fix articles 126594, stonewall democrats
What's in a Name? "San Diego Democrats for Equality" (tags)
The mountain labored at the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club September 22 and produced the club's new name: "San Diego Democrats for Equality." The push to change the club's name was sparked by several members who thought the original name, approved when the club started in 1974, was a relic of a more closeted age and the club needed a new name that more openly and proudly proclaimed its identity as a Queer-rights organization. Though the club voted overwhelmingly to change its name, there was considerable debate over what to change it to: out of the three proposed alternatives, the least openly Queer name, "San Diego Democrats for Equality," won a majority on the first ballot against "San Diego Stonewall Democrats" (after the event commonly, but inaccurately, thought to have started the U.S. Queer rights movement) and "San Diego LGBT Democrats."
Love Honor Cherish to Repeal Prop 8 in 2010 (tags)
Love Honor Cherish is the Victory in 2010 organization set up to repeal Propsition 8 which fascists promoted in November 2008 to put discrimination into our state Constitution, this time against gays, and the longer it sits there, the more likely other discirmination provisions will be inserted in our state Constitution. We only need 700,000 votes to Repeal Prop 8 in November 2010!
Join this Tuesday evening for ...Los Angeles Day of Remembrance. (tags)
The Transgender Day of Remembrance was set aside to memorialize those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. The event is held globally every November 20th .