaders change course.

Katherine Harris - Nazi and Intelligence Connections (tags)

Katherine Harris has ties to the hard, hard right under that crucifix ...

Yes on O (tags)

Vote Yes on Proposition O.

BTL:Haitians Ravaged by Dual Tragedies of Political Violence and... (tags)

...Devastating Storms ~ Interview with Larry Birns, director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

County Fed gears up for offensive (tags)

L.A. labor council holds historic congress building labor community unity for progressive issues. .

Kerry the Neocon? (tags)

Despite the ways Kerry and his supporters might want to spin it, the Democratic nominee--like President Bush--is a militarist and a unilateralist quite willing to undermine the authority of the United Nations in order to assert American hegemony in that oil-rich region.

Tripartisan Election Forum in Los Angeles Oct. 6 (tags)

3 Parties: The Greens, Democrats, and Republicans will be represented at this National Council of Jewish Women's Los Angeles Election Forum.

US To Veto UN Resolution Condemning Israel (tags)


Longest-Standing Pirate Radio Station Shut Down by FCC (tags)

Pirate radio station Free Radio Santa Cruz which had been operating without a license for nearly 10 years, was raided yesterday for the first time and shut down. We go to Santa Cruz to speak with two of the station's longtime programmers.

Third Lawsuit Filed in Fight to Save Historic Raymond Theatre (tags)

Friends of the Raymond Theatre and the Forecast Foundation file new lawsuit against City of Pasadena over proposed project to redevelop Pasadena's Historic Raymond Theatre.

Join AntiWar 4 the Million Worker March (tags)

The struggle of working people and the struggle against the war are the same!

Campaign For Renters Rights Has Major Housing Victory (tags)

Fighting to win, section 8 tenants halt federal government and local politician's efforts to cut their housing subsidies.

Iraqi Officials Resign Over U.S. attack on Najaf (tags)

"Iraqi Officials Resign Over U.S. attack on Najaf" Destroying a city in order to save it, again. Please spread this note, and please get ready to resist: US Out of Iraq! Hands Off Venezuela! So much is at stake. jamie

Know thy enemy (tags)

Help Save the Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from Developers! (tags)

Currently there is a battle being waged between developers and local grass-roots organizations to preserve the Toluca Subway Tunnel and Belmont Graffiti Art Hall of Fame from becoming a large scale apartment complex. This site has been used in countless films and music videos over the decades.

Help me Daddy!!! (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

Repost:Defend Grassroots Democracy in Venice (tags)

This was posted yesterday but inaccessible due to server overload(?). Election is today. Keep Venice cool. Vote today!

U.S. should face court, Annan says (tags)

"UN Secretary General Kofi Annan is leading the charge agaisnt Washington's call for the UN Security Council to renew its special exemption for U.S. forces from prosecution by the UN war crimes court."

Defend Grassroots Democracy in Venice (tags)

Progressives defend their election from lies, slander and sabotage.

New extremist terrorist group born in Lebanon (tags)

A new extremist terrorist group was born in Syrian-occupied Lebanon. The group made its debut in Lebanese territories where the Lebanese security forces are “banned” form entering, while the Lebanese authorities are paralyzed by the Syrian occupation troops. Here are the details per Nahar newspaper (the most renowned newspaper in Lebanon):

Politicizing the War (tags)

"On Tuesday morning, a piece was torn out of our world. A patch of blue sky that should not have been there opened up in the New York skyline. In my neighborhood -- I live six blocks from the World Trade Center -- the heavens were raining human beings. Our city was changed forever. Our country was changed forever. Our world was changed forever."

2004 Annual Rainbow Gathering (tags)

The 2004 Rainbow Gathering takes place over the 4th of July in either California, Nevada or Utah. Get involved now.

Oingo Boingo to Attend Raymond Theatre Hearing Monday! (tags)

Members of the band Oingo Boingo will be attending May 17 City Council hearing to show their support. A growing number of celebrities are lending their support to save the venerable rock venue from conversation to a condo, retail, office complex. David Lee Roth, Slash (ex- Guns N' Roses/Velvet Revolver), Jackson Browne, Billy Idol, Carrie Hamilton, W.A.S.P. and many others have lent their help and support.

BTL:Former Ambassador to Honduras with Troubling Human Rights Record... (tags)

...Named as Chief U.S. Diplomat in Iraq* Interview with Larry Birns, executive director, Council on Hemispheric Affairs, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Why Iraq Governing Council failed (tags)

The people are suffering and they're worried about the flag. The Governing Council is supposed to be fixing the security situation and creating jobs. But this seems to be all they're up to. -- Wissam al-Ekabi, Baghdad University

Priority Update From Iraq (tags)

Forwarded from Women in Black List serve.

Get Coke off Our Beach! (tags)

In 1999 the city of Huntington Beach awared a long term monopoly concession to the Coca Cola company in return for millions of dollars and annual payments. But Coke is complicit in the killings of labor organizers and in destroying and polluting water supplies abroad.

Bring on the Mission: An Aristide Demonizer Turns Saintly on Pacifica Radio (tags)

Dr. Robert Maguire, a spokesman for the Inter-American Foundation, smeared Aristide in the press before the coup. But in KPFK's "Background Briefing" on March 7, Dr. Maguire clung to a progressive perspective thinned down for consumption by Masters' progressive listening audience.

Madrid: UN's credibility critically wounded (tags)

With the UN's quick condemnation of the Basque group ETA for Madrid's carnage, a sad new triumph of politics over truth was born. And a lot of UN credibility died in its birth.

G8 2004: Police crackdowns begin in Savannah (tags)

Savannah, March 15--Today, 15 Savannah Metropolitan Police officers swarmed a dozen leafleting labor union leaders in historic Johnson Square.

El Sereno Say Yes To Open Space (tags)

Last night LA 32 Neighborhood Council voted to send a resolution to City Council regarding the deveopment of Elephant Hill (located off Collis St. in El Sereno). Here is an update from community organizer Elva Yanez.

