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March 4th: Santa Barbara and UCSB stormed by large student-worker movement (tags)
The growing student-worker movement in Santa Barbara and Goleta flexes its muscle.
Aviva Chomsky lecture:"Rethinking Labor and Environmental Histories" (tags)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
CLAREMONT - The scholar and labor historian Aviva Chomsky gave a talk titled "Rethinking Labor and Environmental Histories" at Pitzer College, a private college 35 miles east of Downtown Los Angeles. The lecture was part of the series "Capitalism in Question (Because it is)," which continues through May.
Al Gore gave a speech today at NYU University sponserd by
This is an interesting analysis of Billionaire finanical predator, George Soros, and his covert funding and sponsorship of the pro-establisment "Peace movement" in the USA. Soros' empire not only has its tentacles in the Peace movement but also in the (cough, cough)"Alternative" media outlets which have desperately tried to downplay and smear any questioning of US government sponsorship/involvement in 9-11 as "conspiracy theory." Soros has also provided funding to Indymedia(!) with its contribution to LA Indymedia during the protests at the Democratic Party convention in 2000.
The Peace Movement Continues - Report-back Oct. 13th in Westwood (tags)
As the drumbeat of war persists and American bombs continue to fall on Afghanistan, the peace movement here at home persists in sending a message that many Americans are in strong opposition to this war.