fix articles 11062, morning Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : morning


Some Satellite Energy Artifacts Caught On Camera (tags)

Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605 “...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earth’s initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earth’s surface... ...By altering solar modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)”....eavesdropping....

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 10 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 9 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 8 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 7 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 6 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 5 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 4 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. Set 2 of 10 Photo Sets

Massive Women's March Los Angeles Tells President Donald Where To Go (tags)

750,000 people flood the streets of Downtown Los Angeles in response to Trump's Threats. 10 Photo Sets

NPR's Marketplace: The Voice of Loanshark Capitalism (tags)

The Los Angeles based show Marketplace is NPR's voice of Wall Street banksters, hedge fund billionaires

Swedish Activist leans the truth about the "occupation" (tags)

Daniel Borg, a Swedish political activist who years ago enthusiastically joined the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) in order to combat what he believed were Israel’s crimes again the Palestinians, has just dropped a major TRUTH BOMB!

The Warmongering Avicidal Texas Senator John Cornyn (tags)

Cornyn's brutal votes for war and a sadistic way of hunting

Don't Nix the Mix – a show at KPFA (tags)

The MORNING MIX -- community radio by local show hosts at KPFA in Berkeley

Producers/Community Oppose Cancellation of MM (tags)

A small uprising took place to prevent the cancellation of KPFA morning mix local community programming and it's replacement by the KPFK show "Uprising" By Sonali Kolhatkar. A show was held at KPFA with all the producers and voices from the community about the replacement and marginalization of the locally produced programming from drive time to other times.

An Open Letter To Sonali Kolhatkar, Host Of Uprising On KPFK (tags)

Pacifica management and KPFK and KPFA's manager Richard Pirodsky has enlisted KPFK host Sonali Kolhtatkar to support the cancellation of the Morning MIx locally produced community radio shows on KPFA so she can have a drive time slot. This has brought a torrent of anger of listeners and supporters of KPFA in Norther California and many are calling on Kolhatkar to abandon her plans to support the removal of KPFA local community programming on prime time. The newly appointed executive director Bernard Duncan was brought in by Pacifica Board Chair Margy Wilkinson despite the fact that he was discharged from KPFK for financial malfeasance. This was also supported by Dan Siegel and his law firm which is backing the cancellation of local community programming.

Hernandez Family Foreclosure Sparks Anti-Eviction Outrage (tags)

Fuerza Hernandez evicted today with promises of continuing resistance.

Police arrest copwatcher during checkpoint, Occupy Riverside responds (tags)

Friday, May 18, 2012

RIVERSIDE (California) - Police arrested a woman for observing a checkpoint Friday evening. The community responded in protest, occupying the area in front of Robert Presley Detention Center overnight, marching, and demanding the release of our comrade. The woman was released to the hospital at approximately eight o'clock Saturday morning, despite having suffered an epileptic seizure some nine hours earlier.

Occupy Riverside Solidarity Actions with November 2 General Strike (tags)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
RIVERSIDE (CA) - In a day of actions in solidarity with the Oakland general strike, called in response to vicious police violence, Occupy Riverside stepped action up.

Mexican Army is the new threat to Radio ?omndaa, Guerrero (tags)

Again, the Radio ?omndaa is wake: the threat now comes from the army. Some soldiers of the mexican army arrived at the pueblo of Suljaa' (Xochistlahuaca) today morning, and started asking people for the location of Radio ?omndaa.

Powerful Weekend Resisting Violence & Oppression (tags)

This weekend was a truly inspirational and powerful gathering made possible only by the collective work of thousands of activists like you. Four Line-Crossers Arrested; Hundreds of Demonstrators Penetrate Police Barricades

Seven Million Hondurans Under House Arrest as Micheletti Writes of "Democracy" (tags)

"This has caused a generalized phenomenon throughout the metropolitan area: People have come en masse out of their homes, chased the police out of many of those neighborhoods, and erected barricades to keep them out. They are now organizing to maintain those barricades. The coup regime thus, overnight, has lost any semblance of control of considerable tracts of urban Honduras."