Does Riverside's Police Commision have a future? (tags)

Only five years into its existance, Riverside's only form of civilian oversight has come under attack from a familiar foe: the RPOA

Is Libertarian candidate Gary Nolan a Neocon? (tags)

Free the Eagle helped rally members of Congress behind Lt Colonel Oliver North and the Contra cause and lent office space and public relations advice to anti-Communist freedom-fighter movements in Mozambique and Angola ... and Gary Nolan is a board member.

South Pasadena set to kill coyotes!!! (tags)

The city thinks killing coyotes is the ONLY way! Please tell them you disagree!

In 48 hours California will execute the wrong man! (tags)

Please take action now!

Iraqi sovereignty - outsourced to North Carolina (tags)

Naomi Klein: "....The appetite for democracy among Iraqis keeps racing ahead of the plodding plans for "capacity building" [Research Triangle Institute] drew up before the invasion. In November the Washington Post reported that when RTI arrived in the province of Taji, armed with flowcharts and ready to set up local councils, it discovered that "the Iraqi people formed their own representative councils in this region months ago, and many of those were elected, not selected, as the occupation is proposing." The Post quoted one man telling a RTI contractor, "We feel we are going backwards"....

The truth is a bitch (tags)

still walking at side of power and the crowd of country bumpkins still believes

Building Bridges Radio-Labor and the Bill of Rights (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INTERNET LINK.

Fresno Woman Arrested for Having a Bad Dream (tags)

Denise Martin shared a dream she had with a friend. Her friend told the dream to Martin’s former employer and this led to Martin’s current nightmare.

Civil Liberties Defense Coalition (CLDC) (tags)

EMERGENCY ACTION ALERT For the Los Angeles, CA - City Council Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act, and related Executive Orders File No. 03-0002-S162 Title USA PATRIOT ACT/REPEAL

Candidates Forum-Green Party of LA County (tags)

Candidates Forum for the 3rd District County Council candidates for the Green Party of Los Angeles County, January 15, 2004


A SHORT CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS: * Last year the Sheriff’s department infiltrated Peace Fresno, allegedly looking for terrorists * At the same time, a Fresno City Council member sent an email saying that if he had a dirty bomb he could eliminate all of the liberals in Fresno * An aide to a City Council member sent an email that suggested sending “over some officers to 'Cap' these guys” (HRC members) * Messages threatening violence against peace activists were posted on the Free Republic web site * A Press Release was sent out warning the community about that threat of violence * The Free Republic filed a million dollar lawsuit against the City of Fresno because of that Press Release * The mayor and conservatives on the City Council attacked the Human Relations Commission (HRC) because of the Press Release * And NOW the city settles that lawsuit by forcing the chair of the HRC to resign and giving the Freepers $60,000 What is wrong with this picture? Who are the real terrorists?

Long Beach All ages Venue under threat by LBPD (tags)

Long Beach Police AT IT AGAIN!!! (tags)


Governor, You're No George McGovern (tags)

Dean favored an alternative war resolution (sponsored by Sens. Joseph Biden, D-Del., and Richard Lugar, R-Ind.) that differed little from the one that passed. True, Biden-Lugar called on Bush to seek a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing the war, but it did not require Bush to obtain such a resolution, if the Security Council balked. In other words, Dean favored a congressional resolution authorizing exactly the course that Bush took.

Constitutional Rights Enforcement & Support Team (tags)

The Constitutional Rights Enforcement & Support Team (C.R.E.S.T.) is now starting. Be the first to join and get in on the ground level of this soon to be mighty wave of force against tyranny.

Civil Liberties Defense Coalition - NEEDS YOUR HELP! (tags)

WE NEED YOUR HELP! For the Los Angeles City Council Resolution against the USA PATRIOT Act, and other related measures.

US Military subverts fredom of press: All the news that fits we print (tags)

Iraqis Raid Offices of Television Network from UK Guardian 11.24.3

Operation No Sleep for The Council of the Americas (tags)

Due to the intensive police harassment in Miami Operation No Sleep for the Council of the Americas is now in effect. The target list of 130+ corporations is on page 9 of the news archives of

Governing With All The Keen Skill Of Delta House (tags)

Isn't it amazing, and sad, that the only consistent voice with any credibility when it comes to Iraq has been 20-year-old Jessica Lynch, the former Army private who has resisted efforts by the Pentagon to turn her into a Sgt. York of the Persian Gulf?

'We could lose this situation' (tags)

Reality begins to set in with the NeoCONs that the Iraqi People are not going over and play dead so that Georgie and Co. can Pillage the Oilfields and cut FAT no-bid reconstruction Contracts with their their Cronies. As the Bush Sycophants circle the Wagons and start snarling now is not the time to let up on the pressure. NO CONQUEST FOR OILSRAEL.

Tell Alhambra to Support the Strikers (tags)

Support strikers in the SGV. There's a resolution up at the Alhambra City Council tonight that needs your bodily support.

[gangbox] SCABS OF NEW YORK (tags)

SCABS OF NEW YORK...rat contractors, company unions and the decline of union labor in the Manhattan residential construction sector

Those who seek ''the death of the United Nations'' (tags)

While the United Nations is seen by many as merely a talk shop that gets little done, the truth lies elsewhere. For example, UNESCO has done a great deal for education and the work of UNICEF has been phenomenal.

BTL: Environmental Groups Rally Public to Oppose Bush-backed Energy Bill (tags)

Interview with Sharon Buccino, Natural Resources Defense Council conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Thallium contamination (tags)


Pax Americana/Bushs Folly (tags)

From UK Guardian: Iraqi resistance to foreign occupation enjoys great popular support

"Report From Baghdad" Part Two--Security (tags)

This is a part two of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invaison of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:

1-800-BE-READY (tags)

A review of the Homeland Security's BE READY website, by a raving radical. Scary stuff folks...they boast DOUBLING the neighborhood watches, and that is not all! Read on!

UN Bombed After Welcoming Iraqi Governing Council (tags)

United Nations Headquarters Bombed, scores dead and wouned, political motivation suspected

MLK, 40 Years, a Donkey, the Deregulation and Blackout of Our Civil Rights! (tags)

Yesterday I witnessed the most incredible irony as I monitored the corporate media. George Bush was giving a speech yesterday afternoon in front of a friendly only crowd of Marines when he stated "May God continue to bless America".

