fix articles 114780, paul chagolla
Cops deny attending meetings to keeps cops from getting tickets (tags)
DPS and Sheriff Joe deny attending meeting where Scottsdale cops agreed to squash speeding tickets of other cops. Scottsdale cops can't remember the names of the DPS and Maricopa County Sheriff Officers who attended those meetings, but say the meetings took place!
Cops get out of ALL photo radar tickets issued (tags)
Scottsdale Police made a deal with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and the Arizona Department of Public Safety in January to ignore their own speed violations snapped by the city’s pilot Loop 101 photo enforcement system
Sheriff Joe - One a**hole know world wide!!! (tags)
Officers indicted in jail assaults (tags)
Three Phoenix police officers accused of roughhousing prisoners at Maricopa County's Fourth Avenue Jail have been indicted on charges of aggravated assault.