fix articles 107274, emilio de lima
Do torture and murder constitute acceptable methods of political action? (tags)
It would be humorous if it was not tragic: supposedly to guarantee the constitutional order the usurpers make "minced meat" of Hondura's Carta Magna.
Brazil: mediatic and political/legal linchyng...Do arrest the detective! (tags)
Do still reverberate around the world the scandalous news that is held by the CIA, since the "golden years" of "G.W.Bush's age" the personal archive of "Bangster" or "Gankster" Daniel Dantas.
Finally, fighting for justice today. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Justice delayed is justice denied." So, we appreciate your vigilance and support for the processes of evaluation and dissemination of data contained in the 12 disks in the possession of the CIA are not obstructed. We want only the truth, because we know that just truth guarantees the sovereignty of our people.
A very important letter I received. A very important list I send. (tags)
So, dear President Lula, I ask you to breathe in the example of President Barack Obama and to give us vigorous measures against the crisis that unemployes thousands of people also here.
Bilingual message to the people of the world and of France. (tags)
I saw also, in my "around-the-world" trip that there are other strange things happening in some areas of free publication of other countries. I propose that the responsible collectives do communicate more among themselves and that they get better organized with their communities, so we can better defend freedom and real democracy.
The Landless Workers Movement and the American "bubble"... (tags)
We all know that tiny and small business those that employ more, we all know that the smart guys of the market should cover the leak that they have produced and they are all free and happy while people like the federal policeman Protógenes suffers mysterious accidents. Pictures at
Brazil: 185º anniversary of the independence. September the 7th, 1822. (tags)
The launching of the PAG (Program of Acceleration of Growth), at Paraná, will happen at 9:30 a.m. in the Guarituba (quarter), in Piraquara (city of the metropolitan region of Curitiba.) The quarter will receive 98 million Reals ( near 50 million Dollars ) of federal, state and municipal governments and will be remodelled.
To Chavez, Lula, Requião and Carlos Rovira. (tags)
Remote enawene nawe are only 420 and live mainly on the fishing. They are protesting against the plans of the soybean companies, directed by the greater producers of soybean of the world, the Maggi family, to dam the Juruena river and to obtain hydroelectric energy for the industry.
Amazonian Manatee is under extinguishing risk. It's not the only one...Why? (tags)
We want to make in the place a first experience of an untouched reserve with respectful exploitation, in permanent expansion, that later can be taken to other regions of the world.
The Amazon is in danger... Let's really save it! (tags)
I will now mention only three of the most visible and destructive ones: 1. The wood extration, 2. The introduction of cattle and 3. The plantation of soy for exportation.