BTL:Court Allows Former Guatemalan Dictator Accused of... (tags)

...Genocide to Run for President Interview with Larry Birns, director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

Santa Cruz Residents Push City Council To Support Bush Impeachment (tags)

SANTA CRUZ — Angry peace protesters at City Hall displayed a realistic-looking, oversized layoff notice for President Bush on Tuesday, advising him to "vacate your office in 24 hours." "We want a resolution from the city to impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Powell, Wolfowitz and Condoleeza Rice," said Sherry Conable, active in the impeachment movement. She and others also want the City Council to beef up a local resolution opposing the U.S. Patriot Act, by directing the city government not to cooperate with its provisions.

Fighting Back For Democratic Rights! (tags)

Steve Argue Interviewed in The Argentinean Newspaper Prensa Obrera Regarding The Patriot Acts And His Arrests In Santa Cruz For Political Tabling.

Iraqis Call For Self-Rule (tags)

Iraqi notables critical of US plans to appoint a ruling council call for an interim administration.

Tongva West Bluffs events (tags)

Article in the OCRegister today by J. Kanne details specifics of the proposed settlement agreement preserving a cemetery and NA interpretive center to honor ancestors dug up on the Hellman Mesa, which includes ORA260 to ORA264. VIDEO IS AVI AND IS 13.8MB

Kucinich Is the One (tags)

This article can be found on the web at

Santa Cruz Police Violate Free Speech With Two More Arrests! (tags)

Steve Argue and Matt Hartogh were arrested on Sunday July 6th for distributing literature on Pacific Avenue.

Howard Dean supporters, stop sleep walking. He's not a true progressive (tags)

repost from Portland IMC noting must-read articles about Dean -- and his limitations. Kucinich is a true progressive that doesn't simply make stuff up along the way in accord to political winds -- and even if you don't think he's electable, supporting him now through early primaries can really push the debate into areas we want to have sunshine

U.S. Gets War Crimes Tribunal Exemption (tags)

The final deal dented the court's underlying principle that no one should be exempt from punishment for war crimes, and it angered court supporters and human rights groups.

Public Order and Market Laws (tags)

This essay focuses on the erosion of international law in international relations and the undermining of democratic and social standards in the nation states of the First world. The author urges reflection on the ideas and values of civil society as weapons..

UN rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Irag (tags)

Occupation of Irag

Council approves resolution urging Patriot Act's repea (tags)

"The ... government that is in power right now wants to do away with dissent," said Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste, 2nd Ward. "They want to make sure we stay indoors, that we stay silent."

Support the local indigenous people in Southern CA (tags)


Gen. Tommy Franks resigns! (tags)

Top US commander steps down as a deal is struck in Belgium to transfer his warcrimes case to US prosecutors.

Gee I guess it was Blood for Oil after all! (tags)

The scope and duration of U.S. control over Iraq's oil outlined in the resolution goes well beyond previous administration statements, which largely have been confined to affirmations that the oil was the property of the Iraqi people. Testifying on Capitol Hill in March, Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said, "The oil of Iraq belongs to the people of Iraq. It's the source of revenue to run the country."

Impatient Justice (tags)

Congratulations. We've just won the wrong war.

Hard Reality (tags)

"Without approval by the Security Council, no state may use force against another state except in the case of self-defense as an answer to an armed attack..On the eve of March 20, the Security Council declared that Iraq did not represent an immediate threat.."

Don't Blame the Killer (tags)

Blame the US. . . Further Instructions: Quickly denounce this article as the work of the Corporate Media. . . preferrably Foxnews. Carry on.


Physicians for Social Responsibility - Los Angeles is hosting a Town Hall meeting on the intersection between terrorism and weapons of mass destruction in our lives. These issues are raised in Avoiding Armageddon, the PBS series from Ted Turner Documentaries that just aired on KCET. Avoiding Armageddon presented an global look at the dramatic human stories that convey the terrible consequences of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, their connection with terrorism, as well as the hope that the world can still choose to avoid Armageddon.

U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq (tags)

The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.

Police attack injures protesters, workers (tags)

OAKLAND, Calif. – Outraged witnesses and community leaders used words like “preemptive,” “premeditated,” and “brutal” during an emotionally charged meeting of the Oakland City Council to describe the Oakland Police Department’s attack on anti-war demonstrators and longshore workers near the gate of the Stevedoring Services of America dock on Monday, April 7.

The Winning of a Just War (tags)

The Europeans, and our own left, have put forth arguments that seem so manifestly false.

Contact Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown and the City Council re: police brutality (tags)

Contact Mayor Jerry Brown and the City Council and tell them what you think about their police department shooting at peaceful anti-war protestors

Questions for you anti-war leftists (tags)

This ought to shut you up!!!

Questions for you anti-war leftists (tags)

This ought to shut you up!!!

URGENT: UN Debating Stopping War TODAY! Please CALL and/or FAX them NOW! (tags)

An Emergency Session of the Security Council has been called today Wed, March 26th, 3 p.m. They will invite testimony from all UN 191 members, and could vote on a resolution demanding immediate withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq. If they Invoke Res. 377, "Uniting For Peace" they may be able to stop war--which was done in Suez Crises in the 50's. Please Email and/or Fax NOW UN countries now!

Big Brother Hits UN (tags)

Not sure if this is true but reads like it.

KCNA Warns of Possible Nuclear War on Korean Peninsula (tags)

The Critical News being kept from us all as the U.S. invades Iraq. The end of humanity could be near as U.S. continues to threaten world peace: KCNA Warns of Possible Nuclear War on Korean Peninsula.

Warmongers gone Wild! (tags)

See Warmongers Gone Wild! Live on your TV screen tonight!!! XXX Rated action. Hot (well actually incinerated) bodies in unusual contortions (yours would be too if a bomb hit it).

Warmonger Explains War (tags)

Ever have this itching feeling in the back of your mind that what the warmongers are saying is not terribly well thought out?

Iraq, the 51st state (tags)

Now that war is finally upon us, we must all hope or (if we share our leaders' piety) pray that, within a matter of days, the thing is done with, the Iraqi people will be free of their oppressor and able to enjoy the benefits of American-style democracy.