115 signatures in 4 hours at farmers market (tags)

Saturday morning farmers market + 4 hours = 115 signatures on CCI Petition to legalize marijuana

Coup General: "We're Going After the Protest Leaders" (tags)

"The clock is ticking on this coup regime. And on television this morning, one could see the fear in the eyes of the macho generals that try so hard to show a fearless face. Their days are numbered, not because the other countries of the hemisphere and the world reject the coup, but so much more importantly, because the Honduran people are organizing to put a stop to it all by themselves. The coup generals don't have an end game. The civil resistance does, and is unanimous in it: The toppling of the coup regime, the reinstatement of the elected government, and a Constitutional Convention to remake their nation in a more authentically democratic form."

baby suzie pena family vs lapd: trial action (tags)

support the family of baby suzie- murdered by lapd swat- in their trial- 7/27 8am 111 n.hill dept 58

Statement from 17 year old arrested and deported on public RTA bus in Rubidoux (tags)

Statement from 17 year old arrested and deported on public RTA bus in Rubidoux (over phone, 11am this morning) , and from witnesses of yesterday's incident taken this morning while on foot and riding bus around 7:30 am. 6/23/09 from debbie


[Note: As of 11:15am, Caracas time, President Zelaya is speaking live on Telesur from San Jose, Costa Rica. He has verified the soldiers entered his residence in the early morning hours, firing guns and threatening to kill him and his family if he resisted the coup. He was forced to go with the soldiers who took him to the air base and flew him to Costa Rica. He has requested the U.S. Government make a public statement condemning the coup, otherwise, it will indicate their compliance.] Caracas, Venezuela - The text message that beeped on my cell phone this morning read “Alert, Zelaya has been kidnapped, coup d’etat underway in Honduras, spread the word.” It’s a rude awakening for a Sunday morning, especially for the millions of Hondurans that were preparing to exercise their sacred right to vote today for the first time on a consultative referendum concerning the future convening of a constitutional assembly to reform the constitution. Supposedly at the center of the controversary is today’s scheduled referendum, which is not a binding vote but merely an opinion poll to determine whether or not a majority of Hondurans desire to eventually enter into a process to modify their constitution.

BREAKING: June Reyno: Foreclosed and Evicted, Reoccupies Home (tags)

San Diego Homeowner June Reyno has reoccupied her home after being forcibly evicted by sheriffs this morning around 7:00 am.

Resisting Foreclosure and Eviction: June Reyno, Fighting Back to Save Her Home (tags)

June Reyno who has lived in her home for the last 20 years could be facing eviction by San Diego County Sheriffs tomorrow morning. June is a victim of the predatory lending practice of banks. Duped into a refinance deal, which striped all the equity from her house, June is one of millions across the nations who are on the verge of losing their home.

Jewish activists block Israeli Consulate (tags)

Early morning action by Los Angeles Jewish protesters blocks entrance

Sunday (12/21): Reports from Greece (tags)

Things are usually slow on Sundays and that was the case today. However, many local assemblies took place to decide further actions.

Omaha killer Robert Hawkinsz HAD taken ritalin and ZOLOFT in the past: (tags)

'Rodriguez said her son's life had been a challenge from the start. She divorced Hawkins' father when the boy was 3-years-old, she said, and by 5 he was taking prescription Ritalin and Zoloft. She said she watched, feeling helpless the way a parent can, as raw anger took root inside her son. '

Attacks in Argentina and Belgium in solidarity with Gabriel and Jose (tags)

Fire to the state, to capital and its prisons.

Eric McDavid Hearing Update (tags)

Hearing update, vegan food, trial schedule..

ICE Targets South Central (tags)

Using the cover of the LA County Sheriff's Departments, ICE harrased and intimidated immigrant families in South Central

Support needed in Fresno on Monday morning (tags)

A call out to medical marijuana supporters in Fresno

On the Line in the Port of Oakland (tags)

Dockworkers honored a community picket line in the Port of Oakland on May 19, 2007, and the shipping operations of a war profiteer were shut down for two shifts. Cargo did not move at the SSA terminal that day. It takes only two lines to sum this up, but it took two months to prepare.

Military Families occupy Rep. Sanchez's office (tags)

A group of Military Families, vererans and supporters was arrested this morning at Congresswomen Loretta Sanchez's office after an overnight stay in her office.

Vigil for Ferd Eggan on Sunday 07/08/07 (tags)

Ferd Eggan, activist, revolutionary, and former AIDS Coordinator for the City of Los Angeles, died this morning of complications related to HIV and liver cancer.

Audio from Assi market press conference (tags)

Audio recording of this morning's press conference to announce the 1.5 million dollar victory of Assi supermarket workers in Koreatown.

