fix articles 112845, africanist
Sierra Leone Movement Under Attack! (tags)
Slanderous news media has appeared in a government linked newspaper and a campaign of rumors has been initiated, obviously designed to undermine and isolate the Africanist Movement and its director, Chernoh Alpha M. Bah. Sierra LeoneĆs neocolonial government is apparently moving to criminalize the Africanist Movement in order to justify jailing and/or otherwise destroying these courageous leaders of our struggle for African self-determination.
South African leader tours U.S.; says conditions worse than apartheid (tags)
Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) tour exposes ongoing South African oppression and poverty under Mbeki and Mandela; conditions for most South Africans today - "Worse than Apartheid!"
Solidarity Campaign Hosts Revolutionary Speakers from Africa (tags)
The African People's Solidarity Committee has launched a campaign to gain support and resources from the white community for the international African liberation movement. The campaign will culminate in mid-October with a series of events across the U.S. featuring speakers from Africa, multi-media presentations and cultural performances. (see
Africanist Movement establishes program for 2007 Sierra Leone elections (tags)
The Africanist Movement, an organization based in several territories in West Africa, launches its revolutionary national democratic program that will provide solutions for the desperate problems facing African people and expose the neocolonial petty bourgeoisie contending for power through the electoral process. This general campaign is occurring during the election season in Sierra Leone, where in early August members of parliament and a new president will be elected.