fix articles 109464, strongly
The Alliance –Philippines (AJLPP) strongly condemns the US Imperialism and its fascist puppet-Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo in meddling and direct intervention in the political process in the Philippines. The US government is pushing for Charter Change by amending the 1987 constitution. We in the Filipino American community add our voices and militantly are in solidarity with the Filipino people in stopping and exposing the US-inspired charter change that seeks to perpetuate GMA in power. The AJLPP noted that it was very evident last June 1, 2009 when the GMA controlled House of Representatives passed resolution 1109 that will convene Congress into a constituent assembly to amend the 1987 constitution.
LA County Federation Endorsements Missing Westside Incumbent (tags)
Ludacris was forced to talk about our protest! (tags)
Last night, in the rain, we stood outside of the Ludacris concert in protest. Our information flier read, "We believe strongly in the right to free speech; we're not trying to shut down the concert. But we also believe in activism and education as a means to bring about a more just and egalitarian society."
Petition Opposing H.R. 1955/S. 1959 (tags)
Petition asking the U.S. Senate to refuse H.R. 1955/S. 1959
I believe my dreams are real (tags)
Even if they're your nightmares
What Think The Internet Community About 9/11 Terrorist Attacks?
Anthony Soltero left us with a duty to finish the task at hand, one that he strongly believed in and gave his life for.
*Sign our petition now! Support our struggle in osaka! (tags)
*Sign our petition now! we, the "Koureisha-Tokubetu-Shuurou-Rouso-junbi-kai” and some groups(Association of Poor People in Nagai Park...etc) in osaka-city are organizations of a homeless liberation struggle in osaka.
Poll Results: Should AIPAC be asked to register as an agent of a foreign government (tags)
By a five-to-one margin, people are much more likely to agree than disagree that AIPAC should be asked to register as an agent of a foreign government and lose its tax-exempt status
Wes Clark answers our SOA concerns! (tags)
“We don't know how lucky we are here - A major candidate is willing to listen to what we say and, if he won't do EVERYTHING we want, he'll at least do what's possible - and even give us the credit where credit is due. Other candidates would not have even bothered to answer. Wes Clark has acknowledged our SOA concerns, and that's more than any of the major candidates have. Indeed, all the other major candidates are happy to ignore our concerns and leave the SOA as it is - without even reforming it.”
American Arabs and Jews Agree on Path to Peace (tags)
If politicians could but put away their misconceptions about Arab Americans and American Jews and their unfounded fears of a mythical bloc vote, they would realize that a strong base of support for peaces exists into which they could tap.