fix articles 118402, rafael caldera
On the death of president Chavez/No hero/No dictator (tags)
The late Venezuelan president Chavez deserves appreciation for his social ''Bolivarian'' programs and his anti imperialist engagement. However, reprehensible sides of his reign are the repression in Venezuela and the oppression of the freedom of expression. His friendly relationships with dictators like Assad, Lushenko and Kaddafi are disgustable. Therefore he doesn't deserve the unconditional praise he gets from his leftist admirors.
Venezuela Breaks Relations with Colombi (tags)
“There is no evidence, not a single piece of proof, of where those photographs were taken”, said Chaderton, adding that the “evidence” presented by Colombia was “confusing, imprecise and non-convincing. Last year Colombia opened its territory to seven US military bases in an agreement that the US Air Force claimed was necessary in order to conduct “full spectrum military operations” throughout South America to “combat the constant threat of anti-American governments in the region.”
Understanding the origin of public insecurity (tags)
* Article originally published in spanish language in El Libertario, Venezuela, # 54, September-October 2008, that analyzes and goes over the problem of criminal violence through its social impact on contemporary Venezuela.
Venezuela: EL LIBERTARIO ante las elecciones del 23/N (tags)
* De cara a las próximas elecciones para gobernadores, alcaldes y consejos legislativos regionales a realizarse en Venezuela, el Colectivo Editor de El Libertario hace pública su posición, que se condensa en la consigna: "Elegir nuevos amos no hará más ligeras nuestras cadenas".
WSF Caracas: Shroud for Venezuela’s social movements (tags)
* A member of the group promoting the Alternative Social Forum explains why the World Social Forum (WSF), taking place in Caracas during January 2006, is another attempt by the Chavez government to impede the autonomous development of social struggles in the country.
FSM Caracas: mortaja para los movimientos sociales venezolanos (tags)
* Un integrante del grupo promotor del Foro Social Alternativo explica por qué el Foro Social Mundial, a realizarse en enero de 2006 en Caracas, es otra vuelta de tuerca en el esfuerzo del gobierno de Chávez por impedir el desarrollo autónomo de luchas sociales consecuentes en el país.
Venezuela: Chávez decreta saqueo de Imataca (tags)
* Los intereses de las multinacionales del oro pulverizaron las promesas del Presidente Chávez * Destrucción de ancestrales selvas, contaminación de ríos con cianuro, inestabilidad ecológica, degradación de comunidades indígenas, pobreza y desolación son los legados de generaciones futuras en esta extensa porción del país * Ley de Pueblos Indígenas: último clavo en el ataúd de las riquezas naturales y culturales de Imataca
venezuala's press power (tags)
by maurice lemoine sept 11 2002
Venezuela's press power abuse (tags)
This is an outstanding and well-documented analysis of the role that the private corporate capitalist media played in orchestrating the April 2002 coup against the democratically- elected Venezuelan government which is led by Hugo Chavez.