fix articles 126283, robert f. kennedy human rights award
BTL:Poor New Orleans Residents Struggle to Have Their Say on... (tags)
...City's Reconstruction ~ Interview with Steve Bradberry, lead New Orleans organizer with ACORN, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus
Demonstrations at Two Santa Cruz Taco Bells in Solidarity with CIW (tags)
On February 27, at least 300 people took part in demonstrations focusing on the sweatshop conditions in the Florida fields where Taco Bell's tomatoes are picked. People rallied at the Mission St. Taco Bell before marching through parts of Santa Cruz and on to the Laurel St. Taco Bell.
Massive Farmworker Actions in early March (tags)
the Coalition of Immokalee Workers is coming to LA March 2-5 as part of its 2004 Taco Bell Truth Tour!
the Taco Bell Truth Tour set to hit LA and OC one more time (tags)
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers set the dates for the next major Taco Bell boycott action at Taco Bell Headquarters in Irvine, CA
Taco Bell Strikers Get RFK Humanitarian Award (tags)
I'm reposting this press release from the CIW. The organizers of the strike, who started out as field workers, got a big award!