HelpUSA in Suicide: Bush Sr. and Sons-48 Hours to Leave Planet (tags)

THE GREAT INTENTIONAL WATERS FULL OF REVENGE AND THE WORLD WILL ONLY BE HEAL WHEN CLEANSED OF DISEASE KNOWN AS THE USA. Make the fire burn beneath their feet. Allah be Praised.Bless Palestinians- A. Roy, 'GW Bush is insane!"


The UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY also has SECURITY COUNCIL power to make an Anti War resolution (with no VETO provision) CONTACT UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOW !

Speak Out Against Police Brutality tonight (tags)

show up to Santa Ana City Council meeting to speak out against the police murder of youth


Articles have appeared during the past week -- including one on German television -- warning that an attack on Iraq carried out without UN Security Council authorization would be in violation of the UN Charter and international law, and that President Bush and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld could eventually find themselves charged with war crimes before the newly-inaugurated International Criminal Court (ICC).

Speak Out Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana (tags)

please see below

Speak Out Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana (tags)

see below, "k"

World says No to war (tags)

Growing opposition to a U.S. war against Iraq was clearly in evidence on March 10 when, Win Without War, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Artists United to Win Without War delivered petitions bearing more than a million names from 200 countries to the United Nations Security Council.

Now is Not the Time to Stay Home (tags)

With the George Bush ceding defeat of his gangster politick in the Security Council for another week, with Tony Blair backing away from the last resolution submitted by Britain and the U.S. now is not the time to stay home

UN Authorization Can't Mke Rank Imperialism Just (tags)

If a war without UN authorization would be wrong, does that mean that a war with UN authorization would be right?

New York Passes Anti-War Resolution (tags)

NEW YORK -- In a vote that elicited a range of emotional responses, the City Council approved a resolution Wednesday opposing war with Iraq except as a last resort.

British labor unions threaten Tony Blair with "regime change" (tags)

Union leaders yesterday warned Tony Blair that he will be deserted by the labour movement if he goes ahead with a war in Iraq without a second security council resolution.


It looks like the Protests have forced Phony Tony into an advance to the rear. A million protesters might have had a little to do with it.

Saying No to War (tags)

"The fact that the United Nations might be irreparably weakened would not much bother his conservative po0litical base at home, nor would the outcry abroad..When the purpose is fuzzy, or based on questionable presuppositions, it's time to stop.."

Bush lies, lies, lies about WMD (tags)

Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake U.N. Nuclear Inspector Says Documents on Purchases Were Forged By Joby Warrick Washington Post Staff Writer

Colombia: U'wa people reject oil explotation in Kera Chikara (tags)


Blix Coverup (tags)

More UN shennanigans

Advisors Warn Bush He Faces "Humiliating" Defeat on UN Resolution (tags)

(publisher's comment) Even the hawks are getting nervous, while the Bush junta consider doing it anyway. Hitler had the Treaty of Munich behind him when he invaded Czechoslovakia. It seems to me that if Bush goes it alone, this action would be unprecedented. Historians?

Revolution of Consciousness on Long Beach City Council (tags)

In a few short weeks, the anti-war members of the Long Beach City Council have begun to speak out, while the pro-war members have fallen silent. launcehes emergency petition to Security Council (tags)

Please spread far and wide Dear friends, We've launched an emergency petition from citizens around the world to the U.N. Security Council. We'll be delivering the list of signers and your comments to the 15 member states of the Security Council on THURSDAY, MARCH 6.

Speak Out Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana-tonight (tags)

please see below

Speak Out Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana tomorrow (tags)

Come one, come all

Why isn't the Bush dirty tricks campaign story in today's LA Times? (tags)

Are they reporters or stenographers? Actual impeachable offenses by the baby Bush admin.

Bush Admin dirty tricks campaign to bug UN Security Council member phones & email (tags)

A leaked memo reveals the US is bugging work & home communications of UN Security Council members. Nixon did this sort of thing, and he was forced to leave office or face impeachment.

It's about Oil, according to U.S. officials (tags)

Two articles reveal the true meaning of "security" - please copy/paste into an email and get the word out!

PLEASE take a minute to CONTACT THE UN (tags)

PLEASE take a minute to CONTACT THE UN It is extremely important that the UN security council hears from Americans who are AGAINST the war. COMPLETE SECURITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFO at:

Full text of Bush speech, with comments (tags)

Full text of Bush’s Feb. 26 speech to the American Enterprise Institute (comments in parentheses).

Speak Out Against Santa Ana PD (tags)

Speak out against police repression in Santa Ana.


Massive police presence at last Santa Ana City Council meeting leads to arrest, harassment, and illegal detentions


"You are not going to decide whether there is war in Iraq or not," the diplomat said U.S. officials told him. "That decision is ours, and we have already made it. It is already final. The only question now is whether the council will go along with it or not."


Derek Milosavljevic, Green Party candidate for L.A. City Council, is only a thousand bucks away from city matching funds! Help us reach ALL the voters in the 4th District and put a Green in the nation's second largest City Council!

White House advisors looking for 'way out' of IraqWar (tags)

Some strategists within the Bush Administration are urging the President to look for an "exit strategy" on Iraq, warning the tough stance on war with the Arab country has left the country in a "no win" situation. In addition, Republican leaders in both the House and Senate are telling the Presidently privately that he is losing support in Congress for a "go it alone war" against Iraq. web link

PLEASE Contact UN Security Council Members (tags)

PLEASE take the time to contact UN Security Council members NOW. It's VERY important that they hear from us NOW!

Photos from City Council Vote and DBM H.S. Walkout (tags)

L.A. City Council votes against preemptive war. Protestors hold celebration rally outside City Hall and are joined by 200 students who walked out from Downtown Business Magnet High School.

Contact UN Security Members Now! (tags)

take time to contact UN Security Council Members now: tell them to vote NO for any second resolution that calls for war. Thank Germany and France. Tell France, Russia, and China to use their UN veto. SECURITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFO at:

Los Angeles Anti-War Resolution - 2nd vote at 10:00 am (tags)

Friday at 10:00 am the Los Angeles City Council will be voting for the second itme on the anit-war resolution. Call your council members!