Did american military blow up the Al-Sarafiya bridge? (tags)

Did the american military blow up the Al-Sarafiya bridge?

From L.A.’s Guantanamo for the Homeless--Two Skid Row Stories (tags)

In the face of recent news reports that homeless numbers are now increasing downtown, two first-hand accounts of abuses of homeless people on L.A.'s Skid Row --and this as LAPD continues business' unprecidented eight-month attack on L.A's downtown blacks.

Saddam's hanging (tags)

Saddam and a co-conspirator were hung this morning in Baghdad

Crystal Lake Eagle Scout Project / Los Angeles (tags)

Clean up effort continues in the San Gabriel Mountains

Terror Continues in Oaxaca (tags)

Armed police caravaned about Oaxaca Tuesday morning shooting at protesters, leaving one teacher dead.

Israeli paper reports that Israel Lied (tags)

In its lead story [1] today (August 1), the Hebrew edition of Ha’aretz Online reported that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) claim that Hezbollah missile launchers and Hezbollah fighters were in and around the building in Qana which they shelled early Sunday morning was false.

Criminalizing Civilians (tags)

A serious war crime may be imminent. The responsibility to protect civilians does not end when an invading army asks them to clear out. An Nahar also reported that hundreds of people were trapped in southern villages. Moreover, there is evidence that some who tried to flee north in cars have been targeted.

Bulldozers Move In to Destroy the South Central Farm!!! (tags)

Bulldozers Move In to Destroy the South Central Farm!!!

Emergency Alert: Police Evicting South Central Farmers - Take Action (tags)

The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition is calling on all progressive people to mobilize support for the South Central Farm. If you can come to the Farm, please protest the unjust eviction of the Farmers today.


Instead of traditional picket, make use of more effective means of forcing public to confront wrong eviction of South Central Farmers.

SC Farm Update, 6/2/06, 10:40 am (tags)

SC Farm Update, 6/2/06, 10:40 am

Cementing Apartheid in the South Hebron Hills (tags) Cementing Apartheid in the South Hebron Hills May 31st, 2006 | Posted in Press Releases, Hebron Region FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The villagers of Qawawis woke up Wednesday morning to workers building a meter-high cement wall along the road that runs through their land between the illegal Israeli settlement of Susya and Hebron. The mini-wall designed to keep Palestinian cars from accessing the settler-only road will have the effect of preventing the villagers from being able to access their villages by car or being able to access their lands on the other side of the road. Sheep, tractors or even donkeys will be unable to access the land. Tomorrow morning villagers will lie down along the route of the wall demanding the a gap is left for them to be able to pass through. Qawawis villagers, whose sole income is shepherding are forced to live in caves since any structure they construct is demolished by the Israeli authorities. Today alone, thirteen structures were demolished in the south Hebron region. Most of the structures served as outhouses for Palestinians, according to a report in Haaretz (1). Qawawis’s outhouse and their taboon oven are slated for demolition by the Israeli authorities. The villagers are also subject to ongoing attacks from the Israeli settlers who occupy the area. For more information: ISM Media Office: 02 297 1824

SC Farm: Sat. 9:20 am (tags)

Worries of sheriff raid today have passed Farmers still encamped.

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Sheriffs expected to attempt evictions tomorrow at daybreak, Sat. morn (tags)

SOUTH CENTRAL FARM: Sheriffs expected to attempt evictions tomorrow at daybreak, Sat. Morning May 27.

Astro Pic with a funny Picture from the 1969 "Moon Landing" (tags)

Astro Pic with a funny Picture from the 1969 "Moon Landing"

Minutemen Driveby Slap in Lake Forest (tags)

Day laborers and Pro-migrant supporters keep minutemen at a distance

Federal lawsuit filed against Mayor Allan Mansoor and the City of Costa Mesa (tags)

Lawsuit filed this morning in U.S. federal court against Mayor Allan Mansoor and the City of Costa Mesa

Villaraigosa interrupted during speach (tags)

Protestors interrupted a speech this morning from Mayor Villaraigoso, challenging him to take action to save the South Central Farm.

Minutemen Not in Burbank (tags)

In spite of assurances to mainstream media, the minutemen stayed away from Burbank this morning. Counterprotestors braved cold and wet weather to be on hand, just in case.

