fix articles 12112, forever
Women I Know Get Raped - Too Many Times To Count! (tags)
It's the risk you take to be out there.
February 19th, the 50th day of the year, will now be known as Forever Fierce Day to show women that aging isn’t something to fear, but rather something to embrace and to provide inspiring role models to the public, media, and brands of women who defy the current conceptions of Midlife.
Abused tiger retiring to Florida sanctuary after South American circus rescue (tags)
Hoover the tiger has found his forever home
LA Workers Ask for Solidarity (tags)
The website is doing something very special and we should boost them.
The toll of privatization and the ideology of “there is no alternative” (tags)
One million people are estimated to have died as a result of capitalist “shock therapy” in the former Soviet bloc; other health indications demonstrate a catastrophic toll from capitalist offensives.
Never Forever 21: Round 3 (tags)
One of the organizers reported a demonstration in solidarity at a Forever 21 outlet in San Diego. Indeed, this campaign is country-wide. However, not all of Forever 21's stores have the same name (even within Southern California). The names tend to be variations on Forever 21, like Forever Fabulous.
Never Forever 21 Action: Round 3 4/25/09 (tags)
The South Central Farm is the people's land, given to us by Mayor Tom Bradley, in 1993 after the Los Angeles Uprising. The people built an inner-city paradise, the nation's largest urban farm. In 2006, Mayor Bradley's promise was broken: the Los Angeles City Council took the land away and gave it to a developer to build a mammoth shipping center for the sweatshop clothing manufacturer Forever 21. We're here today to tell Forever 21 that we won't work for sweatshops, that we are Farmers. We are the people: the Farm is our land!
Why I Broke Up With My Republican Boyfriend (tags)
It's just not worth it.
Actions Against Forever 21 Continue (tags)
“What's going on here is environmental racism. Why are we always putting warehouses or pollution in certain areas? Why don't they put the warehouse here [in Old Town Pasadena]? We know that they're not going to put a warehouse here where they're going to have diesel trucks—50 an hour—coming in this area raising the asthma rates, raising the cancer rates. They're not going to allow that here, but they're going to allow it in our community. And they're going to say, 'That's what they're used to, that's what they deserve, that's what it's zoned for.'” -- Rosa, South Central farmer/Food Not Bombs
Feb 21, 2009 Protest Forever 21 in Pasadena (tags)
The South Central Farmers have joined forces with student groups California Statewide MEChA and D-Q Unity to force the international teen clothing corporation Forever 21 to end plans for construction on the site of the South Central Farm and demand fair wages for its workers. The SCF Action Committee will lead a rally to kickoff a national boycott until the Farm is restored and stop worker abuse ended on Saturday, December 13, at noon at the Forever 21 "superstore" at 35 N. De Lacey Avenue in Pasadena, one block north of Colorado Avenue.
Whatever the exact count of the demonstrators was, they could not be missed. When they marched across the busy intersection of Colorado and DeLacey--filling up the crosswalk-- they chanted “Boycott Forever 21! Boycott Forever 21!” Their voices were very audible and clear, and their signs eye-catching.
Never Forever 21 Coalition, South Central Farmers Rally, Saturday, December 13th, 12PM-3PM (tags)
ECOLOGY + JUSTICE NO FOREVER 21 SAVE THE FARM SAVE THE WORKERS SAVE THE NEIGHBORHOOD LOS ANGELES--The South Central Farmers have joined forces with student groups California Statewide MEChA and D-Q Unity to force the international teen clothing corporation Forever 21 to end plans for construction on the site of the South Central Farm and demand fair wages for its workers. The SCF Action Committee will lead a rally to kickoff a national boycott until the Farm is restored and stop worker abuse ended on Saturday, December 13, at noon at the Forever 21 "superstore" at 35 N. De Lacey Avenue in Pasadena, one block north of Colorado Avenue.
South Central Farmers Demand Ethics Investigation of Local Officials (tags)
Citing an apparent conflict of interest, the South Central Farmers are demanding that California's State Attorney General investigate the sale of the site of the South Central Farm by Los Angeles city officials to local developer Ralph Horowitz for a trucking center for women's clothing manufacturer and retailer Forever 21.
The Temple of Love Endorses the Global Green Parties (tags)
It’s a matter of survival.
New Book Argues L.A. Country Music Culture Not Always So Conservative (tags)
While country music and SoCal's "Okie culture" are often thought to have been forever aligned with racial and social conservatism, this has not always been so true according to author Peter La Chapelle in his new book, Proud to Be an Okie: Cultural Politics, Country Music, and Migration to Southern California.