PLEASE Take a minute To Thank FRANCE and GERMANY ! (tags)

The very same country that gave us the STATUE OF LIBERTY is now trying to stop bush's war. Please THANK them (MERCI !) and Germany too ( DANKE !). And while you're at it, contact the other members of the Security council; encourage France, Russia, and China to use their UN VETO against any resolution that calls for war. COMPLETE SECURITY COUNCIL CONTACT INFO at: . .

Call LA City Council to Support Anti-War Resolution (tags)

On Feb. 18, seven members of the Los Angeles City Council voted "yes" today after Eric Garcetti eloquently introduced the No War In Iraq resolution which was seconded by Ruth Galanter. The only problem at City Council today was IT NEEDED 8 VOTES TO PASS! The seven voting "yes"---Cindy Miscikowski, Ed Reyes, Nate Holden, Janice Hahn, Ruth Galanter, Tom LaBonge and Eric Garcetti------needed an eighth vote. Please join us City Council again on Friday, Feb. 21 10:00 a.m. City Hall Chambers for what could be a historic day if we get the votes!

Local Activist Arrested by Santa Ana PD (tags)

"To protect and serve?"

LA Anti-War resolution (tags)

Almost Passed, but not dead.

Lamb's Blood Alert: Ridge And Martinez Unveil New Public Private Partnerships (tags)

This is a late breaking story. Feel free to post updates at

Speak Out Against the War Mexican Youth in Santa Ana (tags)

see below

Nearly 2,000 march in Long Beach (tags)

Long Beach says NO to war.

Ms. (tags)

Nearly 2,000 march in Long Beach against war.

Speak Against Police Brutality in Santa Ana (tags)

see below, please

Long Beach Activists March on International Day of Action (tags)

Long Beach, the "International City" marches to City Hall, on the "International Day of Action," saying "No War" and delivers to the City Council their proposed "No War On Iraq" Resolution.

The End of World Order (tags)

Iraq was not condemned to be without rights or outlawed for all time. An authorization for the use of force cannot be read from resolution 1441. A right to preventive self-defense may exist in an extreme situation when enemy missiles are ready for launch..

Mandela, Carter, lawmakers: ‘Let UN inspectors work’ (tags)

Former presidents Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Jimmy Carter of the United States added their voices to the millions demanding that George W. Bush halt his drive toward war against Iraq and give the UN inspectors time to complete their work.

Anti-War City Council Member's Life Threatened (tags)

The day after introducing an anti-war resolution, San Bernardino city council member Susan Lien Longville was threatened with death by a man with a rifle while jogging.

New evidence implicates Iraq in terror conspiracy (tags)

Late breaking news:

URGENT! Call Your L.A. City Council Member! (tags)

Unbelieveably, the L.A. City Council's passing of the resolution in opposition to war against Iraq is far from guaranteed!

Statement to Anaheim City Council regarding incident at Unitarian Church (tags)

A small platoon of Anaheim police officers waged a fierce battle to shutdown a small event being held on church grounds that was organized by a political prisoner support group.

Bush policies blasted At UN (tags)

Faced with growing international skepticism, George W. Bush used much of his State of the Union Address in an attempt to build support for his drive to war with Iraq.

Long Beach says NO to war on February 15th (tags)

Long Beach says NO TO WAR! On Saturday, February 15th, the International City, Long Beach California, joins New York, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin and other cities around the country and around the world in marching against war.

Europe and America must stand united (tags)

A declaration in support of the United States by the heads of eight European countries.

Neo Fascist Action Hot in South Africa: Article (tags)

JOHANNESBURG, 26 JANUARY - ANC Joburg Regional Councillor Oupa Radebe, Joburg Metro Council “project manager for relocations” Buti Leisela and another unnamed official looked on gleefully as police and two large middle-aged white men in plain clothes employed by the notorious Red Ants (Wozani Security) opened fire for the second time without warning on hundreds of unarmed poor and landless residents of the Eikenhof informal settlement just before sunset today.

Bush Concealing Illegal WMDs In Netherlands: Report (tags)

New York - Brussels, September 27 2003 - Coinciding with the much anticipated U.N. report on weapons inspections in Iraq, this morning an international group of Citizens Inspectors faxed a startling report to all members of the U.N. Security Council in New York. The report gives very clear evidence of the secret and illegal deployment of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) in The Netherlands. It condemns the blatant use of double standards by the UN Security Council concerning WMD.

The Split in the Western Alliance-Can Europe's opposition prevent war ? (tags)


West HOllywood passes Anti-War Resolution (tags)

Anti-War Resolution Passes West Hollywood City Council

Urgent! Anti-War Vote TONIGHT at W. Hollywood City Council (tags)

Please come speak on behalf of anti-war resolution on agenda of the W. Hollywood city Council tonight 6:30pm, 647 N. San Vicente Blvd, W. Hollywood

LA City Council Anti-War Resolution (tags)

A compliation of information...we can do this.


A coalition of antiwar groups in Los Angeles is gathering signatures for a petition we will present to the Los Angeles City Council. We will ask the City Council to issue a resolution stating that the City of Los Angeles is opposed to military action against Iraq.

Pro-Israel Group links Am.LibraryAssoc. to Terror!!!! (tags)

This is a serious attempt to quell free speech. Please take time from your busy schedules to scan article and send supportive words to the Am.Library Assoc. (email address at bottom)

INS Detainees: Interview of Council on American Islamic Relations (tags)

Interview of reps of Muslim Public Affairs Council and Council on American Islamic Relations on Muslims Detained in Southern California; mp3 file, 64 kbps, 8.31 megs, 18:16 runtime.

Green Resolution Concerning Trent Lott (tags)

Resolution of the Green Party County Council for Riverside County, California Concerning the recent comments of Trent Lott 12/21/02

GPRC WebMaster (tags)

Resolution of the Green Party County Council for Riverside County, California Concerning the recent comments of Trent Lott 12/21/02

America tore out 8000 pages of Iraq dossier (tags)

THE United States edited out more than 8000 crucial pages of Iraq's 11,800-page dossier on weapons, before passing on a sanitised version to the 10 non-permanent members of the United Nations security council.

