fix articles 127004, no thanks
Let the advertising die! (tags)
Advertising leads to useless purchases because it often persuades consumers to have needs instead of satisfying existing desires. This leads to excessive consumption of resources and materials and thus damages the environment.
The Guy That Just Said, “Yeah? No Thanks.” (tags)
Standing up to conflict and harassment can seem a difficult thing. It's never easy for anyone and really who can say they've truly faced all that life has to offer in the way of trials and tribulations without having gone through some measure of harassment or maltreatment at least once? Of course harassment is relative and what is harsh treatment to one person, or deemed behavior that crosses a line, is merely everyday stuff to another. But there are laws and institutional regulations that define boundaries and denote specific behavior as going too far. Additionally there is the common sense most of us developed over our lifetimes.
"The End Game" by Elmar Altvater (tags)
Exodus from the fossil energy regime may not be entrance into a nuclear energy regime since that could lead to catastrophe. No one can exclude a new Chernobyl with 1300 new nuclear reactors by 2050. Elmar Altvater is an emeritus professor at the Free University of Berlin.
Exposing the Thanksgiving myth
The corruption of US holidays for patriotism and profit.
GrannyD Please! Put Michael Moore Over Your KNEE (tags)
Moore's books can really Goad. Now he's effectively been Mind-conTRoLLed. M.M. can really be a disher-outer, now hope he can be a pun-taker as We point out he IS a Fakir. Pointing out the Mold, Alot of books he has Sold. Now it can be Told, Joining IN real participation with a True grassroots movement IS Bold. But he Falls in Line, saying No Thanks, I Fold.
"No Thanks" Presentation in OC This Sunday (tags)
Please see below
"No Thanks" Presentation/Educational Forum 11/23/03 (tags)
Please see below.
Find out why we do not give Thanks on "Thanksgiving."