fix articles 1108, california coastal commission
Nuclear Shutdown News November 2017 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is our November 2017 report:
nuclear Shutdown News 8-17 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News August 2017
LA Living in Vehicle Law Found UnConstitutional (tags)
9th Circuit Court of Appeals Decision Overturns Long Standing Los Angeles Law Used to Criminalize the Vehicle Housed
What’s Up With the Beach Curfew? (tags)
Recent rumblings about the illegal Venice Beach and Ocean Front Walk closure.
Nasty Venice Anti-Homeless Gentrification Permit Parking Efforts Keep Coming Back.
Venice Beach Holocaust Denier runs for Venice Neighborhood Council (tags)
Homeless bashers maneuvering for position to further their anti-humanitarian agenda.
Rosendahl’s Legacy: Gentrification and Sweeping the Homeless Out of Venice? (tags)
Allegedly Progressive and openly Gay Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl may go down in history as the most divisive leader Venice has ever had by continuously organizing with and siding with people who hate the poor and homeless people of Venice.
NIMBY Forces Assault The Poor In Venice and the NIMBYfication of Venice Continues…
Venice Homeless Harassed by LAPD, CD11 Rosendahl, backed by City Attorneys Office (tags)
Venice, Homeless, RVs, Harassment, or Town Hall,
Keep Venice Streets Free for All (tags)
Prevent Venice parking permit and vehicle height restrictions proposed implementation on public streets. Keep Venice free for all members of our community. Current settlement of anti-homeless group does not represent the majority of Venice. Venice is love. Love is free. Keep Venice Free.
Venice Homeless Sweeps Friday May 7 (tags)
Bill Rosendahl Connects Venice Street People To Jail
STOP THE TRIPLE FENCE - Coastal Commission Hearing Wed. Feb 18th (tags)
The California Coastal Commission is meeting on Wedensday, February 18th at 12 noon at the Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla to decide whether or not to allow the construction of the Triple Border Fence on the US/Mexico Border. You can attend the hearing and show your opposition!
U.S. Marines to invade Long Beach (tags)
"Shorefest." According to the organizer's news release, the scheduled events include "a spine-tingling military 'invasion;' hundreds of U.S. Marines will swarm the beach in amphibious assault vehicles, as Hovercraft provide water cover while planes and helicopters provide air cover.'
A Revolutionary View of the California Recall and Bipartisan Budget Crisis (tags)
Don’t Throw Your Vote Away by Giving It to the Democrats or the Republicans! OUT WITH THEM ALL! DON’T VOTE YES OR NO ON THE CALIFORNIA GOVERNORS RECALL The Recall is a Trap to Make Workers Pay for the Capitalist Crisis! VOTE FOR THE SOCIALIST CANDIDATE C.T. WEBER for GOVERNOR! PEACE & FREEDOM PARTY Organize Now to Build a Workers Party!
pbnberkeley news notice - 12/4/02
Publishing, republishing and compiling community news and event information promoting global peace and working class solidarity!
ADL Welcomes New Los Angeles Regional Director (tags)
Amanda Susskind, a prominent Los Angeles attorney with more than two decades of experience as a public and local Jewish community leader, has been named Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Pacific Southwest Regional Office.
Developer destroys Blue Heron rookery (tags)
Local developer defiles nature