Garment Workers–Demonstration Against Forever 21 & Sweatshops (tags)
In front of the Santa Monica Mall, Saturday May 29th between 3 PM and 4 PM more than 50 garment workers protested against Forever 21 labor practices and sweatshops. Below find 13 pictures, a 70 seconds video, and the content of a Garment Worker Center’s flyer.
Alex Jones ( says they plan to extend life forever.
Empowering Los Angeles’ immigrant workers: (tags)
Over 100 community supporters are anticipated to mark the one-year anniversary of two emerging campaigns for immigrant workers’ rights in a town hall meeting. Supporters will discuss the larger context and national implications of the Forever 21 and Assi Market campaigns, as well as learn about the latest directions of both efforts.
Beverly Center security (center) and Forever 21 associates (right and left) documnent everyone involved in the "Boycott Forever 21" action. Go to for more info.
Pic #6 May 18th Garment Workers Protest FOREVER XXI (tags)
Location: West Hollywood CA Info: Forever 21's Beverly Center storefront. Projected earnings for 2001 were up to $400 million. (As reported by the Garment Worker Center)
Pic #5 May 18th Garment Workers Protest FOREVER XXI (tags)
Location: West Hollywood CA Info: Comment: The man carrying the green lettered sign is referring to Forever 21's hiring of the law firm, Lathan and Watkins to defend them while refusing to negotiate with the workers. (As reported by the Garment Worker Center)
Pic #1 May 18th Garment Workers Protest FOREVER XXI (tags)
Location: West Hollywood CA Information: Comment: Workers carry signs calling for the boycott of Forever XXI and an end to sweatshop factories. Workers demand back wages and a better work envronment. Beverly Center security records the event.
Report from the Beverly Center Forever XXI demo (tags)
Latest Information and Flyers: LAX INS Protest, Forever 21Campaign (tags)
**Latest Information and Flyers: LAX INS Protest, Forever 21Campaign **For More Information Please check
How to live forever
Detailed Report on Sunday's Forever 21 Demo on Santa Monica Promenade (tags)
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) joined forces with local Garment Workers on Sunday Night in a spectacular demonstration on Santa Monica's third street promanade; specifically protesting exploitative textile manufacturer Forever 21, but also calling for an end to all economic injustice.
Demonstrators Outside of Forever 21 store in Santa Monica (tags)
Members of the Taco Bell Truth Tour join local organizers in protesting sweatshop conditions at "Forever 21" factories this evening at the Santa Monica promenade.
Spectacular Demonstration/March on Santa Monica Promenade. Boycott Forever 21! (tags)
In one of the most inspired and riveting demonstrations in the past few months in Los Angeles, around 500 people virtually took over the Santa Monica promenade this evening with a dramatic and well-received demonstration and march calling for a Boycott of the Forever 21 clothing line in specific, and an end to all sweatshop labor practices in general!!!
Billionaires at the Galleria (tags)
On Saturday the 22nd, the Billionaires for Bush/Gore/Greater Corporate Profits sang some "carols" at Forever 21 in the Glendale Galleria. Photo by Mike Snow.
Religious Supporters Declare "Season of Conscience" and Join Boycott Against Forever 21 (tags)
This is the press release for the Saturday demonstration. Forever 21 can rake in $400 million this year, but the people who make the clothes are paid sub-minimum. If this rubs you the wrong way, show up and protest.
Forever 21 Graphic
Forever 21 Graphic
Forever 21 Graphic
Forever 21 Graphic
Tis The Season To Fight For Justice--For Garment Workers at Forever 21! (tags)
Join Mobilization for the Human Family in this Season of Conscience Demonstration in Support of the Boycott of "Forever 21" Stores And to Support Los Angeles Garment Workers in Their Fight for Justice from retailer Forever 21! Saturday, December 15
Big Turnout and Big Support for Forever 21 Picket (tags)
Over 150 people turned out to support a boycott against Forever 21 for garment worker abuses.
Over 50 garment workers and activists gathered at the Fashion 21 store on N. Lake in Pasadena today in a continuing campaign against the parent company, Forever 21. The campaign is in support of a lawsuit filed by the Garment Workers' Center against the company and six Los Angeles factories. The workers are asking for back pay and improved working conditions.
Activist Matt Horton was arrested on a misdemeanor charge, cited and then released today in Pasadena for giving flyers to motorists stopped at a traffic light during the demonstration at the Fashion 21 (a subsidiary of Forever 21) store.
Garment Workers Launch Campaign Against Local Sweatshop (tags)
Los Angeles-Nineteen garment workers are joining together to launch a public campaign against Forever 21, a popular retailer of young women's clothing. Picket and press conference Thursday, 9/6. Join the fight against sweatshops.