fix articles 107369, westmoreland
Pro-choice and Pro-Life Groups Clash at Family Planning Clinic; Police Intervene (tags)
Ongoing Clashes between Pro-Choice and Pro-Life groups make local Family Planning Clinic a battleground in the abortion rights debate
Photo ID to vote is unconstitutional (tags)
For the second time, a judge has blocked a Republican-sponsored effort to require Georgia voters to present government-issued photo identification cards before they can cast a ballot.
No Mourning for "No Regrets" Westy (tags)
Dante would have reserved a special place in Hades for the general who oversaw the escalation of America’s invasion of Vietnam and such war crimes as the Phoenix mass assassination program, the “Pacification” program of mass terror against peasants, and the deliberate destruction of farm and forest with Agent Orange defoliant. ------------
Still sounds like Viet Nam (c.1965-68) (tags)
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld calls (the daily killing of U.S. Soldiers in Iraq) the "untidy" aftermath of regime change. If it was his kids or Bush's daughters or Cheny's kids dying would he think it was "untidy"?
Is Rumsfeld stealing Westmoreland's material? (tags)
"Light at the end of the tunnel", "The tide is turning", "We will take the least possible time" is Rumsfeld stealing Westmoreland's material?