Muslim Public Affairs Council Conference Report (tags)

A very incomplete report about an interesting conference that took place today.

Muslims Help Los Angeles Poor (tags)

While government is otherwise engaged, Muslim groups are attending to the needs of the poor of Los Angeles.

Iraq okays UN terms, Bush pushes war (tags)

Iraq has accepted a United Nations Security Council Resolution giving weapons inspectors sweeping new rights but allows many pretexts for the Bush administration to provoke a war. The resolution warns Iraq of “serious consequences” if it doesn’t comply – and the White House has made clear that anything it defines as a material breach will almost certainly mean a new war.

BTL:UN Security Council Approves Resolution Renewing Iraq Weapons Inspections (tags)

U.S. interpets wording of document as authority to wage war against Baghdad for any future violations. Interview with James Paul, executive director of the Global Policy Forum conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.

D.C. Council Opposes Military Action in Iraq (tags)

City councils in Takoma Park, Berkeley, Calif., Santa Fe, N.M., and several other cities also have passed resolutions opposing unilateral military action in Iraq. Similar resolutions are under discussion in Madison, Wis., and Baltimore.

BTL:Language in UN Resolution on Iraq Critical in Legitimizing a Future U.S. War (tags)

Interview with Phyllis Bennis,with the Institute for Policy Studies conducted by Scott Harris

26 CA Greens Elected! Camejo sets record! (tags)

In California, 26 Green Party members were elected to office on November 5, including eleven City Council members. Governor candidate Peter Camejo set a record going back to 1934, and in San Francisco he beat Republican Bill Simon, with 15.9%!

Oil has always been top of Bush's foreign-policy agenda (tags)

US Energy Report Okayed "Military Intervention" For Oil, reports investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein.

Turnout key in dead-heat elections (tags)

We are “One Vote Away” from right-wing control of all three branches of the federal government warns People For the American Way (PFAW) in a television ad being aired in states where Senate races are too close to call.

Action Alert: Write the UN Security Council to Stop the Rush to War! (tags)

The United States Congress has voted for going to war with Iraq— failing in its duty to represent a deeply divided American public. For people around the world who are troubled by what this conflict could bring, the vote in Congress is distressing since US military action now seems all but inevitable. There are still ways, however, to express your opposition to a war on Iraq and stop this invasion.

BTL:Religious Leaders Oppose White House Drive for War with Iraq (tags)

Interview Robert Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches by Scott Harris

US to oppose Iraq weapons inspections (tags)

Im sure you all saw this, but woah, this is fucking hillarious.

ACTION ALERT!! Cong. Resolution 473!!! Call NOW!!! (tags)

Call your Congressional Delegation NOW to tell them: NO IRAQ RESOLUTION OTHER THAN CONG. RESOLUTION 473!!!! Rep. Barbara Lee of California introduces alternative to Imperial Pre-emption!!! Call NOW!!!!

Join Tonight's Protest in Santa Monica Against Ban on Homeless Feeding Programs (tags)

On September 24, 2002, at 5:30 p.m., Santa Monica City Hall, 1685 Main Street, join with civil rights and human rights organizations in protesting a proposed ordinance to make criminals out of private citizens who feed the hungry in Santa Monica.

Bush's UN Non-Sequiturs (tags)

UN speech dissected

World AIDS Crisis Worsening (tags)

The AIDS pandemic will rapidly worsen, with the number of cases possibly doubling in sub-Saharan Africa in five years, according to an analysis by US intelligence officials.

South Gate: Where City Hall's a Mix of Soap Opera and Bad Joke (tags)

Government: Officials are looking into suspected corruption. Council-watchers enjoy 'the meow lady.'

FBI, Terrorism, and Activism (tags)

cartoon c 2002 by charles amsellem all rights reserved

israels willing executioners (tags)

this is from 1998, and may not be new to some people, but it is new to me

Los Angeles City Council Recognizes "Historic" Filipinotown in LA (tags)

There is now an official Filipinotown. The article gives some insight into how these ethnic districts are created, and why they are important.

MAN MADE AIDS ? (tags)

The US-NAS-NRC (National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council ) has helped the military to develop " a new infective micro-organism that might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious diseases."

AUDIO CLIP: Argument at City Council between Anarchists and Prosecuter (click to listen) (tags)

Listen to the sound clip at:

Long Beach City Council (tags)

This is a report back from the LB CC meeting, where the city prosecutor made a presentation about the trial of anarchists.

Come to long beach city council tommrow: city council talks about anarchists (tags)

Tommrow at 5pm the long beach city council will have a public agenda item entitled " Update on the prosecution of anarchists" We need to pack the chambers and show resistance to this blatant fascism

First the Carrot, Then the Stick: Behind the Carnage in Palestine (tags)

A MUST READ!, by Prof. Finkelstein, a jew whose parents were extermination camps survivors

"Buy Back the Government" Telethon(hosted by Critical Resistance) (tags)

For just $2.3 million, the people of the state of California can buy back the government from the pro-prison/anti-education lobby. Join us in an informative day of fund raising to "Buy Back the Government", and find out how you too can have Governor Davis in your back pocket.

NEWS RELEASE: Bush Pushed on Hunting in the Mojave National Preserve (tags)

Groups move for better management of hunting within Mojave National Preserve to protect desert tortoise and public safety

Bush Administration Ignores its Own EPA's Report... (tags)

...Acknowledging Growing Danger of Global Warming. Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus Interviews Jon Coifman, spokesperson of the National Resources Defense Council.

Progressive Candidates Unite in Venice Election (tags)

Twelve Venice candidates are supporting a common platform to preserve the uniqueness and diversity of Venice in the June 13 election for the Venice Neighborhood Council.


humanitarian mission to assess the health needs in the Palestinian territories.

Placentia Activists File Police Misconduct Reports (tags)

Victims of Placentia police brutality fill out misconduct reports.

Placentia Residents Protest Police Brutality (tags)

Placentia residents protest police brutality and racial profiling.

Placentia Anti-Police Protest (tags)

Placentia residents protest police brutality and racial profiling.

