fix articles 10941, john pike
Jesus loves you, the pigs hate you!!!! (tags)
Some images of sadistic UC Davis piggy Lt. John Pike pepper spraying innocent people!
America's Grand Strategy: Militarizing Space (tags)
America plan war from space
The Blueprint for Forward Base America (tags)
This was the plan all along, no matter how they try to dress it up.
Blackwater aims high with unmanned aircraft (tags)
For nearly two years, Blackwater has been developing an airship to tap a growing government demand for aerial surveillance and security - from patrolling U.S. borders and coastal waters to guarding military bases in hostile lands.
'Sensitive' documents indicate Cheyenne Mountain's better for NORAD (tags)
John Pike, a leading defense expert and director of, says NorthCom's transition from the mountain is a "little difficult to understand," given that the nation has nuclear missiles ready to launch on "hair-trigger alert." "Where the hell do they think they'll be getting the alert from?" he says of the transition to the Peterson Building 2 basement. Pike also is puzzled by the move of Air Force Space Command's space control to Vandenberg, since the military in the past has argued that the expensive upgrades at the mountain required space and missile tracking systems to be "co-located," to avoid confusion that space debris could be incoming munitions, or vice versa.
Wartime military spending fuels economy (tags)
War is good for the military police state? Well good for the people that supply the military war machine!
Using drones to kill people (tags)
Drones can also be used by the people against the government!
White Phosphorus and the Double-Speak of War (tags)
In a Pentagon report, the tactical use of WP against Kurds was decried as the use of a chemical weapon. Cover-up efforts are underway in the US to limit the political damage in using white phosphorus in Iraq.
Military's officer corps: too political? (tags)
"There is a lot of dissension right now about the Iraq war plan, or lack of plan, within the uniformed community, both at leadership and rank and file levels. It may well be that more retired folks are speaking out because they feel that the uniformed folks cannot."
Are you Afraid of Bush? (tags)
This is simply a must read...
Pentagon Watching You: Latest Developments On Surveillance Front (tags)
All technologies developed can and most likely will be used on US citizens; DARPA's open bidding announcements are simply one way they have to periodically deal with the fact that the media eventually learns about what they are doing.
Iraq War May Be US' Suez, War Games Show (UK Guardian) (tags)
If the US and Iraq do go to war, there can only be one winner, can't there? Maybe not. This summer, in a huge rehearsal of just such a conflict - and with retired Lieutenant General Paul Van Riper playing Saddam - the US lost. Julian Borger asks the former marine how he did it