fix articles 109712, dynamite
Dancing With Dynamite --An interview with Ben Dangl (tags)
Video-interviewed by Angola 3 News this week while touring the SF Bay Area with his new book Dancing With Dynamite (AK Press), author Benjamin Dangl argues that “because South American social movements have been so successful in the past decade, I think it is important to learn and understand what’s been successful and to apply those strategies and tactics here, where we are facing very similar challenges.”
Political activist is arrested wearing terrorist costume (tags)
A lawyer was arrested on a highway overpass wearing an Osama bin Laden Halloween costume and holding a toy gun. The costume included plastic dynamite, grenades, and a replica of an AK-47 assault rifle. Police Chief Ed Googins said. "It just crossed the line."
Who are the Real Terrorists? and When are we Going to Sucessfully Shut them Down (tags)
Years ago a political prisoner meant that someone was falsely incarcerated for crimes they did not commit, rather for their beliefs. Today, that definition has been twisted by reckless individuals seeking to overthrow governments, gain quick fame and deprive the rights of others.