fix articles 1163, public school
CAIR as new thought Police (tags)
Is the Council on American Islamic relations attempting to censor libraries?
Letter to Silver Lake NC Opposing Colocation of Micheltorena (tags)
Open Letter to Silver Lake NC Regarding motion opposing Prop 39 Colocation of Micheltorena Street ES
The Truth about Proposition 39 Colocations (tags)
A look at the divisiveness caused by Prop 39 which allows corporate charters to occupy public schools.
Gabriella Charter Corporation further encroaches Logan Street Public Elementary School (tags)
Gabriella Charter School Corporation has illegally occupied the Auditorium at Echo Park's Logan Street Elementary School, a public school.
State of Emergency Declared for Public School Funding (tags)
California community members, parents, and students joined teachers statewide declaring a State of Emergency caused by years of merciless budget cuts gutting public schools and social services.
The importance of this Tuesday's runoff election for school board (tags)
Tuesday's election will determine whether we have a school board member who listens to our community and parents or one beholden to the deep pocketed corporate charter school sector. If you live in LAUSD District 5, your vote matters.
Echo Park Moms leading the way. Demand your right to vote! No more LAUSD privatization wit (tags)
Echo Park Moms 4 Education lead the struggle to save the public advisory vote, the only democratic portion of LAUSD's deceptively named Public School Choice motion which gives away public schools.
FIS recommends removing the last semblance of democracy from an already undemocratic proce (tags)
LAUSD's Public School Choice is already an anti-democratic measure to give public schools away to private charter corporations. Removing the advisory vote makes PSC all the more totalitarian and entirely removes community and parental voice. Either keep the advisory votes or repeal PSC altogether. This article discusses the document LAUSD is using to justify this move.
Speaking truth to Camino Nuevo Charter Academy Revisionists (tags)
While the charter-voucher supporters dominate the narrative, public school supporters still have the facts on our side. Rather than allow corporate voices drown us out, we must choose to explain why communities want public schools.
Voters chose public school Echo Park Community plan over CNCA corporate charter school by (tags)
Parent continue to organize in support of the public school plan in hopes that LAUSD will consider the wishes of the community over the deep pocked interests of CNCA.
The real question is, does the CCSA disseminate any information that isn't biased and inco (tags)
Looking at how the insatiably greedy executives and staffs of the California Charter School Association and Families That Can rigged the PSC 2.0 advisory votes to convert more public schools into privately run charters.
Get out the Public School Vote for CRES 14 during this week's PSC 2.0 Advisory! (tags)
Support Public Schools! Vote for the Local District 4 and Echo Park Community Partners Design Team Plan for CRES 14 during this week's PSC 2.0 Advisory!
Public School is Poison for our Children (tags)
School cuts are destroying projects that are an antidote to school, schools have been limiting our children's rights and school can't teach our children but force them to memorize which we won't remember later.
Cities and states face brutal cutbacks (tags)
BALTIMORE – In what could be called a “Thanksgiving massacre,” public school officials here handed out pink slips to 710 Baltimore City Public School (BCPS) employees. At least 1,000 are expected to have lost their jobs by January.
ACLU: School Vouchers Will Hurt Poor Kids (tags)
The voucher program encourage the violation of students' civil rights because private and religious schools would not have to comply with federal, state or local civil rights laws in order to recieve tax dollars.