Santa Monica Counter-protest: Don’t Teach Your Children Hate (tags)

Mobilizing overnight, the Santa Monica Chicana/o Community Shuts Down the Minutemen.

Film School in a Box (tags)

DELTA ENTERTAINMENT CORPORATION TO RELEASE SPECIAL DVD COLLECTION SUNDAY MORNING SHOOTOUT: THE BEST OF SEASON 1 Heralded “Film School In A Box” Features Hosts Peter Bart And Peter Guber Shooting It Out With Hollywood’s Hottest Including Charlize Theron, Clint Eastwood, Samuel L. Jackson Among Others

Theresa Dang's trial ended Nov. 30 (tags)

Hello all: Theresa Dang's trial unexpectedly happened to end today, with the jury going into deliberations at around 4:00 pm. We're expecting them to come up with a verdict sometime tomorrow morning (December 1st).

Living On the Plantation (tags)

An essay on class mentality

EXCLUSIVE: Bush—Cheney CIA/Plame case indictments released this morning (tags)

EXCLUSIVE: Bush—Cheney CIA/Plame case indictments released this morning Bush orders Fitzgerald fired and espionage indictments quashed

URGENT - S.D. activists houses being raided! (tags)

Two homes were raided this morning at approximately 6:30am. Justin Hand and Danae Kelly's residence was searched for computers, and currently Justin is overseeing the raid at his home. Morgan Roberts, a friend of Danae and Justin also had his family's house raided this morning.

-THE-GAIAN-MIND- Gardening Free School (tags)

radical free school gardening parties all day every saturday in long beach with the gaian mind collective and long beach organic

SGV 9-11 Truth Movement Gets Rolling (tags)

Approximately 20 9/11 Truth activists and concerned individuals from around the area turned up at the corner of Main and Garfield in Alhambra on Sunday morning to draw attention to the glaring inconsistencies, distortions and omissions in the official government version of the events that attempt to explain the tragedy of September 11, 2001.

Bush Threatens Los Angeles (tags)

In an effort to divert attention from Bush's murder of tens of thousands of Americans in New Orleans, the CIA produced a new tape for Bush's "Al-Qaeda Show", threatening to murder the people of Los Angeles.

FEMA SEZ: Babies are so dope they don't even NEED water! (tags)

Abolish FEMA and jail the bastard running it.


A Story About the Stupidity of War and the Idiots Who Glorifiy It. A timely and powerful fictionalized account of a man who chewed off his fingers to stop the war in Iraq and to bring home the troops.

Say a BIG Farewell to California Minuteman at CAMPO on Aug 6 & 7 (tags)

Minutemen Are Leaving? Good Riddance! No Human Is Illegal! Unite for the Rights of All!

London Britches Falling Down (tags)

A British disaster recovery consultant working at the scene of the London 7/7 bombings reports on British TV and radio how they occurred precisely at the times and places scheduled in a terrorism drill he was running. Terrorism experts Jones and Tarpley explain why terror drills are a sure sign of a false flag op – they create the alibi that covers up the activities of insider perpetrators.

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises': same time same places? (tags)

Quote - BBC: "At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now."

IndyMedia--please help (tags)

FREE POLITICAL PRISONERS! CALL FOR SOLIDARITY AT ARRAIGNMENTS! Please help a) get in touch w/ ALL the other arrestees / or their families from last night Garden Grove and b) we have a general CALL OUT FOR HELP WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR LEGAL FEES AND/OR LEGAL AID. More details below.

President of El Salvador Confronted over CAFTA (tags)


LOS ANGELES [May 9, 05] A frustrated and annoyed President Tony Saca of El Salvador cut short a question and answer period during a pro-CAFTA event here Monday morning when activists angrily confronted him with a first series of hostile questions.

The Misconception of Time and the Holy Books (tags)

The concept of time originally derived from the constantly changing conditions, which man later divides into the "past," the "present," and the "future," has, as it turns out, been giving rise to a number of questions. Isn't it an irony that while all we have the whole of our life is but the "present," the fact that we possess memory has yet led us to assume that we have a "yesterday" and a "tomorrow"? This admittedly is an issue that contradicts the various ideas associated with the word "time" as it is popularly used in our daily life, in the various scientific literatures, and in the different Holy Books, which consequently makes it real difficult for us to have it brought to the surface. What seems to further complicate matters is perhaps the very fact that even scientists have so far tended to look upon the issue as one that is strictly a matter of our misconception of time, thereby ignoring the fact that man is destined to have memory.