Anti-G8 Organizing Links (tags)

A damn-near-exhaustive list of links to information about this year's G8 summit in Kananaskis, Alberta, and the actions being planned against it.

Long Beach Anarchists Announce The Launching Of Peoples Council Of Long Beach (tags)

Anarchists in LBC plan to replace the institutions set up by the city with a new community controlled programs, and councils


Club 7969 [Peanuts] hopes it can convince the West Hollywood City Council this Tuesday night to reverse the Business License Commisssion' closure of its renowned transgender, youth and lesbian nightclubs.

JDL Chairman Accused of Bomb Plot in LA (tags)

The chairman and another member of the militant Jewish Defense League (JDL) have been arrested on suspicion of plotting to blow up a Los Angeles mosque and the office of an Arab-American congressman, federal authorities said Wednesday.

Protest Racist, Nazi Immigrant Bashers in OC THIS SATURDAY DEC 8 (tags)

Protest the Nazis in Anaheim to show support for our local Immigrant community

Orange County Protest Against the War on Drugs (tags)

About 50 people from the November Coalition gathered in Laguna Beach in August to protest against the War on Drugs. Many had family and friends in prison for the crime of being addicted or the crime of trying to stay alive by using doctor-recommended cannabis.

Protest Anaheim Racists/August Shack anti-nazi Protest (tags)

OK, these pictures are old, from August, but I'm poor and couldn't afford to develop them until now! They are from the protest of the nazi recruitment show at the Shack. The yuppie nazi groups American Patrol and the California Coalition for Immigrant Reform will be protesting for racism in Anaheim Dec. 4 and 8, something that needs to be counterprotested!

Protesting Nazis in Orange County at the Shack & Upcoming Anaheim Protest (tags)

OK, these pictures are old, from August, but I'm poor and couldn't afford to develop them until now! They are from the protest of the nazi recruitment show at the Shack. The yuppie nazi groups American Patrol and the California Coalition for Immigrant Reform will be protesting for racism in Anaheim Dec. 4 and 8, something that needs to be counterprotested!

Anti-Immigrant Extremist Groups Plan Protest in Anaheim (tags)

Those crazy Orange County racists are at it again...

National Council of Churches Opposes Bombing (tags)

National Council of Churches Opposes Bombing

URGENT: AntiWar Action Opportunity supporting Berkeley (tags)

By Supporting Berkeley We Can TURN THIS STORY AROUND!

Despite Death Threats, Berkeley Council Condemns U.S. Bombing of Afghanistan (tags)

Despite death threats, members of the Berkeley City Council Tuesday night voted to urge a quick halt to the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan.

Jerry Butkiewicz at San Diego Anti-Fast Track Rally, 10/22/01 (tags)

Jerry Butkiewicz, secretary-treasurer of the San Diego/Imperial Counties Central Labor Council, speaks at the October 22 anti-fast track rally the Labor Council organized in San Diego. The "José Kahn" referred to in the sign behind him is the owner of New Frontiers Trading Co., which abandoned six tons of toxic lead waste at its Metales y Derivados plant in Tijuana in 1994 and has done nothing to clean it up since.

Downtown Neighborhood Council Approves bylaws/ business has an outomatic seat (tags)

From Journalistic Sources,

U.S. to U.N.: We May Have To Attack Other Countries (tags)

So when will we bomb Florida?

The Power Plant Project is back in South Gate!! (tags)

The power plant project for South Gate is back. Come to the city council meeting on Tuesday at 6:30 to protest.

S.D. City Council Endorses State Medical Marijuana ID Cards (tags)

The San Diego City Council voted 8-1 to endorse SB 187, a bill pending in the California to set up a statewide voluntary ID card system for patients authorized by their doctors to use marijuana medicinally. But medical marijuana advocates worry the bill would do nothing to ensure that patients needing the substance can grow or buy it without fear of reprisals from police or criminals.


Around 400 people gathered in L.A.'s historic Little Tokyo district Friday evening (28th), for a candlelight vigil against hate crimes.


It was only one week ago that terrorists killed over 6,000 people in New York, DC and Pennsylvania, as well as leveled the World Trade Center. That same day our City Clerk decided to hold the elections for the Los Angeles City Council, 4th District - my first run for City Council.

It is Possible to Resist (tags)

Miguel Urbano Rodrigues, 75 years old, is a Portuguese writer and journalist. He was director of the Lisbon newspaper "O Diario", principal editor of Brazilian "O Estado de Sao Paulo", and council representative for the Communist Party of Portugal in the parliaments of the European Council and the Western European Union. He was also a teacher of Contemporary History at the University of Lisbon, and the author of a dozen books.

Council Dist. 4 (unofficial) election night results (tags)


Come on out and support Denise Robb's Campaign (tags)

Let's get out there and help elect a Green, and a lifelong activist, to the LA City Council in Tuesday's Fourth Council District election. I received the following impassioned call to support Denise Robb's campaign via e-mail.

If You're in the 4th CD, Vote For Denise (tags)

Los Angeles' city council has traditionally been home to the lowest kind of cash-register politics, where servile sycophants protect the interests of fat-cat land developers. Here's a rare opportunity to buck that trend.

I Witnessed in Front of the Seattle City Council; Sept; 5th, 2001. (tags)

Trauma is born By US all: Terrorism. [(Posted on many IndyMedia sites around the world and in the US; (plus other web sites and forums); and sent to 2,000 activists, newspapers, and organizations (people); plus 500 in United States Federal Government; and 150 or so in local (Seattle) government: September 5th, 2001.).)].

Lon Beach to Redraft Events Policy (tags)

People for Community Empowerment sued the city when the group was required to get permits for its July 4 rally on energy issues.

Police Line Up for Congratulations at San Diego City Council (tags)

On Monday, July 23 the San Diego City Council voted unanimously to commend the San Diego Police Department, County Sheriff's Department, Highway Patrol, Harbor Police and FBI for a job well done in creating a police-state atmosphere in San Diego during the biotech convention June 24-27, keeping down the number of protesters and profiling people based on their clothing choices and anti-corporate T-shirts. Picture shows a line of some of the police officers who attended the meeting to receive this honor.

