fix articles 126429, millionaire
Bu$h Family Plutocracy... WHITE HOUSE ... LAWN SALE ... now going on (tags)
also... SEE em on TV... bu$h family gangsters - WAR-drob - GANG COLORS - OIL BLACK SUITS with BLOOD RED TIES...$h%20WASH%20ROOM%20777%20pg.htm
WHITE HOUSE... PROTEST... Oct 26... WILL LOOK LIKE THIS... see you there... from www.Roger (tags)
permission given... to copy and circulate this image far and wide... If ONLY... WE the PEOPLE... could get close enough to VOICE OUR... Right to Free SPEECH & Assembly
IT IS... Bu$h Family Oil Corporate, U.S.A. PLUTOCRACY STUPID... Government by the MULTI-MI (tags)
U.S.A. Government 2002 Is Now... Today... by the Multi-millionaires for the Multi-millionaires of the Multi-millionaire Class... DANGER AMERICA... Multi - Millionaire Class... NOW - OWN - the U.S.A. Military...