Victoria Indymedia Facing Shutdown in Hostile takeover (tags)

Vic-IMC's server is being shut down by its host in Vancouver. The collective is unsure why this decision was made, and how it will be implemented. It appears to be the decision of a former member of Vancouver-IMC.


Los Angeles 6am ELECTION DAY LaCienega & Venice Blvd. As the people of LA arose this morning, they were greeted by a simple but powerful message..”VOTE ...BITCHES” and signed simply “Rick James’04.” This billboard is both tribute to Rick James and shout out to Dave Chappelle, one of the brightest comics to touch politics since Richard Pryor. We wanted to recognize the camrades that put up this piece of Guerrilla Media, who risked it all to show us what is possible when Hip Hop takes its voice into its own hands.. Next time someone says we’re apathetic tell ‘em shut the hell up and Change the Game..PEACE BITCHES

Voting Irregularities Nationwide (tags)

Voting irregularities were reported in: Louisiana, Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin

A29 Call to Reclaim the Park at RNC (tags)

A call for autonomous gatherings, feeder marches and creative events starting from all across Central Park on the morning of August 29, 2004


ON AUGUST 29, RECLAIM THE PARK A call for autonomous gatherings, feeder marches and creative events starting from all across Central Park on the morning of August 29, 2004

Chemtrails From Hachita New Mexico 061604 (tags)

...clear morning, real-looking clouds for a change, but the bush robotic luftwaffe was soon at their EM activities, spraying aerosol chemical lines, AND ALL THAT MEANS ...

The Brunswick Model (tags)

If "The Miami Model" was to indiscriminately beat heads and attack dissenters for No Reason.. The No War March Tuesday morning made clear to me .. "The Brunswick Model"

S. Korea, Hospital Workers General Strike (tags)

Right now, even the government is fighting against us more than before, we join the struggle of S. Korean working class.

South Korea, 200 Days of Migrant Workers Sit-in Strike (tags)

Yesterday here in Seoul we celebrated the real 200th day of our sit-in strike against S. Korean government's racist policy.


Melissa, another anarchist, is being followed by FBI, she and other have been followed all Sunday.

Proof of the 911 COVERUP (tags)

To all Bush supporters, here are several facts that clearly indicate a 911 COVER-UP. Please withhold your initial angry reaction, and really consider these undeniable facts. I'm not a crazy 'anti-American', I'm a true patriot willing to stand up for truth and justice even if it's unpopular. Do you have a real argument to stand on? If so, let's hear it. (-;

Multimedia Proof: Take it to the sheeple (tags)

we need to hold these guys accountable... and it starts with us turning up the volume... We need to make this 911 coverup and the lies about the iraq war THE topic of conversation everywhere. WE HAVE PROOF... bush and co are lying SOB that should be tried for treason and war crimes.

VH1 CIA recruitment (tags)

Trying to find if anyone knows how to contact VH1/MTV about a program i saw this morning on the the CIA, and the disinformation it provided.

911 Days after 9/11 (tags)

What a accident!

BU__! SH__! BOMBS NYC! (tags)

The Resident of the United States issued a STAND DOWN ORDER on the morning of Sept.11, 2001! This order stopped the military response that the 911 planes would have invoked if a Human Being had been President. They are required by law to be intercepted within 15 minutes. We have a liar and a traitor in the Black House. Do you think that NYC has no air defense plan? NYC bombed by the WAR PROFITEERS!

A production line of death at the mass graveyard (tags)

Angus McDowall describes the aftermath of the killer 6.3 earthquake in the city of Bam in Kerman province of Iran early on Friday, killing at least 20,000 people and injuring ten of thousands of others.

Articles Draw Attention To USS Liberty - Worldwide Protests (tags)

The worldwide outrage of the incidents leading up to the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel and the major media blitz since yesterday.

