fix articles 12405, dan white
9/11,Carl Levin,Senator Jane Harman International,Kuwait Securacom, Marvin Bush,Al Sabah (tags)
After all they are royalty,both Sheikh Sabah al Sabah of Kuwait and Queen Jane Harman of Venice, California,aren't they ? And now one of the Sheikh most loyal subjects and leader of the Kuwait orchestrated illegal Harman International NYSE pump and dump to defraud American small investors is dead.Just goes to show as that old saying goes dead men or dead subjects of the Sheikh can't tell tales.
One and One-Half Class Citizen (tags)
The California Supreme Court decision on May 26 upholding the validity of Proposition 8, the ban on same-sex marriage voters approved in last November’s election, but also ruling that the estimated 18,000 same-sex marriages in California between June 15 and November 4, 2008 were still legal, left the same-sex couples who got married in time (including this author) in an anomalous position. We can’t really call ourselves second-class citizens because our marriages are still in force, but we can’t call ourselves first-class citizens either because other couples with love and mutual commitment equal to our own can no longer follow suit. In a sense, the voters and the courts have granted us “special rights” we neither wanted nor expected.
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked Securities Fraud (tags)
Mr.Giuliani never even realised that supposed WTC survivor and activist Tania Head was a 9/11 fraud just like himself ! While Tanya Head practiced for many years at being a WTC survivor her leading rival in post 9/11 fame or infamy as the case may be,was Rudy Giuliani,an unpopular NYC Mayor who had made a miraculous post 9/11 comeback along with his police commissioner Bernie Kerrik. Rudy Giuliani so full of himself and determined to promote or 'pump' his rising Myth American status never really noticed the holes in Tania Head's tale of survival in the WTC perhaps because he was too busy covering up his own.
This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...