fix articles 114467, contains Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : contains

contains tell you The beauty effectiveness of pearl (tags)

Talk about the skin care, people's first reaction is cosmetics ,Few people will think of gold, diamonds, pearls and other jewelry, in fact, the gold and silver jewelry is now also become skin care as raw materials.

"Spinning" the U.S. Passport (tags)

The Public Relations arm of the U.S. government takes a "stab" at your travel documents.

Campaign to ban synthetic sweetener aspartame gaining global ground (tags)

Mission Possible Intl and Phoenix Environmental Institute team up to get aspartame banned globally. Aspartame Awareness Weekend.

copyfight beruit (tags)

The band Beruit played at Avalon in Los Angeles on Oct 11, with Colleen opening (and another band before that but didn't catch the guy's name). This torrent contains a bunch of audio recordings of the show:

Is Chicago slated to be the next 911? (tags)

I believe that a subliminal audio propaganda campaign is being conducted on some or all Americans that is designed to incite murderous hatred directed at muslims and at some point trigger a massive wave of violence across America directed against such persons. I further believe that a "catalyzing event" has been planned that will throw this country into a state of emergency, thus laying the foundation for hate groups and citizen militias to "Act Out".

Extremely localized LA economics poster series (tags)

"Your stars will abandon you and you will kick me out of your house."

Forage and Guerrilla Gardening (tags)

By growing our own foods and foraging native edibles, we can liberate ourselves from petrochemical industry dependency.

Empty Vee: Lights On, Nobody Home (tags)

I was watching the very first night MTV was on the air, back in the eighties. i saw that buggles video. Now it looks like censorship has utterly silenced the once vital music station. (admittedly, the eighties were a long time ago.)

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