fix articles 107432, south pas
Retenes fin de semana del "D?a del Trabajo" / "Labor Day" checkpoints (1-4/sep/2011) (tags)
Lxs voluntarixs de Checkpoint response te traen esta ?ltima noticia sobre los retenes en tu ?rea. No va ser una lista completa, porque siempre hay los que no se anuncian. Para informaci?n m?s actualizada, favor de fijarse en la p?gina de facebook de RETEN, p?gina con la cual tenemos rato colaborando. Conoce y defiende tus derechos y sigue luchando por los que a?n no te garantizan.
The volunteers of Checkpoint response bring you this lates news about police roadblocks in your area. This is not an exhaustive list. There are always unannounced checkpoints, so beware, and let your community know--you are the front line of resistance against probable cause-free stops. Know your rights, stand up for them, and keep on fighting for those rights that you are still not able to exercise.
Not Roses - PEACHES! The full story of the pre-parade parade! (tags)
The Full Story of the Pre-Parade Run for Peachy Impeachmen!
"Not Roses--Peaches" SoPas and Highland Park do it again at the Parade! (tags)
A small band of South Pasadena and Highland Park Activists Show Humorous ImPEACH banner to parade spectators along the whole length of the Rose Parade route .