WTO protest in Montreal (tags)

News & videos from WTO protest in Montreal

BostontoPalestine (tags)


L.A. Sound Posse: Sound Essay on Bush Protest in L.A. (tags)

kpfk broadcast


French Anti-Globalization leader, Jose Bove, was arrested at his farmhouse by nearly 100 Policemen. Militants from the Peasant Confederation demonstrate in the courtyard of Rodez's police headquarters to protest the arrest of anti-globalization hero Jose Bove(AFP/Eric Cabanis)

Who Exactly are the Paranoid Anti-Americans? (tags)

Remember, these terrorists are brilliant. They are so brilliant that they anticipated and managed to piggy-back the September 11th attacks on top of two drills going on that morning. (One, a CIA drill, where an airplane crashing into a building was to be "simulated", and the other, a semi-annual NORAD drill apparently intended to "test" our nations defenses against attack.)

Nepal News, Hollyweird, Journo killed by IDF (tags)

No peace for Nepal as King balks...students continue strike; Hollywood liberal? IDF kills AP cameraman

Today Show Goes Dark On Tim Robbins (tags)

A conversation about free speech. An anchor asking reasonable questions. A guest responding in equally reasonable tones. No attempt to close out the discussion - to say "Well thank you Tim". This was not a filibuster. Robbins was not hogging the spotlight. Someone in the control room simply decided that it was time to pull the plug.


The Producer of the ABC Prime Time program, scheduled to air this evening, misrepresented the facts of how this program would play out. I was told that we would be allowed to ask an FBI representative any questions we'd like to ask. When the time came to ask my questions, the Producer said I was not allowed to present my questions.

"Liberation" (tags)

Yahoo! News reports this morning that Iraqis are dancing in the streets of Baghdad at their "liberation" by U.S. troops.

Russian Intellegence Re Invasion; 1 April (tags)

You might want to bookmark this site: I think it provides excellent coverage of the (not "war", but) US/UK INVASION.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 24, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 24, 2003.

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 23, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 23, 2003.

Italy, 200.000 peasants rally in Roma this friday morning (tags)

this friday morning in Roma 200.000 peasants rallied under the flags of corporate unions

About 2 dozen arrested for Downtown sit-down. (tags)

Pre-planned civil disobediance conducted at morning protest in downtown Los Angeles.

reports from Friday morning CD actions? (tags)


AUDIO: Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder (tags)

Gilbert Achcar was interviewed on the KPFA Morning Show on March 3, 2003 -- to discuss his book, Iraq and the war on terrorism. MP3 for download or streaming.

US Peacekeeper Susan Barclay Successfully Resists Deportation from Israel (tags)

After tenacious physical resistance aboard a 5:20 AM KLM Airlines flight at Ben Gurion Airport, Susan Barclay appeared before an Israeli judge this morning and has been released, free to stay in Palestine through March 10th (or longer if she chooses to fight her visa extension denial).

Sonali Kolhatkar Teach-In MARCH 5 in ORANGE COUNTY!! (tags)



During a press conference at the Bush home in Crawford, Texas this morning without warning President Bush's pants caught on fire.

Help a Class War Vet buy a used 10speed in LA (tags)

want used bike, help a disabled class war vet (you will get major activist points for this) :^)

Joe Strummer Tribute on KPFK's Morning Show on X-Mas Day (tags)

I was the guest host of KPFK's the Morning Show on X-Mas day; and I did a short tribute to Joe Strummer in the show's first segment (roughly from 7:05 to 7:15am). Below is a rough draft for what I said on the air.

SHOCKING REVELATIONS: US Government, Not Terrorists, Picked 9-11 Date (tags)

From the start, the Bush Administration has insisted that anything like the 'planes-as-weapons' scenario of 9-11 was 'unthinkable' before 9-11. That's a HUGE LIE!! On Sept. 11, 2001 they had a brand new counter-terror emergency response plan in place at the Pentagon for exactly that scenario, and had a counter-terror 'wargame' set to begin on exactly that scenario that very morning in the nation's capitol.

chip glitch hands victory to wrong candidate (tags)

danger of mechanisation

us govt not hijackers 'chose' the date of 9-11 attacks (tags)

by barbara honneger

Who Did It? (tags)

The Citizens Executive Administration (CEA-USA) is recruiting a new Secretary of Defense. Are you qualified?

Reserve soldiers stationed south of Ramallah this morning stopped a Palestinian (tags)

Reserve soldiers stationed south of Ramallah this morning stopped a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance and, upon inspection, found a suspected suicide bomber on board.

