fix articles 112483, hotel workers
Downtown March for Workers' Rights (tags)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
LOS ANGELES - Approximately 20,000 marchers demonstrated their support for unions and the right to collectively bargain.
Filipino hotel workers, among Long Beach’s poorest (tags)
Filipino couple Rogelio and Wilhemina de Vera, both 72 years old, who live in the “Cambodian projects” on Cherry Street, belong to the approximately 90,000 or almost 20 percent, of Long Beach residents who live under the federal poverty line. Half a million Filipinos make Long Beach or LA County—which ranks sixth in the nation for concentration of poverty—their home. “I am living paycheck to paycheck which is very hard because I still support some of my relatives back home,” Rogelio, a service van driver at a five-star Long Beach hotel, told Philippine News. “So I really appreciate that some organizations are helping me and my family
Proposition 8 Rallies Energize Queer Community (tags)
Rejecting the "safe" namby-pamby campaign against Proposition 8 that kept Queer people in the closet and lost anyway, young Gay activists are mobilizing on the Internet and holding mass rallies and marches to offer militant resistance to the anti-marriage initiative. Leo E. Laurence, who started the first Gay-liberation group in San Francisco in January 1969 (five months before Stonewall), finds these new activists reminiscent of himself and his colleagues in the late 1960's and early 1970's.
Hotel Workers Rising: Call for Liveable Wages and Humane Workloads (tags)
Hotel service workers of the union Unite Here! Local 19 demonstrated in front of downtown San Jose hotels. They won community support for their 2008 contract negotiations as part of a larger struggle to transform traditionally low-wage hospitality jobs into unionized family-sustaining employment nationwide.
Long Beach Mass Action, July 10 Displays Community Unity (tags)
More than 600 people turned out in a two-hour march-rally last July 10 proving that the community is “the heart of Long Beach” The march led by the Long Beach Coalition for Better Jobs and Healthy Communities started with a picket at the Hilton Hotel at around 5:00 PM . Then the coalition marched to the Long Beach light house near the Aquarium of the Pacific where they held an hour long rally. Led by Hilton Hotel workers who are organizing themselves, Filipinos, Latinos, African- American hotel workers demanded hotel administration neutrality over their efforts to organize themselves.
LAX hotel workers 30 hour mega sit in starts today (tags)
The LAX Hotel workers are still hip-deep in their fight for the right to bargain collectively, and they're reaching out to the broader community to join them in a novel action coming up on the 16th and 17th of June.
September 28th: End the Abuse of Immigrant Workers (tags)
250 immigrant workers, religious leaders, community members and students have already committed to risk arrest, call on others to join them
March and Rally in Support of Hotel Workers this Thursday 29th (tags)
March and Rally in Support of Hotel Workers this Thursday 29th
Los Angeles. Local 11 members--housekeepers, cooks, servers, dishwashers, bellmen, front desk and PBX workers—announced a boycott this week of the nine luxury hotels of the Hotel Employers' Council after six months of threats and intimidation, the fear of an employer lockout, and termination of the workers' union contract. Elected officials, community groups, and clergy vow to honor the request “to avoid eating, meeting or sleeping” at hotels involved in the labor dispute to put financial pressure on the Hotel Council. Below find pictures of the picket line in front of the Wilshire Grand Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, November 18th at 7:30 PM.
Two week strike called at 4 SF hotels (tags)
Hotel workers call a two week strike at 4 San Francisco hotels.
Hotel workers vote to authorize strike (tags)
Workers at 14 upscale hotels vote by 97% to authorize strike.
Any news from the hotel workers wildcat action? (tags)
The front page of todays LA Buisness section reported on the hotel workers in downtown LA shutting down a street for quite some time... Any IMCistas have news?
Hotel workers demand their rights in Santa Monica (tags)
At the posh Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, surrounded by a preposterous police presence in full riot gear, low-wage hotel workers rallied for their right to organize. Senator Paul Wellstone, AFL-CIO President John Sweeney and Rev. Jesse Jackson came out to represent.