San Diego City Council Endorses Police Actions at BIO 2001 (tags)

Full text of the resolution passed by the San Diego City Council unanimously July 23 honoring the various police jurisdictions and city agencies for keeping the number of anti-biotech protesters low and maintaining order during the BIO 2001 convention June 24-27. [Posted by Mark Gabrish Conlan of Zenger's Newsmagazine, who transcribed it from his tape of the City Council meeting.]

San Diego City Council Puts Beach Drinking Ban on Ballot (tags)

The San Diego City Council on July 23 responded to a public referendum petition to put its controversial ban on drinking on city beaches to a public vote. Opponents of the ban focused on the $180,000 it would cost to add the issue to the March 5, 2002 election. Supporters said that's a drop in the bucket compared to the costs of additional police to patrol the beaches and prevent alcohol-related crime.

Queers, People of Color Clash Over San Diego City Council Redistricting (tags)

The independent commission redrawing San Diego's City Council districts is considering two maps — one which keeps the city's Queer vote concentrated in one district, one which splits it in order to create a district that might elect a third person of color to the Council. The controversy highlights differences of interest between Queers and people of color, between working-class and poor people and small business owners, and between minorities that are recognized in federal civil rights law and ones that aren't.

Riverside City Council decides to appeal arbitrator's ruling on Gregory Preece (tags)

After keeping the populace in Riverside in suspense for a week, the City Council voted unamiously in closed session last Tuesday to appeal the arbitrator's ruling regarding the firing of former Riverside Police Department sergeant Gregory Preece, in superior court.

The LA City Council : Bats in the Belfrey (tags)

LA City Council scared of Rude Ruth Galavanter, controlled by developers. When the council is corrupt the corrupt will lead.

Shut the LA City Council Down (tags)

Thge corruption of the LA City Council will be on flagrant display Tuesday. Come on down and see how they are throeing your money away in corporate welfare while destroying coastal wetlands.

Shut the LA City Council Down (tags)

Thge corruption of the LA City Council will be on flagrant display Tuesday. Come on down and see how they are throeing your money away in corporate welfare while destroying coastal wetlands.

City Council Corruption knows no bounds : Save Ballona Wetlands (tags)

Developers own LA City Council. You do not matter ! If you don't like this show up Tueday.

Protect SoCal Desert Public Lands from Off-Road Vehicle Abuse (tags)

Important desert field tour and meetings in S. Cal June 15-16.


Executive Director of the NAFTA Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC), Janine Ferretti, invites you to attend the public meetings of the 8th regular session of the Council of the CEC and parallel events on 27-29 June 2001, in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico ;)

Bush in Los Angeles ALERT! (tags)

California tells Bush and Davis RATE CAPS NOW, the energy scam must stop! Protest at Bush appearance in Century City, Tuesday, May 29th.

Long Beach tries to bill May day prtestors for police costs (tags)

short article from Long Beach Telegram

Council On Foreign Relations: Expose The Criminals (tags)

The CFR’s Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states: "The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving theunderstanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.

Corporate Security State Protects Wealthy Elite from Citizen Dissent (tags)

In the final session of the People's Summit, April 21st, French farmer Jose Bove, well-known for his 1999 bulldozing of a McDonald's restaurant in France, spoke to an overflow crowd.

Free DC: A Tax Day call to action (tags)

A Tax Day Call to Action: Free DC! No Taxtation Without Representation! We are citizens of Washington DC. We have no vote. Every decision our city council makes is subject to congressional "review". We invite you to join us this tax day as we declare "No Taxtation Without Representation" and take action for DC: your Capital Colony. Please post this call to action on every listserv and share it with every friend.

Neighborhood Councils: Democracy or Crap? (tags)

Per the new L.A. City Charter (1999), we will have Neighborhood Councils, for better or for worse. The activist community in L.A., which seems to be gaining momentum, is perhaps the only constituency that can stop these councils from becoming a total sham.

Bill Lockyer to Riverside: sign agreement or go to court (tags)

California's state attorney general bill Lockyer issued an ultimatum to Riverside's City Council: sign an agreement to reform the police department or he'll see them in court. Mayor Ron Loveridge urged the council to sign but council member Ed Adkison says he'll have to think about it.

The Omega Agency: Global Dominance (tags)

They are who people are talking about when one says orders come from "above the President". The Omega Agency consists of a network set up much like the CIA. There are thousands world-wide who take their orders directly from the ruling council of the Omega Agency. This council consists of 10 to 12 people. GEORGE BUSH and Alexander C. Haig are two names known to sit on the council of the Omega Agency. The OA is the driving force behind what is commonly called the "New World Order." The OA's office is located at LANGLEY AFB.

SantaMonica Flouridation Vote/info & educational material (tags)

The vote in city council is postponed until November 28. There is still time to get this information out. Get copies of the Mirror and give them to everyone you know in Santa Monica. Send this notice out to your list.

Orange County Protests Police Brutality (tags)

A coalition of community groups and activists demonstrate at Anaheim police department.

D2K Legal Struggles Continue, Join Broader Battles (tags)

Activists meet to continue organizing in support of those facing criminal charges from D2K and those brining civil lawsuits, and join together in the larger, ongoing battle for police accountability.

PRI: Officials in Daylight; Criminals at Night BUS TAKEOVER AND PRIVATIZATION (tags)

2nd Installment of Western Hemisphere Conference Written By Alan Benjamin Typeset and Account Time By Paul Hays Key Words: SUTAUR 100, Juez Abraham Polo Uzcanga, Mexico City Bus Drivers Union, PRI Corruption, Political Violence in Mexico, Leonel Villafuerte's Criminal Undertakings, Siglo Nuevo Cooperative.

Minneapolis Council takes action on ISAG protest (tags)

Public Hearing held on police tactics at ISAG conference held July 24-26. Resolution to follow.

AFL-CIO Immigrant Workers meeting June 10, 2000 (tags)

Following the historic AFL-CIO policy shift on immigration, more than 10,000 immigrant workers, religious, community, and union leaders attended the union movement's regional forum on Saturday, June 10 at the Sports Arena in downtown Los Angeles.

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