Security/Peacekeepers Meeting Monday Morning 4 BOYCOTT TACO BELL march and rally (tags)


In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful (tags)

16 February 2002 With the grace of Allah the Qassam Brigades declare responsibility for the missile bombing with Qassam-2 missiles of the Zionist settlement complex in Palestinian lands occupied since 1948 to the east of steadfast Gaza city on Saturday 4th Thul Hijja 1422H – 16/2/2002Ad at 6.15 am. Our Palestinian people … our Arab and Islamic Ummah:

IMC Italy Raided this Morning (tags)

This morning around 7.00, police knocked at the doors of a few social centers: Gabrio in Torino, Cecco Rivolta in Firenze, TPO in Bologna, as well as those of the Cobas offices in Taranto. The huge mobilitation (a lot of cars, vans, and riot cops) was due to an order from Genova's attorney.

VisionTV: On the morning of 9/11, what did Bush know and when did he know it? (tags)

Next Week -- The Final Segment in the Six Part Series: "Moral and spiritual challenges that arise amidst fear and denial in a propagandized society".

The Urban Guerrilla (tags)

Good morning Amerika, you will notice on your drive to work this morning that the military is helping direct traffic, and escort...ah...

15 banners hung from freeway overpasses (tags)

15 banners hung this morning from freeway overpasses

US cruise missile 'kills Kabul civilians' (tags)

· Houses destroyed, says Taliban · Afghan militia backs Bin Laden · Blair meets troops in Gulf

Media Activists: mtg & demo - Wed 9/20 7 to 10 am - KPFK (tags)

~Perhaps Amy Goodman will call in to a cell phone at tomorrow morning's demonstation. She did last time.~

KPFK Manager Censors Democrcy Now! (in exile) (tags)

Demonstation called at KPFK Wed. Sept. 19 7 - 10 am

Breaking news: Italy's interior minister Scajola resigns (tags)

Italy's interior minister Claudio Scajola has stepped down this morning august 28th.

Leid Harasses Democracy Now! (tags)

Sources say that minutes before air time this morning, and without explanation, interim general manager Utrice Leid once again threw Amy Goodman and Democracy Now! (DN) out of the master broadcast studio and into WBAI's Studio 3--a small, sub-standard broadcast space not suited to a national program.


Thousands protest in Japan against Nuclear Weapons!

The W.O.M.B.L.E.S. genoa brigade have arrived ready for action!!! (tags)

We got to Genoa/Genova about midnight. Shit loads of police: political, civil and military, but not any hassle, just lots of cheering.

Mass arrests at the EU Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden (tags)

IMC-UK's Breaking News As Of 6:50 AM PST, Friday, J15

Scab Dispute Outside LaborReady (tags)

Dispute outside LaborReady in question.

May 09, 2001 - 161 days of shutdwon logging ends in the Mattole (tags)

At 10:00am this morning, May 09, 2001, we got word from our monitors in the woods that clearcutting of old-growth Douglas Fir has resumed in THP 475 in the Mattole Watershed in Humboldt County, California.

Lock Down At NAB (tags)

4 activists lock down at Moscone Center entrance, others scuffle with cops on way to Clear Channel, where they are confronted by shock jocks.

Good Discussion of Protests on NPR (tags)

Abram Shalom Himelstein and Jamie Schweser talked some good sense about the protests in LA and Philly on Thursday's Morning Edition.

CNN Headline News: Give Them 30 Minutes and They'll Obscure the World... (tags)

Did anyone keep an eye on CNN Headline News during the DNC? I thought it was interesting what they chose to cover...

D2K press conference - Preview of DAN Ramparts demo Wednesday morning 8/16 (tags)

Find out what's going on HOURS ahead of schedule! DAN hosts a morning of activities themed around opposing police brutality, the criminal (in)justice system, racial profiling, and the criminilization of communities. A march from MacArthur ends at the Ramparts Police Station. Bound to be interesting.

Critical Mass(media) (tags)

Can't make it to LA? Why not bring LA to you?

Critical Mass(media) (tags) can't make it to LA? Why don't you bring the spirit of LA to you?

LAPD Threatens Removal of Border Crosses (tags)

Saturday August 12: activists installed over 450 “border crosses” at the United Methodist Church, just up the street from the Staples center. The installation is “ a memorial to the migrants who have died crossing the border”. Dozens of police cars were at the church Saturday morning as the installation got underway. Officers converged on the church parking lot, questioned participants, and threatened to confiscate the crosses. At one point police threatened to enter church property to seize the crosses.

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