fix articles 112301, c. hurwitz
FBI Raids John Doolittle, Investigates Abramoff Lobbyist Scandal (tags)
Would like to remind the FBI agents investigating John Doolittle's involvement with lobbyist Jack Abramoff to remember Doolittle's interference with FDIC regulators who attempted to investigate C. Hurwitz's role in the Texas S&L collapse!!
End US Occupation of Iraq! No invasion of Iran! (tags)
Anti-war rally in downtown Arcata Plaza (other side of Post Office) @ 5pm on Monday March 19th! We will not allow the GW Bush regime another year of military occupation of Iraq undisturbed! Join in non-violent resistance to US militarism in Iraq and elsewhere. Let's clean up the radioactive mess of nuclear weapons & waste we've made in our backyards at home before threatening the people of Iran with an invasion over thier expressed desire of nuclear energy!