fix articles 123366, james stewart
A Venice Rawesome Story (tags)
Venice Beach’s Lost Organic Food Club: forgotten and Ignored by some of the so-called progressive left.
Autonomy under attack: Rawesome Foods raided (tags)
Rawesome Farm Buying Club was Raided by SWAT and FDA agents. Nearly all of their raw foods were seized.
What They're Really Saying in the Debates (tags)
A brief analysis of the televised debates between vice-presidential candidates Sarah Palin and Joseph Biden October 2 and presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain October 7. The post also includes a transcript of the answers Palin and Biden gave to the question on the legal rights of same-sex couples, including whether they should have marriage equality.
Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? (tags)
The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.
Artivist Film Festival opens tomorrow in LA / Activist Documentary Films (tags)
Attached is an mp3 featuring an interview with, Bernadette Armstrong, programmer for the festival. Sheila Laffey, one of the directors of "The Last Stand - Heroes at Ballona Wetlands" and Morgan Spurlock, director of "Supersize Me" and "Blue Vinyl" co-director Judith Helfand. Schedule and info in article below