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The Mexican government has a long history of mistreating and ommiting the voices of its internal indigenous population. One nearby example is the genocide of the Cucapá of Mexicali, who have been denied fishing permits, eventhough they have been fishing in this valley for over 9,000 years; indeed before the area was even called Mexico. For more information: Héctor at (951)288-8319 or at *
Campamento Zapatista-EVENTO (tags)
El gobierno Mexicano tiene una larga historia de maltratar e ignorar las voces de sus pueblos indigenas. ¿Quién puede olvidar las masacres, los desplazos y la marginación extrema? En pocas palabras, el genocidio de nuestrros pueblos Indigenas!
Urgent: Attack against Ricardo adherent to the Other Campaign (tags)
Ricardo Dominguez, a member of the Other Campaign, was brutally attacked in San Cristobal after the EZLN Intergalatica earlier this month. He is in urgent need of $7,000 of operations to improve his grave condition. Solidarity donations can go to the account INBURSA 40124412465 in name of Ramona Cardoso Beltrán.
Zapatistas in Atenco: Chapias Caracoles Reopen (tags)
Zapatista leaders meet in San Salvador de Atenco and discuss future plans.
Protestors rally near the City of Industry to fight a government-corporate land grab in the small Mexican town of San Salvador Atenco.
Zapatista Red Alert: The Other Mexico on the Verge of an Explosion from Below (tags)
The Story Behind the Zapatista Red Alert as the Other Campaign Arrives at Zero Hour
May 1: Zapatistas/ La Otra 2 March on US Embassy in Solidarity with Migrants (tags)
"It was there that Marcos decided to drop an information bomb on two governmental powers: the Mexican federal government and 'the Yankee Embassy' of Washington and Wall Street:
EZLN Otra Campana asambleas begin (tags)
The Zapatistas began today the first of a series of town-hall like meetings that will comprise the bulk of a six-month nationwide caravan dubbed as the Other Campaign. The campaign will touch every state in Mexico and aspires to form a wide-ranging non-electoral and anti-capitalist alliance that can be a powerful enough of a force to implement a new constitution for Mexico.